"I'd love to meet her. Tell her exactly what I'm telling you." A sad dread twisted in his chest. The burn and burden of being both brother and parent. The fear of Ty's heart breaking like Drew's. He couldn't bear it. He couldn't.

One day before New Year's Eve

ANSLEY RODE WITH HER mother to the hotel on the beach. She and Noel were staying in the honeymoon suite for Noel's last night as a single woman. Tomorrow night, Tyler would take Ansley's place.

"You slept well," Mom said, her reddish-brown hair whipping in the breeze. She'd insisted on dropping the top to her new convertible Mustang despite the cold late December morning. The woman who'd wanted Ansley to be a doctor recently started independently publishing sweet romance novels and apparently earned herself a new car.

And Dad had joined a golf club.

"Thanks for breakfast. It was good." Eggs, bacon, toast, a chilled Diet Coke. Mom carried it up to Ansley's room, the same one she'd slept in from eight to eighteen.

The home touches surprised her. She missed her family and the pieces of herself she lost while on the road.

Ten years ago, Ansley couldn't wait to leave. She bolted the day after she graduated from high school--a backpack trip through Europe with girlfriends, then off to Florida State to major in music--and never looked back.

She wanted to be a star. Away from the goody-goody life her parents espoused. But lately, she'd started to remember the sweet moments she had with Jesus and her guitar.

From her jean's pocket, her phone vibrated. Noel. Ansley answered with, "I'm about five minutes away."

"His brother ... he... he's trying to convince ... Tyler... too soon. He ... doesn't... know... me..." Noel's sobs echoed through to Ansley. "... not get married."

Ansley sat forward with a glance at her mother. "Noel, slow down. What are you saying?"

"His brother ..." Noel's sob echoed through Ansley. "Doesn't want us to get married. He said it's too soon ... we don't know each other well enough."

Who was this overreaching, evil brother? "Noel, we're almost there."

"What's going on?" Mom said, a side glance at Ansley.

"Tyler's brother is fighting the wedding. Told him it was too soon."

Mom clucked her tongue while Ansley promised to find the brother and give him a piece of her mind.

No one hurt her best friend.

Minutes later, Noel collapsed against Ansley as she crossed the honeymoon suite's threshold.

"Ans, what am I going to do? He's going to leave me. The love of my life ... What will I do without the love of my life?"

"Hush, hush, Ty is not going to leave you."

"We were fine ... doing great. So in love. So sure. Until his stupid brother showed up." Anger flashed over Noel's sorrow.

"What does Tyler want? What does he say?"

"H-he's thinking of ... postponing." Sadness rimmed her friend's blue eyes with red, tears welling and spilling over. "Going to Hawaii without me."

"Where's his room?" Ansley started for the door. Noel had been her rock when Ansley dropped out of Florida State to pursue music. She'd run interference with Ansley's parents, remind her of her dream when she faltered, and kept her life straight when she shot to stardom.

"What?" Noel dried her eyes. Blew her nose. "Are you going up there?"

"You bet."

"Ansley, now wait a minute." Mom, all sober and earth grounding. "If he can be that manipulated by his brother, maybe Noel is dodging a bullet here."

"Or, maybe he needs to be reminded how amazing she is and why he fell in love with her in the first place."

"Mrs. Moore, do you think we should wait?" Now Noel was caving. "I asked my mom, but she's as upset as I am."