In spite of much internal rebellion, Charlie held fast to hisresolution; and Aunt Clara, finding all persuasions vain, gave in, andprepared to accompany him, in a state of chronic indignation againstthe world in general and Rose in particular. The poor girl had a hardtime of it, and, but for her uncle, would have fared still worse. Hewas a sort of shield, upon which Mrs. Clara's lamentations,reproaches, and irate glances fell unavailingly, instead of woundingthe heart against which they were aimed.

The days passed very quickly now; for every one seemed anxious to havethe parting over, and preparations went on rapidly. The big house wasmade ready to shut up for a year at least, comforts for the longvoyage laid in, and farewell visits paid. The general activity andexcitement rendered it impossible for Charlie to lead the life of anartistic hermit any longer: and he fell into a restless condition,which caused Rose to long for the departure of the "Rajah," when shefelt that he would be safe; for these farewell festivities weredangerous to one who was just learning to say "No."

"Half the month safely gone. If we can only get well over these lastweeks, a great weight will be off my mind," thought Rose, as she wentdown one wild, wet morning toward the end of February.

Opening the study-door to greet her uncle, she exclaimed, "Why,Archie!" then paused upon the threshold, transfixed by fear; for inher cousin's white face she read the tidings of some great affliction.

"Hush! don't be frightened. Come in and I'll tell you," he whispered,putting down the bottle he had just taken from the doctor'smedicine-closet.

Rose understood and obeyed; for Aunt Plenty was poorly with herrheumatism, and depended on her morning doze.

"What is it?" she said, looking about the room with a shiver, as ifexpecting to see again what she saw there New-Year's night. Archie wasalone, however, and, drawing her toward the closet, answered, with anevident effort to be quite calm and steady,--

"Charlie is hurt! Uncle wants more ether, and the wide bandages insome drawer or other. He told me, but I forget. You keep this place inorder: find them for me. Quick!"

Before he had done, Rose was at the drawer, turning over the bandageswith hands that trembled as they searched.

"All narrow! I must make some. Can you wait?" And, catching up a pieceof old linen, she tore it into wide strips, adding, in the same quicktone, as she began to roll them,--

"Now tell me."

"I can wait: those are not needed just yet. I didn't mean any oneshould know, you least of all," began Archie, smoothing out the stripsas they lay across the table, and evidently surprised at the girl'snerve and skill.

"I can bear it: make haste! Is he much hurt?"

"I'm afraid he is. Uncle looks sober, and the poor boy suffers so Icouldn't stay," answered Archie, turning still whiter about the lipsthat never had so hard a tale to tell before.

"You see, he went to town last evening to meet the man who is going tobuy Brutus--"

"And Brutus did it? I knew he would!" cried Rose, dropping her work towring her hands, as if she guessed the ending of the story now.

"Yes, and if he wasn't shot already I'd do it myself with pleasure;for he's done his best to kill Charlie," muttered Charlie's mate witha grim look; then gave a great sigh, and added with averted face,--

"I shouldn't blame the brute; it wasn't his fault: he needed a firmhand, and--" he stopped there, but Rose said quickly,--"Go on. I_must_ know."

"Charlie met some of his old cronies, quite by accident; there was adinner-party, and they made him go, just for a good-by they said. Hecouldn't refuse, and it was too much for him. He would come home alonein the storm, though they tried to keep him as he wasn't fit. Down bythe new bridge,--that high embankment you know,--the wind had put thelantern out--he forgot--or something scared Brutus, and all went downtogether."

Archie had spoken fast and brokenly; but Rose understood, and at thelast word hid her face with a little moan, as if she saw it all.

"Drink this and never mind the rest," he said, dashing into the nextroom and coming back with a glass of water, longing to be done andaway; for this sort of pain seemed almost as bad as that he had left.

Rose drank, but held his arm tightly as he would have turned away,saying in a tone of command he could not disobey,--

"Don't keep any thing back: tell me the worst at once."

"We knew nothing of it," he went on obediently. "Aunt Clara thought hewas with me, and no one found him till early this morning. A workmanrecognized him; and he was brought home, dead they thought. I came foruncle an hour ago. Charlie is conscious now, but awfully hurt; and I'mafraid from the way Mac and uncle look at one another that--Oh! Oh!think of it, Rose! crushed and helpless, alone in the rain all night,and I never knew, I never knew!"

With that poor Archie broke down entirely; and, flinging himself intoa chair, laid his face on the table, sobbing like a girl. Rose hadnever seen a man cry before, and it was so unlike a woman's gentlergrief that it moved her very much. Putting by her own anguish, shetried to comfort his, and going to him lifted up his head and made himlean on her; for in such hours as this women are the stronger. It wasa very little to do, but it did comfort Archie; for the poor fellowfelt as if fate was very hard upon him just then, and into thisfaithful bosom he could pour his brief but pathetic plaint.

"Phebe's gone, and now if Charlie's taken I don't see how I _can_ bearit!"

"Phebe will come back, dear, and let us hope poor Charlie isn't goingto be taken yet. Such things always seem worse at first, I've heardpeople say; so cheer up and hope for the best," answered Rose, seekingfor some comfortable words to say, and finding very few.

They took effect, however; for Archie did cheer up like a man. Wipingaway the tears which he so seldom shed that they did not know where togo, he got up, gave himself a little shake, and said with a longbreath, as if he had been under water,--

"Now I'm all right, thank you. I couldn't help it: the shock of beingwaked suddenly to find the dear old fellow in such a pitiful stateupset me. I ought to go: are these ready?"

"In a minute. Tell uncle to send for me if I can be of any use. Oh,poor Aunt Clara! how does she bear it?"

"Almost distracted. I took mother to her, and she will do all thatanybody can. Heaven only knows what aunt will do if--"

"And Heaven only can help her," added Rose, as Archie stopped at thewords he could not utter. "Now take them, and let me know often."

"You brave little soul, I will," and Archie went away through the rainwith his sad burden, wondering how Rose could be so calm, when thebeloved Prince might be dying.

A long dark day followed, with nothing to break its melancholymonotony except the bulletins that came from hour to hour, reportinglittle change either for better or for worse. Rose broke the newsgently to Aunt Plenty, and set herself to the task of keeping up theold lady's spirits; for, being helpless, the good soul felt as ifevery thing would go wrong without her. At dusk she fell asleep, andRose went down to order lights and fire in the parlor, with tea readyto serve at any moment; for she felt sure some of the men would come,and that a cheerful greeting and creature comforts would suit thembetter than tears, darkness, and desolation.

Presently Mac arrived, saying the instant he entered the room,--

"More comfortable, cousin."

"Thank Heaven!" cried Rose, unclasping her hands. Then seeing how wornout, wet, and weary Mac looked as he came into the light, she added ina tone that was a cordial in itself, "Poor boy, how tired you are!Come here, and let me make you comfortable."

"I was going home to freshen up a bit; for I must be back in an hour.Mother took my place so I could be spared, and came off, as unclerefused to stir."

"Don't go home; for if aunty isn't there it will be very dismal. Stepinto uncle's room and refresh, then come back and I'll give you yourtea. Let me, let me! I can't help in any other way; and I _must_ dosomething, this waiting is so dreadful."

Her last words betrayed how much suspense w

as trying her; and Macyielded at once, glad to comfort and be comforted. When he came back,looking much revived, a tempting little tea-table stood before thefire; and Rose went to meet him, saying with a faint smile, as sheliberally bedewed him with the contents of a cologne flask,--

"I can't bear the smell of ether: it suggests such dreadful things."

"What curious creatures women are! Archie told us you bore the newslike a hero, and now you turn pale at a whiff of bad air. I can'texplain it," mused Mac, as he meekly endured the fragrant shower-bath.

"Neither can I; but I've been imagining horrors all day, and mademyself nervous. Don't let us talk about it; but come and have sometea."

"That's another queer thing. Tea is your panacea for all human ills;yet there isn't any nourishment in it. I'd rather have a glass ofmilk, thank you," said Mac, taking an easy-chair and stretching hisfeet to the fire.

She brought it to him and made him eat something; then, as he shut hiseyes wearily, she went away to the piano, and having no heart to sing,played softly till he seemed asleep. But, at the stroke of six, he wasup and ready to be off again.