Ansley leaned against the side of the plane, the world beyond the oval window dark with a moonless night, and studied him.

"I was stalked." Her words were quick, low, more to herself than Drew.

"Stalked?" He shifted in his seat, the fragrance of soap and cologne rising from his skin.

"A crazy fan. Followed me everywhere. Wanted to marry me." She raised her gaze to his.

He was listening. No one but Noel ever really listened to her. Her manager, her booking agent, her record label execs talked at her, through her, around her, about her, always trying to persuade her, yet never hearing her.

"That had to be scary."

She liked the cut of his jaw and the way his full lips held his next thought in check.

"Beyond ... He started out as an enthusiastic fan of An American Singer but fixated on me more and more with each episode."

"So you took to lying about your identity and wearing a ball cap."

"I traveled with a bodyguard for a year after he was arrested, but things settled, and this trip home didn't seem to require the usual entourage."

"Why not this trip?"

She grinned. "My best friend is getting married."

"Really? Must be the weekend for weddings. My bro--"

The flight attendant leaned in. "Miss Moore, can I get a quick picture?"

Ansley glanced at Drew. He nodded. Go ahead. Rising and stepping past him, she posed with the beaming woman.

"I love your music."

Thanking her, Ansley signed the back of her iPhone and returned to her seat.

"See, that wasn't so bad," Drew said.

"Enough about me." She adjusted her cap, raising it enough to scoop her hair from her face. "What about you? What does a man without a use for technology do for a living?"

"I have a little business. A-Hoi-Hou. A line of beach wear. Just getting started. Selling to the locals and tourist. But, um, if you're ever in Honolulu, come by the shop. I'll give you a discount." He offered his hand.

"Such generosity." Ansley slipped her hand into his, her eyes meeting his, his grip feeling perfect. "If I'm ever in Honolulu ..."

Pulling her hand free, she settled in her seat and started to dream of Hawaii.

Drew stepped into the cool, dewy night outside baggage claim. His duffle bag came out first, so he waved goodbye to Ansley and headed out. Tempted to ask for her number, he restrained the impulse. Being engaged to a socialite taught him love and devotion were not enough for some women. How much more so with a rising country singer?

And he simply refused to put his heart through the ache.

Between the shadows, he caught sight of his brother, Tyler, leaning against a sporty rental car idling along the curb.

"You made it." Tyler gripped Drew in a bear hug.

"Barely. And I'm starved." Drew tossed his bag in the rear seat.

"Not to worry. Noel's dad is taking good care of us." Tyler slipped behind the wheel and steered toward the main road.

Drew cut a side glance, exhaling. Did he get into it now or wait until a decent meal took the edge off?

"You're going to love Noel, Drew."