"The menu is right there." She pointed to the metal holder in front of Ansley. "What can I get you to start?"

"Diet Coke."

With that, Marie left, picking up checks and credit cards from the customers ready to leave, only to have others in the waiting holiday horde take their place.

"Pretty big mess." The man with the blue eyes, sun-bleached hair, and a soft tan on his cheeks pulled her attention from the menu--and out of hiding.

"The airlines will have to learn to back up their systems."

The man whistled. "Wouldn't want to be the man who has to answer for this."

"Or the woman."

"Especially not the woman." He grinned, winking--an action Ansley felt. A warm, spicy swirl.

She faced away, pretending to focus on her phone as the sensation faded. What was that? Ever since her boyfriend of three years, Hank, bugged out a year ago, deciding he didn't want to be in a relationship with an artist, she'd retreated from ideas of love and romance.

Though she believed one day she'd give love a second chance. Then came the stalker ...

Ansley swerved around a little more, giving the man her back. Traveling alone, she needed to be wary. As soon as her phone charged up enough, she'd call Noel, her best friend and assistant, for an update.

Exhaling a load of stress, she glanced around. The airport was nuts. She'd tried to find the airline's Preferred Lounge when she arrived from LAX, but since she rarely traveled alone, she was lost. And the airline staff had no time for "Where's the Preferred Lounge?" when passengers were in long lines demanding an explanation and new flights.

So her growling stomach and need to charge her phone drove her to the nearest restaurant.

She didn't become a country sensation by waiting on others.

"Pardon me," a woman leaned around Mr. Blue Eyes, "aren't you--"

Ansley shook her head, offering a quick laugh. "Ansley Moore? No, I'm her doppelganger." She sighed, grateful when the woman left without pressing.

"So, who's Ansley Moore?" Blue Eyes drank his Coke. From the glass. No straw.

She regarded him for a second. Was he serious or playing her? "A country singer. Pretty famous. The biggest contestant to ever come out of An American Singer."

He shrugged. "I don't watch television."

"Do you listen to the radio?"

"Some news or talk radio. Classical. Maybe '70s rock. Inspirational."

"Really?" Ansley's phone buzzed in her hand. Noel was calling. Her best friend. The future bride. "You look really young for being so old."

He laughed--a sound she liked--as he raised his glass for another drink.

"Hey, bride-to-be," she said. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just caught up in all the crazy ... at a restaurant ... charging my phone ... hold on ... the server is coming around." Ansley reached for the menu. Ah, she'd landed at a sushi place. "I'll have the tuna and a California roll."

"Ansley, why aren't you in the lounge?" Noel said.

"I was hungry, my phone was dead, so I headed for the nearest restaurant with a vacant stool."

"Why can't you ever remember to charge your phone?" There was an endearing rebuke in Noel's voice.

"Because I have you. Are you sure you want to leave me to get married?" Besides keeping Ansley's schedule, Noel was her clothing and makeup expert and all-around confidant. Especially when her reality show win shot her to stardom.

Then Noel met and fell in love with a pro surfer, Ty Houston, when she took over Ansley's vacation plans in Costa Rica last October. Ten short weeks later, they were getting married on New Year's Eve in Melbourne, Florida, Ansley and Noel's hometown.

"As much as I love you, I love Ty more. Ansley, isn't this what we always dreamed of when we were kids? To find the love of our life?"