The sky was black, so it was impossible to tell if it was day or night. Through the gale of wind and sand, I could see we were parked in front of a lighted petrol station.

“We’re in Phoenix,” Zia said, “but most of the city is shut down. People are evacuating.”


“Half past four in the morning,” Zia said. “Magic isn’t working very well. The closer we get to the mountain, the worse it is. And the truck’s GPS system is down. Amos and Carter went inside to ask directions.”

That didn’t sound promising. If two male magicians were desperate enough to stop for directions, we were in dire straits.

The truck’s cab shook in the howling wind. After all we’d been through, I felt silly being scared of a storm, but I climbed over the seat so I could sit next to Zia and have some company.

“How long have they been in there?” I asked.

“Not long,” Zia said. “I wanted to talk to you before they come back.”

I raised an eyebrow. “About Carter? Well, if you’re wondering whether he likes you, the way h

e stammers might be an indication.”

Zia frowned. “No, I’m—”

“Asking if I mind? Very considerate. I must say at first I had my doubts, what with you threatening to kill us and all, but I’ve decided you’re not a bad sort, and Carter’s mad about you, so—”

“It’s not about Carter.”

I wrinkled my nose. “Oops. Could you just forget what I said, then?”

“It’s about Set.”

“God,” I sighed. “Not this again. Still suspicious of Amos?”

“You’re blind not to see it,” Zia said. “Set loves deception and traps. It is his favorite way to kill.”

Part of me knew she had a point. No doubt you’ll think I was foolish not to listen. But have you ever sat by while someone talks badly about a member of your family? Even if it’s not your favorite relative, the natural reaction is to defend them—at least it was for me, possibly because I didn’t have that much family to begin with. “Look, Zia, I can’t believe Amos would—”

“Amos wouldn’t,” Zia agreed. “But Set can bend the mind and control the body. I’m not a specialist on possession, but it was a very common problem in ancient times. Minor demons are difficult enough to dislodge. A major god—”

“He’s not possessed. He can’t be.” I winced. A sharp pain was burning in my palm, in the spot where I’d last held the feather of truth. But I wasn’t telling a lie! I did believe Amos was innocent...didn’t I?

Zia studied my expression. “You need Amos to be all right. He is your uncle. You’ve lost too many members of your family. I understand that.”

I wanted to snap back that she didn’t understand anything, but her tone made me suspect she had known grief—possibly even more than I.

“We’ve got no choice,” I said. “There’s what, three hours till sunrise? Amos knows the best way into the mountain. Trap or no, we have to go there and try to stop Set.”

I could almost see the gears spinning in her head as she searched for some way, any way to convince me.

“All right,” she said at last. “I wanted to tell Carter something but I never got the opportunity. I’ll tell you instead. The last thing you need to stop Set—”

“You couldn’t possibly know his secret name.”

Zia held my gaze. Maybe it was the feather of truth, but I was certain she wasn’t bluffing. She did have the name of Set. Or at least, she believed she did.

And honestly, I’d overheard bits of her conversation with Carter while I was in the back of the cab. I hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but it was hard not to. I looked at Zia, and tried to believe she was hosting Nephthys, but it didn’t make any sense. I’d spoken with Nephthys. She’d told me she was far away in some sort of sleeping host. And Zia was right here in front of me.

“It will work,” Zia insisted. “But I can’t do it. It must be you.”

“Why not use it yourself?” I demanded. “Because you spent all your magic?”