She pointed out the scientific _tete-a-tete_ going on behind theazalea, and Steve grinned as he peeped, then grew sober and said in atone of despair,--

"If you had seen the pains I took with that fellow, the patience withwhich I brushed his wig, the time I spent trying to convince him thathe must wear thin boots, and the fight I had to get him into thatcoat; you'd understand my feelings when I see him now."

"Why, what is the matter with him?" asked Rose.

"Will you take a look, and see what a spectacle he has made ofhimself. He'd better be sent home at once, or he will disgrace thefamily by looking as if he'd been in a row."

Steve spoke in such a tragic tone that Rose took another peep and didsympathize with Dandy; for Mac's elegance was quite gone. His tie wasunder one ear, his posy hung upside down, his gloves were rolled intoa ball, which he absently squeezed and pounded as he talked, and hishair looked as if a whirlwind had passed over it; for his ten fingersset it on end now and then, as they had a habit of doing when hestudied or talked earnestly. But he looked so happy and wide awake, inspite of his dishevelment, that Rose gave an approving nod, and saidbehind her fan,--

"It _is_ a trying spectacle, Steve: yet, on the whole, I think his ownodd ways suit him best; and I fancy we shall yet be proud of him, forhe knows more than all the rest of us put together. Hear that now,"and Rose paused, that they might listen to the following burst ofeloquence from Mac's lips:--

"You know Frenzel has shown that the globular forms of silicate ofbismuth at Schneeburg and Johanngeorgenstadt are not isometric, butmonoclinic in crystalline form; and consequently he separates themfrom the old eulytite, and gives them the new name Agricolite."

"Isn't it awful? Let us get out of this before there's another

avalanche, or we shall be globular silicates and isometric crystals inspite of ourselves," whispered Steve with a panic-stricken air; andthey fled from the hail-storm of hard words that rattled about theirears, leaving Mac to enjoy himself in his own way.

But when Rose was ready to go home, and looked about for her escort,he was nowhere to be seen; for the professor had departed, and Macwith him, so absorbed in some new topic that he entirely forgot hiscousin, and went placidly home, still pondering on the charms ofgeology. When this pleasing fact dawned upon Rose, her feelings may beimagined. She was both angry and amused: it was so like Mac to gomooning off and leave her to her fate. Not a hard one, however; for,though Steve was gone with Kitty before her flight was discovered,Mrs. Bliss was only too glad to take the deserted damsel under herwing, and bear her safely home.

Rose was warming her feet, and sipping the chocolate which Phebealways had ready for her, as she never ate suppers; when a hurried tapcame at the long window whence the light streamed, and Mac's voice washeard softly asking to be let in "just for one minute."

Curious to know what had befallen him, Rose bade Phebe obey his call;and the delinquent cavalier appeared, breathless, anxious, and moredilapidated than ever: for he had forgotten his overcoat; his tie wasat the back of his neck now; and his hair as rampantly erect as if allthe winds of heaven had been blowing freely through it, as they had;for he had been tearing to and fro the last half-hour trying to undothe dreadful deed he had so innocently committed.

"Don't take any notice of me; for I don't deserve it: I only came tosee that you were safe, cousin, and then go hang myself, as Steveadvised," he began, in a remorseful tone, that would have been veryeffective, if he had not been obliged to catch his breath with acomical gasp now and then.

"I never thought _you_ would be the one to desert me," said Rose, witha reproachful look; thinking it best not to relent too soon, thoughshe was quite ready to do it when she saw how sincerely distressed hewas.

"It was that confounded man! He was a regular walking encyclopaedia;and, finding I could get a good deal out of him, I went in for generalinformation, as the time was short. You know I always forget everything else when I get hold of such a fellow."

"That is evident. I wonder how you came to remember me at all,"answered Rose, on the brink of a laugh: it was so absurd.

"I didn't till Steve said something that reminded me: then it burstupon me, in one awful shock, that I'd gone and left you; and you mighthave knocked me down with a feather," said honest Mac, hiding none ofhis iniquity.

"What did you do then?"

"Do! I went off like a shot, and never stopped till I reached theHopes"--

"You didn't walk all that way?" cried Rose.

"Bless you, no: I ran. But you were gone with Mrs. Bliss: so I peltedback again to see with my own eyes that you were safe at home,"answered Mac, wiping his hot forehead, with a sigh of relief.

"But it is three miles at least each way; and twelve o'clock, and darkand cold. O Mac! how could you!" exclaimed Rose, suddenly realizingwhat he had done, as she heard his labored breathing, saw the state ofthe thin boots, and detected the absence of an overcoat.

"Couldn't do less, could I?" asked Mac, leaning up against the doorand trying not to pant.

"There was no need of half-killing yourself for such a trifle. Youmight have known I could take care of myself for once, at least, withso many friends about. Sit down this minute. Bring another cup,please, Phebe: this boy isn't going home till he is rested andrefreshed after such a run as that," commanded Rose.

"Don't be good to me: I'd rather take a scolding than a chair, anddrink hemlock instead of chocolate if you happen to have any ready,"answered Mac, with a pathetic puff, as he subsided on to the sofa, andmeekly took the draught Phebe brought him.

"If you had any thing the matter with your heart, sir, a race of thissort might be the death of you: so never do it again," said Rose,offering her fan to cool his heated countenance.

"Haven't got any heart."

"Yes, you have, for I hear it beating like a trip-hammer, and it is myfault: I ought to have stopped as we went by, and told you I was allright."

"It's the mortification, not the miles, that upsets me. I often takethat run for exercise, and think nothing of it; but to-night I was somad I made extra good time, I fancy. Now don't you worry, but composeyour mind, and 'sip your dish of tea,' as Evelina says," answered Mac,artfully turning the conversation from himself.

"What do you know about Evelina?" asked Rose, in great surprise.

"All about her. Do you suppose I never read a novel?"

"I thought you read nothing but Greek and Latin, with an occasional glanceat Websky's pseudophites and the monoclinics of Johanngeorgenstadt."

Mac opened his eyes wide at this reply, then seemed to see the joke,and joined in the laugh with such heartiness that Aunt Plenty's voicewas heard demanding from above, with sleepy anxiety,--

"_Is_ the house afire?"

"No, ma'am, every thing is safe, and I'm only saying good-night,"answered Mac, diving for his cap.

"Then go at once, and let that child have her sleep," added the oldlady, retiring to her bed.

Rose ran into the hall, and, catching up her uncle's fur coat, met Macas he came out of the study, absently looking about for his own.

"You haven't got any, you benighted boy! so take this, and have yourwits about you next time, or I won't let you off so easily," she said,holding up the heavy garment, and peeping over it, with no sign ofdispleasure in her laughing eyes.

"Next time! Then you do forgive me? You will try me again, and give mea chance to prove that I'm not a fool?" cried Mac, embracing the bigcoat with emotion.

"Of course I will; and, so far from thinking you a fool, I was muchimpressed with your learning to-night, and told Steve that we ought tobe proud of our philosopher."

"Learning be hanged! I'll show you that I'm _not_ a book-worm, but asmuch a man as any of them; and then you may be proud or not, as youlike!" cried Mac, with a defiant nod, that caused the glasses to leapwildly off his nose, as he caught up his hat and departed as he came.

A day or two later, Rose went to call upon Aunt Jane, as she dutifullydid once or twice a week. On her way upstairs, she heard a singularsound in the drawing-room, and involuntarily stopped to listen.

"One, two, three, slide! One, two, three, turn! Now then, come on!"said one voice, impatiently.

"It's very easy to say 'come on;' but what the dickens do I do with myleft leg while I'm turning and sliding with my right?" demandedanother voice, in a breathless and mournful tone.

Then the whistling and thumping went on more vigorously than before;and Rose, recognizing the voices, peeped through the half-open door tobehold a sight which made her shake with suppressed laughter. Steve,with a red table-cloth tied round his waist, languished upon Mac'sshoulder, dancing in perfect time to the air he whistled; for Dandywas a proficient in the graceful art, and plumed himself upon hisskill. Mac, with a flushed face and dizzy eye, clutched his brother bythe small of his back, vainly endeavoring to steer him down the longroom without entangling his own legs in the table-cloth, treading onhis partner's toes, or colliding with the furniture. It was verydroll; and Rose enjoyed the spectacle, till Mac, in a frantic attemptto swing round, dashed himself against the wall, and landed Steve uponthe floor. Then it was impossible to restrain her laughter any longer;and she walked in upon them, saying merrily,--

"It was splendid! Do it again, and I'll play for you."

Steve sprung up, and tore off the table-cloth in great confusion;while Mac, still rubbing his head, dropped into a chair, trying tolook quite calm and cheerful as he gasped out,--

"How are you, cousin? When did you come? John should have told us."

"I'm glad he didn't, for then I should have missed this touchingtableau of cousinly devotion and brotherly love. Getting ready for ournext party, I see."

"Trying to; but there are so many things to remember all atonce,--keep time, ste

er straight, dodge the petticoats, and manage myconfounded legs,--that it isn't easy to get on at first," answeredMac, wiping his hot forehead, with a sigh of exhaustion.

"Hardest job _I_ ever undertook; and, as I'm not a battering-ram, Idecline to be knocked round any longer," growled Steve, dusting hisknees, and ruefully surveying the feet that had been trampled on tillthey tingled; for his boots and broadcloth were dear to the heart ofthe dapper youth.

"Very good of you, and I'm much obliged. I've got the pace, I think,and can practise with a chair to keep my hand in," said Mac, withsuch a comic mixture of gratitude and resignation that Rose went offagain so irresistibly that her cousins joined her with a hearty roar.

"As you are making a martyr of yourself in my service, the least I cando is to lend a hand. Play for us, Steve, and I'll give Mac a lesson,unless he prefers the chair." And, throwing off hat and cloak, Rosebeckoned so invitingly that the gravest philosopher would haveyielded.

"A thousand thanks, but I'm afraid I shall hurt you," began Mac, muchgratified, but mindful of past mishaps.

"I'm not. Steve didn't manage his train well, for good dancers alwaysloop theirs up. I have none at all: so that trouble is gone; and themusic will make it much easier to keep step. Just do as I tell you,and you'll go beautifully after a few turns."

"I will, I will! Pipe up, Steve! Now, Rose!" And, brushing his hairout of his eyes with an air of stern determination, Mac grasped Rose,and returned to the charge, bent on distinguishing himself if he diedin the attempt.

The second lesson prospered: for Steve marked the time by a series ofemphatic bangs; Mac obeyed orders as promptly as if his life dependedon it; and, after several narrow escapes at exciting moments, Rose hadthe satisfaction of being steered safely down the room, and landedwith a grand pirouette at the bottom. Steve applauded, and Mac, muchelated, exclaimed with artless candor,--

"There really is a sort of inspiration about you, Rose. I alwaysdetested dancing before; but now, do you know, I rather like it."

"I knew you would; only you mustn't stand with your arm round yourpartner in this way when you are done. You must seat and fan her, ifshe likes it," said Rose, anxious to perfect a pupil who seemed solamentably in need of a teacher.

"Yes, of course, I know how they do it;" and, releasing his cousin,Mac raised a small whirlwind round her with a folded newspaper, sofull of grateful zeal that she had not the heart to chide him again.

"Well done, old fellow. I begin to have hopes of you, and will orderyou a new dress-coat at once, since you are really going in for theproprieties of life," said Steve from the music-stool, with theapproving nod of one who was a judge of said proprieties. "Now, Rose,if you will just coach him a little in his small-talk, he won't make alaughing-stock of himself as he did the other night," added Steve. "Idon't mean his geological gabble: that was bad enough, but his chatwith Emma Curtis was much worse. Tell her, Mac, and see if she doesn'tthink poor Emma had a right to think you a first-class bore."

"I don't see why, when I merely tried to have a little sensibleconversation," began Mac, with reluctance; for he had beenunmercifully chaffed by his cousins, to whom his brother had betrayedhim.

"What did you say? I won't laugh if I can help it," said Rose, curiousto hear; for Steve's eyes were twinkling with fun.

"Well, I knew she was fond of theatres; so I tried that first, and goton pretty well till I began to tell her how they managed those thingsin Greece. Most interesting subject, you know?"

"Very. Did you give her one of the choruses or a bit of Agamemnon, asyou did when you described it to me?" asked Rose, keeping sober withdifficulty as she recalled that serio-comic scene.

"Of course not; but I was advising her to read Prometheus, when shegaped behind her fan, and began to talk about Phebe. What a 'nicecreature' she was, 'kept her place,' 'dressed according to herstation,' and that sort of twaddle. I suppose it _was_ rather rude,but being pulled up so short confused me a bit, and I said the firstthing that came into my head, which was that I thought Phebe thebest-dressed woman in the room, because she wasn't all fuss andfeathers like most of the girls."

"O Mac! that to Emma, who makes it the labor of her life to be alwaysin the height of the fashion, and was particularly splendid thatnight. What _did_ she say?" cried Rose, full of sympathy for bothparties.

"She bridled and looked daggers at me."

"And what did you do?"

"I bit my tongue, and tumbled out of one scrape into another.Following her example, I changed the subject by talking about theCharity Concert for the orphans; and, when she gushed about the'little darlings,' I advised her to adopt one, and wondered why youngladies didn't do that sort of thing, instead of cuddling cats andlapdogs."

"Unhappy boy! her pug is the idol of her life, and she hates babies,"said Rose.

"More fool she! Well, she got my opinion on the subject, anyway, andshe's very welcome; for I went on to say that I thought it would notonly be a lovely charity, but excellent training for the time whenthey had little darlings of their own. No end of poor things diethrough the ignorance of mothers, you know," added Mac, so seriouslythat Rose dared not smile at what went before.

"Imagine Emma trotting round with a pauper baby under her arm insteadof her cherished Toto," said Steve, with an ecstatic twirl on thestool.

"Did she seem to like your advice, Monsieur Malapropos?" asked Rose,wishing she had been there.

"No, she gave a little shriek, and said, 'Good gracious, Mr. Campbell,how droll you are! Take me to mamma, please,' which I did with athankful heart. Catch me setting her pug's leg again," ended Mac, witha grim shake of the head.

"Never mind. You were unfortunate in your listener that time. Don'tthink all girls are so foolish. I can show you a dozen sensible ones,who would discuss dress reform and charity with you, and enjoy Greektragedy if you did the chorus for them as you did for me," said Rose,consolingly; for Steve would only jeer.

"Give me a list of them, please; and I'll cultivate theiracquaintance. A fellow must have some reward for making a teetotum ofhimself."

"I will with pleasure; and if you dance well they will make it verypleasant for you, and you'll enjoy parties in spite of yourself."

"I cannot be a 'glass of fashion and a mould of form' like Dandy here,but I'll do my best: only, if I had my choice, I'd much rather goround the streets with an organ and a monkey," answered Mac,despondently.

"Thank you kindly for the compliment," and Rose made him a lowcourtesy, while Steve cried,--

"Now you _have_ done it!" in a tone of reproach which reminded theculprit, all too late, that he was Rose's chosen escort.

"By the gods, so I have!" and, casting away the newspaper with agesture of comic despair, Mac strode from the room, chantingtragically the words of Cassandra,--

"'Woe! woe! O Earth! O Apollo! I will dare to die; I will accost thegates of Hades, and make my prayer that I may receive a mortalblow!'"