Sadie looked outraged. “Excuse me?”

“To answer your question,” Dad said, “I am both Osiris and Julius Kane. I am alive and dead, though the term recycled might be closer to the truth. Osiris is the god of the dead, and the god of new life. To return him to his throne—”

“You had to die,” I said. “You knew this going into it. You intentionally hosted Osiris, knowing you would die.”

I was shaking with anger. I didn’t realize how strongly I’d felt about it, but I couldn’t believe what my dad had done. “This is what you meant by ‘making things right’?”

My dad’s expression didn’t change. He was still looking at me with pride and downright joy, as if everything I did delighted him—even my shouting. It was infuriating.

“I missed you, Carter,” he said. “I can’t tell you how much. But we made the right choice. We all did. If you had saved me in the world above, we would have lost everything. For the first time in millennia, we have a chance at rebirth, and a chance to stop chaos because of you.”

“There had to be another way,” I said. “You could’ve fought as a mortal, without...without—”

“Carter, when Osiris was alive, he was a great king. But when he died—”

“He became a thousand times more powerful,” I said, remembering the story Dad used to tell me.

My father nodded. “The Duat is the foundation for the real world. If there is chaos here, it reverberates in the upper world. Helping Osiris to his throne was a first step, a thousand times more important than anything I could’ve done in the world above—except being your father. And I am still your father.”

My eyes stung. I guess I understood what he was saying, but I didn’t like it. Sadie looked even angrier than me, but she was glaring at Anubis.

“Sharp tongue?” she demanded.

Dad cleared his throat. “Children, there is another reason I made my choice, as you can probably guess.” He held out his hand, and a woman in a black dress appeared next to him. She had golden hair, intelligent blue eyes, and a face that looked familiar. She looked like Sadie.

“Mom,” I said.

She gazed back and forth from Sadie to me in amazement, as if we were the ghosts. “Julius told me how much you’d grown, but I couldn’t believe it. Carter, I bet you’re shaving—”


“—and dating girls—”

“Mom!” Have you ever noticed how parents can go from the most wonderful people in the world to totally embarrassing in three seconds?

She smiled at me, and I had to fight with about twenty different feelings at once. I’d spent years dreaming of being back with my parents, together in our house in L.A. But not like this: not with the house just an afterimage, and my mom a spirit, and my dad...recycled. I felt like the world was shifting under my feet, turning into sand.

“We can’t go back, Carter,” Mom said, as if reading my mind. “But nothing is lost, even in death. Do you remember the law of conservation?”

It had been six years since we’d sat together in the living room—this living room, and she’d read me the laws of physics the way most parents read bedtime stories. But I still remembered. “Energy and matter can’t be created or destroyed.”

“Only changed,” my mother agreed. “And sometimes changed for the better.”

She took Dad’s hand, and I had to admit—blue and ghostly or not—they kind of looked happy.

“Mum.” Sadie swallowed. For once, her attention wasn’t on Anubis. “Did you really...was that—”

“Yes, my brave girl. My thoughts mixed with yours. I’m so proud of you. And thanks to Isis, I feel like I know you as well.” She leaned forward and smiled conspiratorially. “I like chocolate caramels, too, though your grandmum never approved of keeping sweets in the flat.”

Sadie broke into a relieved grin. “I know! She’s impossible!”

I got the feeling they were going to start chatting for hours, but just then the Hall of Judgment rumbled. Dad checked his watch, which made me wonder what time zone the Land of the Dead was in.

“We should wrap things up,” he said. “The others are expecting you.”

“Others?” I asked.

“A gift before you go.” Dad nodded to Mom.