We've known each other for so long. No one knows me better than Ford Campbell.

On cue, I hear his car horn. Looking out my bedroom window, he spots me and waves and I wave back. I stop for a spritz of perfume before I dash down the stairs and yank the door open.

I pull up short to see that Ford has exited the car and is standing on my front porch with his hands in his pockets. "Ready?" he asks. "You smell good," he adds.

"Just some perfume," I say. Then I take him in.

Ford looks like ... totally Ford. He's wearing jeans, a button-down plaid shirt over a--what else--vintage Star Wars tee. Only, there is something else. Something ... sexier. OMG. Did I just think my best friend looked sexy?

"Why is your face getting red?" he asks.

"No reason. Let's go." I slam the door shut, grab his hand, and quickly head for his car.

It only takes us five minutes to drive to the party. I remember the girl who's throwing it even though Ford is clueless. Shocker. Still, as we walk around the house taking in all the kids of varying ages from high school to recent college grads, neither of us is really comfortable.

"Who are all these people?"

Ford shrugs. "Hell if I know." Like me, he looks around the room. "I think I saw Scott and JT over there. Other than that, I feel like we're party crashing."

"Want to go see if we know anyone outside?"


We make our way through the kitchen, stopping to snag a couple of Jell-O shots, and then out the door onto the deck.

"Oh look," I say pointing. There is a white gazebo in the backyard, all bedazzled in twinkly lights. "Come on."

"Are you going to make me act out Twilight again?" he asks.

I shove him. "Shut up. That was one freaking time. And that waterfall we came across while hiking reminded me of Forks." Sticking a finger in his face, I huff. "Besides, I know you read that book."

"Didn't need to." He chuckles. "You practically recited it for me on a daily basis."

I do a little turn in the gazebo. "How could I not? Romance and werewolves and vampires ..."

"Speaking of things that suck." Ford hops up on the railing. "I didn't catch Wes Givens inside."

I bite my lip. "Maybe he won't show up."

"And maybe he'll go to something else interesting that's happening in town. Oh, wait. That's right. Nothing else ever goes on in this town."

I laugh. "True."

"So your lover boy will be here."

Sighing, I let my shoulders rise and drop. "I don't get why you don't like Wes or my plan to hook up with him now. Do you want me to live with regret for the rest of my life?"

"You got close that one night."

Prom, senior year. How could I ever forget? We'd both gone to the dance with different people, but at the after party we almost hooked up.

"I'm just glad I kept you from hooking up with him senior year," he says under his breath.

I whirl around to face him. It's clear from Ford's expression that he hadn't meant to say that out loud.

"What did you say?" I ask, although I'm sure I heard him correctly.

"Lana," he begins. But then he stops, puts his hands in the air.