Drew snatched her hand, holding it tight, his body inches from hers. "I'm his brother. If I don't speak the truth to him, who will?"

"You should've spoken your piece before the wedding weekend."

"In a perfect world, yes." He released her. Her hand tingled where his had been. "But I didn't know about the ceremony until two days ago. He didn't tell me because he knew what I would say. What does that tell you, Ansley?"

"That he's a smart guy."

"You don't know what you're talking about. This ... this whole wedding isn't about love, it's about ... lust ... or some fantasy."

"Oh, you're some sort of expert, are you?"

"Let's say I've had a few experiences."

"The kind that makes you bitter? Envious of other people? The kind that make you fly thousands of miles to break up a wedding? By the way, what kind of businessman doesn't have a cellphone?"

A red hue ran under his high cheeks. "You shouldn't talk about stuff of which you know nothing." He walked toward the door, his back straight and stiff, the edges of his hair curling at the top of his neck. "Have a good day, Ansley."

She paused in front of him as she exited the room, shaking her hand, trying to release the feel of his touch. Of the overwhelming sensation that with Drew Callahan, she'd be safe. "Stay out of their way, Drew."

"Sure, and you stay out of mine, Ansley."

He thought of her all day. He should be irritated, but the girl with the hazel eyes and determined soul drove him to distraction.

Heading to the beach for a run, he passed the rehearsal ballroom, pausing as a soft melody slipped around the open door, the singer's smooth, raspy voice capturing him.

"Sometimes you have to let go and trust your heart."

Peering around the door, he saw Ansley on stage with her guitar, eyes closed, singing as if she were the only troubadour in the universe.

He swallowed hard, quelling his pounding heart. Her melody, her posture, made him want to hold her, kiss her, and say things to her he'd not said to a woman in a long time--if ever.

When the last chord rang out, Drew slipped away. He didn't want to be moved. Or soften to love. He wanted his brother to come to his senses.

He'd spent the afternoon trying to reason with Tyler. But the more his brother talked, the more Drew felt his argument weakening.

By the time the sun was about to set, he'd been argued out and needed the run to clear his mind. He told Ty not to expect him at the rehearsal.

"You're just projecting your broken heart on me. I won't let you, Drew."

Ty's words reverberated through Drew as he ducked through the lobby for the beachside exit.

"I saw you. Listening."

He turned to see Ansley coming his way. "I wasn't necessarily hiding. Nice song by the way."

"I wrote it for Ty and Noel. Going to cut it on my next album. Maybe they'll have a hit song dedicated to their love."

"Or divorce." He pressed through the door onto the boardwalk, stretching.

She followed, laughing. "Wow, you are cynical. What did she do to you? And rehearsal is that way." She pointed toward the door. "In the ballroom. And you're going to be there."

He snorted. "You're going to bully me into going? Send a henchman in to break my arm?"

She knocked on his forehead. "Why are all the pretty ones so clueless? Drew, he's getting married with or without you. You abandon him now, you'll create a wedge that will take forever to fix. But if you go in there as his best man, you'll be his hero. What if, God forbid, your dire prediction comes true and something does go wrong in their marriage? Don't you want to be the first one he calls? I don't know what happened to create this bitterness in you, but don't paint it all over your brother."

Her bold truth cut through his weakening resolve. Losing his relationship with Ty would kill him. "But they've only known each other a few months." Even to his ears, his argument sounded weak and tired. Joyless.

"So? They love each other. Is that so hard to believe, Callahan?"