"A no talent?" He curled his fingers into his palm. This stranger awakened a desire he'd rather leave sleeping.

She laughed. "Thank you. For saving me. I owe you."

"You're not going to give me another hundred bucks, are you?"

"No." She made a face. "I didn't mean to insult you. I just wanted to show my appreciation."

"The common way is to say, 'Thank you.'"

"I did that. Perhaps I can text you a download link to my last record?"

"Thanks, but I don't have a cellphone."

She grimaced, eyes wide with disbelief. "You don't have a cellphone? Look, if you don't like my music, just say so. I won't be offended."

"I'd love a copy. But I'm serious; I don't have a cell." He patted his hip pants pockets to prove his point. Sometimes he traveled with his business cards, but not this time. He'd left Hawaii so quickly he barely had time to pack. Baby brother and his impulsive decisions had him in emergency mode. Drew held up his arm, pointing to his watch. "This is the most technical thing I own."

Her smile, white and even, was sweet and inviting. "How do you communicate?"

"Land line. Old fashioned letters. And yes, email. Well, my assistant reads the emails."

She pinched his arm. "I just wanted to see if you were for real."

"It's a surprisingly simple and easy life. You should try it."

Ansley took one step back, still smiling, her movements smooth and flirty. "I wouldn't even know where to begin."

Yeah, well, he'd been that guy. The one with his phone against his ear, iPad in his hand, and a million details flowing through his brain.

But life had pulled the rug out from under him. He'd learned a lot in the past four years. Most of all, he'd never go back to the old, technologically driven Drew Callahan.

Not if his life depended on it. Which it did.

NIGHT SETTLED OVER ATLANTA'S Hartsfield-Jackson Airport as Ansley took her seat in first class, putting on her Florida State ball cap, tugging it on low.

If she kept her head down, she'd minimize being recognized by boarding passengers.

An hour-and-ten-minute flight to Melbourne and she'd be home. Noel was supposed to pick her up this morning, but with all the delays, she was occupied with wedding prep.

So Mom would meet her.

Mom. She never approved of Ansley's choice. A singer? An entertainer? She wanted Ansley to be a nurse or a doctor. Because that's what she'd always dreamed of doing.

But in the quiet moments, when she wondered if Mom was right, Ansley felt God's pleasure in her choice.

"Guess we're seatmates."

Blue Eyes, a.k.a. Drew, dropped into the aisle seat. He carried nothing. No bag, no phone, no tablet. He glanced at her when he buckled in.

"Seriously, you don't even have a carry-on?" she said. "What kind of man are you?" In all of her travels, Ansley noted how burdened and bogged down passengers were with their carry-ons and their electronic accouterments.

He laughed, accepting a bottle of water from the flight attendant. "I checked my bag. Not that there was much to check. I like to travel light." Drew leaned toward her, motioning to the ball cap. "Nice touch. Why won't you tell anyone who you are?"

"Long story."

"Ah, okay, and we've only an hour flight."

She snorted a laugh. He was making her like him. Trust him.