"I just want to talk. Come on, let's go upstairs."

I realize pretty quickly that I don't want to go upstairs. Yet at the same time, I'm curious. How could I not be? This is the guy I've been waiting to go upstairs with for the past four years. Plus those years in high school.

I should be thrilled. However, I find myself wondering what's taking Ford so long with the drinks. I turn my head just as Wes and I start walking up the stairs. I see Ford coming out of the kitchen, two cups in hand.

He spots me and looks up to take Wes in. Then his smile fades.

I pull on Wes's hand and try to stop him. But he doesn't notice.

"Come on, Lana," he says as I watch Ford put the drinks down and head toward the door.


Busted. We're in what appears to be a little girl's room. From the massive amounts of pink and ruffles and Frozen paraphernalia, I have to assume a very girly girl. Wes is lounging on the bed, holding a teddy bear.

"Sorry. I was texting my friend. He gave me a ride here, and I think he may have left."

"Don't worry, baby. I can drive you home."

"Thanks." My fingers quickly tap out a message to Ford, and I hit send. "I hope Ford is okay."

Wes stops playing with the teddy bear and looks up. "Ford Campbell?"

I nod.

He drops the bear on the bed. "Are you guys still friends?"

"Yeah. We've been friends forever."

A moan escapes his lips. "Right, forgot about that. Listen, it was just a dumb bet."

I tilt my head and narrow my eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"That night. You know."

I shake my head.

"Prom," Wes says as he waves a flippant hand in the air and shrugs. "The bet I made to get you in bed." He holds his hands up in front of his chest. "I mean, I didn't film every girl I hooked up with."

It's as if the sound of brakes roar in my head. My mouth falls open, and I quickly close it.

"Ford threatened to turn me into the police. I don't know how he found out about it. Probably used his geeky little computer to hack into my personal thoughts or something."

"Yeah, computers don't work that way," I mumble. I push away from Wes and pace to the window as I gather my thoughts.

With the info I know already, I start making a list in my head. Wes had made a bet about sleeping with me. He thought about filming it, too? Ford somehow knew about it. Ford got Wes to leave me alone.

"That was like ten years ago, though, Lana."

I turn to face Wes. "It was four years ago."

"Huh. Feels like more."

I walk over to him and jut a finger in his general direction. "Let me get this straight. You had some kind of bet to hook up with me, and to prove you succeeded, you were going to film it?"

"Yeah, you know. Just a good-natured bet."

"You're disgusting."