Chapter 5--A Belt and a Box

When Rose came out of her chamber, cup in hand, next morning, the firstperson she saw was Uncle Alec standing on the threshold of the roomopposite, which he appeared to be examining with care. When he heard herstep, he turned about and began to sing,

"Where are you going, my pretty maid?"

"I'm going a-milking, sir, she said," answered Rose, waving the cup; andthen they finished the verse together in fine style.

Before either spoke, a head, in a nightcap so large and beruffled thatit looked like a cabbage, popped out of a room farther down the hall,and an astonished voice exclaimed,

"What in the world are you doing about so early?"

"Clearing our pipes for the day, ma'am. Look here, auntie, can I havethis room?" said Dr. Alec, making her a sailor's bow.

"Any room you like, except sister's."

"Thanks. And may I go rummaging round in the garrets and glory-holes tofurnish it as I like?"

"My dear boy, you may turn the house upside down if you will only stayin it."

"That's a handsome offer, I'm sure. I'll stay, ma'am; here's my littleanchor, so you will get more than you want of me this time."

"That's impossible! Put on your jacket, Rose. Don't tire her outwith antics, Alec. Yes, sister, I'm coming!" and the cabbage vanishedsuddenly.

The first milking lesson was a droll one; but after several scares andmany vain attempts, Rose at last managed to fill her cup, while Benheld Clover's tail so that it could not flap, and Dr. Alec kept herfrom turning to stare at the new milkmaid, who objected to both theseproceedings very much.

"You look chilly in spite of all this laughing. Take a smart run roundthe garden and get up a glow," said the doctor, as they left the barn.

"I'm too old for running, uncle; Miss Power said it was not lady-likefor girls in their teens," answered Rose, primly.

"I take the liberty of differing from Madame Prunes and Prisms, and, asyour physician, I order you to run. Off with you!" said Uncle Alec, witha look and a gesture that made Rose scurry away as fast as she could go.

Anxious to please him, she raced round the beds till she came back tothe porch where he stood, and, dropping down upon the steps, she satpanting, with cheeks as rosy as the rigolette on her shoulders.

"Very well done, child; I see you have not lost the use of your limbsthough you are in your teens. That belt is too tight; unfasten it, thenyou can take a long breath without panting so."

"It isn't tight, sir; I can breathe perfectly well," began Rose, tryingto compose herself.

Her uncle's only answer was to lift her up and unhook the new belt ofwhich she was so proud. The moment the clasp was open the belt flewapart several inches, for it was impossible to restrain the involuntarysigh of relief that flatly contradicted her words.

"Why, I didn't know it was tight! it didn't feel so a bit. Of course itwould open if I puff like this, but I never do, because I hardly everrun," explained Rose, rather discomfited by this discovery.

"I see you don't half fill your lungs, and so you can wear this absurdthing without feeling it. The idea of cramping a tender little waistin a stiff band of leather and steel just when it ought to be growing,"said Dr. Alec, surveying the belt with great disfavour as he put theclasp forward several holes, to Rose's secret dismay, for she was proudof her slender figure, and daily rejoiced that she wasn't as stoutas Luly Miller, a former schoolmate, who vainly tried to repress herplumpness.

"It will fall off if it is so loose," she said anxiously, as she stoodwatching him pull her precious belt about.

"Not if you keep taking long breaths to hold it on. That is what I wantyou to do, and when you have filled this out we will go on enlarging ittill your waist is more like that of Hebe, goddess of health, and lesslike that of a fashion-plate the ugliest thing imaginable."

"How it does look!" and Rose gave a glance of scorn at the loose belthanging round her trim little waist. "It will be lost, and then I shallfeel badly, for it cost ever so much, and is real steel and Russialeather. Just smell how nice."

"If it is lost I'll give you a better one. A soft silken sash is muchfitter for a pretty child like you than a plated harness like this; andI've got no end of Italian scarfs and Turkish sashes among my traps. Ah!that makes you feel better, doesn't it?" and he pinched the cheek thathad suddenly dimpled with a smile.

"It is very silly of me, but I can't help liking to know that" here shestopped and blushed and held down her head, ashamed to add, "you think Iam pretty."

Dr. Alec's eyed twinkled, but he said very soberly,

"Rose, are you vain?"

"I'm afraid I am," answered a very meek voice from behind the veil ofhair that hid the red face.

"That is a sad fault." And he sighed as if grieved at the confession.

"I know it is, and I try not to be; but people praise me, and I can'thelp liking it, for I really don't think I am repulsive."

The last word and the funny tone in which it was uttered were toomuch for Dr. Alec, and he laughed in spite of himself, to Rose's greatrelief.

"I quite agree with you; and in order that you may be still lessrepulsive, I want you to grow as fine a girl as Phebe."

"Phebe!" and Rose looked so amazed that her uncle nearly went off again.

"Yes, Phebe; for she has what you need health. If you dear little girlswould only learn what real beauty is, and not pinch and starve andbleach yourselves out so, you'd save an immense deal of time and moneyand pain. A happy soul in a healthy body makes the best sort of beautyfor man or woman. Do you understand that, my dear?"

"Yes, sir," answered Rose, much taken down by this comparison with thegirl from the poor-house. It nettled her sadly, and she showed that itdid by saying quickly,

"I suppose you would like to have me sweep and scrub, and wear an oldbrown dress, and go round with my sleeves rolled up, as Phebe does?"

"I should very much, if you could work as well as she does, and show asstrong a pair of arms as she can. I haven't seen a prettier picture forsome time than she made of herself this morning, up to the elbows insuds, singing like a blackbird whilst she scrubbed on the back stoop."

"Well, I do think you are the queerest man that ever lived!" was allRose could find to say after this display of bad taste.

"I haven't begun to show you my oddities yet, so you must make up yourmind to worse shocks than this," he said, with such a whimsical lookthat she was glad the sound of a bell prevented her showing more plainlywhat a blow her little vanities had already received.

"You will find your box all open up in auntie's parlor, and there youcan amuse her and yourself by rummaging to your heart's content; I'vegot to be cruising round all the morning getting my room to rights,"said Dr. Alec, as they rose from breakfast.

"Can't I help you, uncle?" asked Rose, quite burning to be useful.