"I know it, and so the poor little souls have weak backs all their days,as their mothers had before them. It is vain to argue the matter, and Iwon't try, but I wish to state, once for all, that if I ever see a pairof corsets near Rose, I'll put them in the fire, and you may send thebill to me."

As he spoke the corsets were on their way to destruction, but Mrs.Jessie caught his arm, exclaiming merrily, "Don't burn them, for mercysake, Alec; they are full of whalebones, and will make a dreadful odour.Give them to me. I'll see that they do no harm."

"Whalebones, indeed! A regular fence of them, and metal gate-posts infront. As if our own bones were not enough, if we'd give them achance to do their duty," growled the Doctor, yielding up the boneof contention with a last shake of contempt. Then his face clearedsuddenly, and he held up his finger, saying, with a smile, "Hear thosegirls laugh; cramped lungs could not make hearty music like that."

Peals of laughter issued from Rose's room, and smiles involuntarilytouched the lips of those who listened to the happy sound.

"Some new prank of yours, Alec?" asked Aunt Plenty, indulgently, for shehad come to believe in most of her nephew's odd notions, because theyseemed to work so well.

"Yes, ma'am, my last, and I hope you will like it. I discovered whatClara was at, and got my rival suit ready for to-day. I'm not going to'afflict' Rose, but let her choose, and if I'm not entirely mistaken,she will like my rig best. While we wait I'll explain, and then you willappreciate the general effect better. I got hold of this little book,and was struck with its good sense and good taste, for it suggests away to clothe women both healthfully and handsomely, and that is a greatpoint. It begins at the foundations, as you will see if you will lookat these pictures, and I should think women would rejoice at thislightening of their burdens."

As he spoke, the Doctor laid the book before Aunt Plenty, who obedientlybrought her spectacles to bear upon the illustrations, and after a longlook exclaimed, with a scandalised face,

"Mercy on us, these things are like the night-drawers Jamie wears! Youdon't mean to say you want Rose to come out in this costume? It's notproper, and I won't consent to it!"

"I do mean it, and I'm sure my sensible aunt will consent when sheunderstands that these well I'll call them by an Indian name, and saypajamas are for underwear, and Rose can have as pretty frocks as shelikes outside. These two suits of flannel, each in one piece from headto foot, with a skirt or so hung on this easily-fitting waist, willkeep the child warm without burdening her with belts, and gathers, andbuckles, and bunches round the waist, and leave free the muscles thatneed plenty of room to work in. She shall never have the back-ache if Ican help it, nor the long list of ills you dear women think you cannotescape."

"I don't consider it modest, and I'm sure Rose will be shocked at it,"began Mrs. Clara, but stopped suddenly, as Rose appeared in the doorway,not looking shocked a bit.

"Come on, my hygienic model, and let us see you," said her uncle, withan approving glance, as she walked in, looking so mischievously merry,that it was evident she enjoyed the joke.

"Well, I don't see anything remarkable. That is a neat, plain suit; thematerials are good, and it's not unbecoming, if you want her to looklike a little school-girl; but it has not a particle of style, and noone would ever give it a second glance," said Mrs. Clara, feeling thather last remark condemned the whole thing.

"Exactly what I want," answered the provoking Doctor, rubbing his handswith a satisfied air. "Rosy looks now like what she is, a modest littlegirl, who does not want to be stared at. I think she would get a glanceof approval, though, from people who like sense and simplicity ratherthan fuss and feathers. Revolve, my Hebe, and let me refresh my eyes bythe sight of you."

There was very little to see, however, only a pretty Gabrielle dress, ofa soft warm shade of brown, coming to the tops of a trim pair of bootswith low heels. A seal-skin sack, cap, and mittens, with a glimpse ofscarlet at the throat, and the pretty curls tied up with a bright velvetof the same colour, completed the external adornment, making her looklike a robin redbreast wintry, yet warm.

"How do you like it, Rosy?" asked the Doctor, feeling that her opinionwas more important to the success of his new idea than that of all theaunts on the hill.

"I feel very odd and light, but I'm warm as a toast, and nothing seemsto be in my way," answered Rose, with a skip which displayed shapelygaiters on legs that now might be as free and active as a boy's underthe modest skirts of the girl.

"You can run away from the mad dogs, and walk off at a smart pacewithout tumbling on your nose, now, I fancy?"

"Yes, uncle! suppose the dog coming, I just hop over a wall so and whenI walk of a cold day, I go like this."

Entering fully into the spirit of the thing, Rose swung herself overthe high back of the sofa as easily as one of her cousins, and thenwent down the long hall as if her stout boots were related to the famousseven-leaguers.

"There! you see how it will be; dress her in that boyish way and shewill act like a boy. I do hate all these inventions of strong-mindedwomen!" exclaimed Mrs. Clara, as Rose came back at a run.

"Ah, but you see some of these sensible inventions come from the brainof a fashionable modiste, who will make you more lovely, or what youvalue more 'stylish' outside and comfortable within. Mrs. Van Tasselhas been to Madame Stone, and is wearing a full suit of this sort. Vanhimself told me, when I asked how she was, that she had given up lyingon the sofa, and was going about in a most astonishing way, consideringher feeble health."

"You don't say so! Let me see that book a moment," and Aunt Claraexamined the new patterns with a more respectful air, for if the elegantMrs. Van Tassel wore these "dreadful things" it would never do to beleft behind, in spite of her prejudices.

Dr. Alec looked at Mrs. Jessie, and both smiled, for "little Mum" hadbeen in the secret, and enjoyed it mightily.

"I thought that would settle it," he said with a nod.

"I didn't wait for Mrs. Van to lead the way, and for once in my life Ihave adopted a new fashion before Clara. My freedom suit is ordered, andyou may see me playing tag with Rose and the boys before long," answeredMrs. Jessie, nodding back at him.

Meantime Aunt Plenty was examining Rose's costume, for the hat and sackwere off, and the girl was eagerly explaining the new under-garments.

"See, auntie, all nice scarlet flannel, and a gay little petticoat, andlong stockings, oh, so warm! Phebe and I nearly died laughing when I putthis rig on, but I like it ever so much. The dress is so comfortable,and doesn't need any belt or sash, and I can sit without rumpling anytrimming, that's such a comfort! I like to be tidy, and so, when I wearfussed-up things, I'm thinking of my clothes all the time, and that'stiresome. Do say you like it. I resolved I would, just to please uncle,for he does know more about health than anyone else, I'm sure, and I'dwear a bag if he asked me to do it."

"I don't ask that, Rose, but I wish you'd weigh and compare thetwo suits, and then choose which seems best. I leave it to your owncommonsense," answered Dr. Alec, feeling pretty sure he had won.

"Why, I take this one, of course, uncle. The other is fashionable, andyes I must say I think it's pretty but it's very heavy, and I shouldhave to go round like a walking doll if I wore it. I'm much obliged toauntie, but I'll keep this, please."

Rose spoke gently but decidedly, though there was a look of regret whenher eye fell on the other suit which Phebe had brought in; and it wasvery natural to like to look as other girls did. Aunt Clara sighed;Uncle Alec smiled, and said heartily,

"Thank you, dear; now read this book and you will understand why I askit of you. Then, if you like, I'll give you a new lesson; you asked forone yesterday, and this is more necessary than French or housekeeping."

"Oh, what?" and Rose caught up the book which Mrs. Clara had thrown downwith a disgusted look.

Though Dr. Alec was forty, the boyish love of teasing was not yet deadin

him, and, being much elated at his victory, he could not resist thetemptation of shocking Mrs. Clara by suggesting dreadful possibilities,so he answered, half in earnest, half in jest, "Physiology, Rose.Wouldn't you like to be a little medical student, with Uncle Doctor forteacher, and be ready to take up his practice when he has to stop? Ifyou agree, I'll hunt up my old skeleton to-morrow."

That was too much for Aunt Clara, and she hastily departed, with hermind in a sad state of perturbation about Mrs. Van Tassel's new costumeand Rose's new study.