"Where's my little woman? The first kiss for her, then the rest may comeon as fast as they like."

Before the words were out of his mouth, Mrs. Jessie was half-hiddenunder his rough great-coat, and four boys were prancing about himclamouring for their turn.

Of course, there was a joyful tumult for a time, during which Roseslipped into the window recess and watched what went on, as if it werea chapter in a Christmas story. It was good to see bluff Uncle Jem lookproudly at his tall son, and fondly hug the little ones. It was betterstill to see him shake his brothers' hands as if he would never leaveoff, and kiss all the sisters in a way that made even solemn Aunt Myrabrighten up for a minute. But it was best of all to see him finallyestablished in grandfather's chair, with his "little woman" beside him,his three youngest boys in his lap, and Archie hovering over him like alarge-sized cherub. That really was, as Charlie said, "A landscape to doone's heart good."

"All hearty and all here, thank God!" said Captain Jem in the firstpause that came, as he looked about him with a grateful face.

"All but Rose," answered loyal little Jamie, remembering the absent.

"Faith, I forgot the child! Where is George's little girl?" asked theCaptain, who had not seen her since she was a baby.

"You'd better say Alec's great girl," said Uncle Mac, who professed tobe madly jealous of his brother.

"Here I am, sir," and Rose appeared from behind the curtains, looking asif she had rather have stayed there.

"Saint George Germain, how the mite has grown!" cried Captain Jem, as hetumbled the boys out of his lap, and rose to greet the tall girl, likea gentleman as he was. But, somehow, when he shook her hand it looked sosmall in his big one, and her face reminded him so strongly of his deadbrother, that he was not satisfied with so cold a welcome, and witha sudden softening of the keen eyes he took her up in his arms,whispering, with a rough cheek against her smooth one,

"God bless you, child! forgive me if I forgot you for a minute, and besure that not one of your kinsfolk is happier to see you here than UncleJem."

That made it all right; and when he set her down, Rose's face wasso bright it was evident that some spell had been used to banish thefeeling of neglect that had kept her moping behind the curtain so long.

That everyone sat round and heard all about the voyage home how theCaptain had set his heart on getting there in time to keep Christmas;how everything had conspired to thwart his plan; and how, at the verylast minute, he had managed to do it, and had sent a telegram to Archie,bidding him keep the secret, and be ready for his father at any moment,for the ship got into another port, and he might be late.

Then Archie told how that telegram had burnt in his pocket alldinner-time; how he had to take Phebe into his confidence, and howclever she was to keep the Captain back till the speech was over and hecould come in with effect.

The elders would have sat and talked all the evening, but the youngfolks were bent on having their usual Christmas frolic; so, after anhour of pleasant chat, they began to get restless, and having consultedtogether in dumb show, they devised a way to very effectually break upthe family council.

Steve vanished, and, sooner than the boys imagined Dandy could gethimself up, the skirl of the bag-pipe was heard in the hall, and thebonny piper came to lead Clan Campbell to the revel.

"Draw it mild, Stevie, my man; ye play unco weel, but ye mak a mostinfernal din," cried Uncle Jem, with his hands over his ears, for thisaccomplishment was new to him, and "took him all aback," as he expressedit.

So Steve droned out a Highland reel as softly as he could, and the boysdanced it to a circle of admiring relations. Captain Jem was a truesailor, however, and could not stand idle while anything lively wasgoing on; so, when the piper's breath gave out, he cut a splendidpigeon-wing into the middle of the hall, saying, "Who can dance a Foreand After?" and, waiting for no reply, began to whistle the air soinvitingly that Mrs Jessie "set" to him laughing like a girl; Rose andCharlie took their places behind, and away went the four with a spiritand skill that inspired all the rest to "cut in" as fast as they could.

That was a grand beginning, and they had many another dance beforeanyone would own they were tired. Even Fun See distinguished himselfwith Aunt Plenty, whom he greatly admired as the stoutest lady in thecompany; plumpness being considered a beauty in his country. The merryold soul professed herself immensely flattered by his admiration, andthe boys declared she "set her cap at him," else he would never havedared to catch her under the mistletoe, and, rising on the tips of hisown toes, gallantly salute her fat cheek.

How they all laughed at her astonishment, and how Fun's little blackeyes twinkled over this exploit! Charlie put him up to it, and Charliewas so bent on catching Rose, that he laid all sorts of pitfalls forher, and bribed the other lads to help him. But Rose was wide-awake,and escaped all his snares, professing great contempt for such foolishcustoms. Poor Phebe did not fare so well, and Archie was the only onewho took a base advantage of her as she stood innocently offering tea toAunt Myra, whom she happened to meet just under the fatal bough. Ifhis father's arrival had not rather upset him, I doubt if the dignifiedChief would have done it, for he apologized at once in the handsomestmanner, and caught the tray that nearly dropped from Phebe's hands.

Jamie boldly invited all the ladies to come and salute him; and as forUncle Jem, he behaved as if the entire room was a grove of mistletoe.Uncle Alec slyly laid a bit of it on Aunt Peace's cap, and then softlykissed her; which little joke seemed to please her very much, for sheliked to have part in all the home pastimes, and Alec was her favouritenephew.

Charlie alone failed to catch his shy bird, and the oftener she escapedthe more determined he was to ensnare her. When every other wile hadbeen tried in vain, he got Archie to propose a game with forfeits.

"I understand that dodge," thought Rose, and was on her guard socarefully that not one among the pile soon collected belonged to her.

"Now let us redeem them and play something else," said Will, quiteunconscious of the deeply-laid plots all about him.

"One more round and then we will," answered the Prince, who had nowbaited his trap anew.

Just as the question came to Rose, Jamie's voice was heard in the hall,crying distressfully, "Oh, come quick, quick!" Rose started up, missedthe question, and was greeted with a general cry of "Forfeit! forfeit!"in which the little traitor came to join.

"Now I've got her," thought the young rascal, exulting in his fun-lovingsoul.

"Now I'm lost," thought Rose, as she gave up her pin-cushion with asternly defiant look that would have daunted anyone but the recklessPrince. In fact, it made even him think twice, and resolve to "let Roseoff easy,'' she had been so clever.

"Here's a very pretty pawn, and what shall be done to redeem it?" askedSteve, holding the pin-cushion over Charlie's head, for he had insistedon being judge, and kept that for the last.

"Fine or superfine?"


"Hum, well, she shall take old Mac under the mistletoe, and kiss himprettily. Won't he be mad, though?" and this bad boy chuckled over thediscomfort he had caused two harmless being


There was an impressive pause among the young folks in their corner, forthey all knew that Mac would "be mad," since he hated nonsense of thissort, and had gone to talk with the elders when the game began. Atthis moment he was standing before the fire, listening to a discussionbetween his uncles and his father, looking as wise as a young owl, andblissfully unconscious of the plots against him.

Charlie expected that Rose would say, "I won't!" therefore he was ratherastonished, not to say gratified, when, after a look at the victim,she laughed suddenly, and, going up to the group of gentlemen, drew heruncle Mac under the mistletoe and surprised him with a hearty kiss.

"Thank you, my dear," said the innocent gentleman, looking much pleasedat the unexpected honour.

"Oh, come; that's not fair," began Charlie. But Rose cut him short bysaying, as she made him a fine courtesy,

"You said 'Old Mac,' and though it was very disrespectful, I did it.That was your last chance, sir, and you've lost it."

He certainly had, for, as he spoke, Rose pulled down the mistletoe andthrew it into the fire, while the boys jeered at the crestfallen Prince,and exalted quick-witted Rose to the skies.

"What's the joke?" asked young Mac, waked out of a brown study by thelaughter, in which the elders joined.

But there was a regular shout when, the matter having been explained tohim, Mac took a meditative stare at Rose through his goggles, and saidin a philosophical tone, "Well, I don't think I should have minded muchif she had done it."

That tickled the lads immensely, and nothing but the appearance of aslight refection would have induced them to stop chaffing the poor Worm,who could not see anything funny in the beautiful resignation he hadshown on this trying occasion.

Soon after this, the discovery of Jamie curled up in the sofa corner, assound asleep as a dormouse, suggested the propriety of going home, and ageneral move was made.

They were all standing about the hall lingering over the good-nights,when the sound of a voice softly singing "Sweet Home," made them pauseand listen. It was Phebe, poor little Phebe, who never had a home, neverknew the love of father or mother, brother or sister; who stood allalone in the wide world, yet was not sad nor afraid, but took her bitsof happiness gratefully, and sung over her work without a thought ofdiscontent.

I fancy the happy family standing there together remembered this andfelt the beauty of it, for when the solitary voice came to the burden ofits song, other voices took it up and finished it so sweetly, that theold house seemed to echo the word "Home" in the ears of both the orphangirls, who had just spent their first Christmas under its hospitableroof.