After the last excitement peace descended upon Plumfield and reignedunbroken for several weeks, for the elder boys felt that the loss of Nanand Rob lay at their door, and all became so paternal in their carethat they were rather wearying; while the little ones listened to Nan'srecital of her perils so many times, that they regarded being lost asthe greatest ill humanity was heir to, and hardly dared to put theirlittle noses outside the great gate lest night should suddenly descendupon them, and ghostly black cows come looming through the dusk.

"It is too good to last," said Mrs. Jo; for years of boy-culture hadtaught her that such lulls were usually followed by outbreaks of somesort, and when less wise women would have thought that the boys hadbecome confirmed saints, she prepared herself for a sudden eruption ofthe domestic volcano.

One cause of this welcome calm was a visit from little Bess, whoseparents lent her for a week while they were away with Grandpa Laurence,who was poorly. The boys regarded Goldilocks as a mixture of child,angel, and fairy, for she was a lovely little creature, and the goldenhair which she inherited from her blonde mamma enveloped her likea shining veil, behind which she smiled upon her worshippers whengracious, and hid herself when offended. Her father would not have itcut and it hung below her waist, so soft and fine and bright, that Demiinsisted that it was silk spun from a cocoon. Every one praised thelittle Princess, but it did not seem to do her harm, only to teach herthat her presence brought sunshine, her smiles made answering smileson other faces, and her baby griefs filled every heart with tenderestsympathy.

Unconsciously, she did her young subjects more good than many a realsovereign, for her rule was very gentle and her power was felt ratherthan seen. Her natural refinement made her dainty in all things, andhad a good effect upon the careless lads about her. She would let no onetouch her roughly or with unclean hands, and more soap was used duringher visits than at any other time, because the boys considered it thehighest honor to be allowed to carry her highness, and the deepestdisgrace to be repulsed with the disdainful command, "Do away, dirtyboy!"

Lour voices displeased her and quarrelling frightened her; so gentlertones came into the boyish voices as they addressed her, and squabbleswere promptly suppressed in her presence by lookers-on if the principlescould not restrain themselves. She liked to be waited on, and thebiggest boys did her little errands without a murmur, while the smalllads were her devoted slaves in all things. They begged to be allowed todraw her carriage, bear her berry-basket, or pass her plate at table.No service was too humble, and Tommy and Ned came to blows before theycould decide which should have the honor of blacking her little boots.

Nan was especially benefited by a week in the society of a well-bredlady, though such a very small one; for Bess would look at her witha mixture of wonder and alarm in her great blue eyes when the hoydenscreamed and romped; and she shrunk from her as if she thought her asort of wild animal. Warm-hearted Nan felt this very much. She said atfirst, "Pooh! I don't care!" But she did care, and was so hurt when Besssaid, "I love my tuzzin best, tause she is twiet," that she shook poorDaisy till her teeth chattered in her head, and then fled to the barnto cry dismally. In that general refuge for perturbed spirits she foundcomfort and good counsel from some source or other. Perhaps the swallowsfrom their mud-built nests overhead twittered her a little lecture onthe beauty of gentleness. However that might have been, she came outquite subdued, and carefully searched the orchard for a certain kindof early apple that Bess liked because it was sweet and small and rosy.Armed with this peace-offering, she approached the little Princess, andhumbly presented it. To her great joy it was graciously accepted, andwhen Daisy gave Nan a forgiving kiss, Bess did likewise, as if she feltthat she had been too severe, and desired to apologize. After this theyplayed pleasantly together, and Nan enjoyed the royal favor for days.To be sure she felt a little like a wild bird in a pretty cage at first,and occasionally had to slip out to stretch her wings in a long flight,or to sing at the top of her voice, where neither would disturb theplump turtle-dove Daisy, nor the dainty golden canary Bess. But it didher good; for, seeing how every one loved the little Princess for hersmall graces and virtues, she began to imitate her, because Nan wantedmuch love, and tried hard to win it.

Not a boy in the house but felt the pretty child's influence, and wasimproved by it without exactly knowing how or why, for babies canwork miracles in the hearts that love them. Poor Billy found infinitesatisfaction in staring at her, and though she did not like it shepermitted without a frown, after she had been made to understand that hewas not quite like the others, and on that account must be more kindlytreated. Dick and Dolly overwhelmed her with willow whistles, the onlything they knew how to make, and she accepted but never used them. Robserved her like a little lover, and Teddy followed her like a pet dog.Jack she did not like, because he was afflicted with warts and had aharsh voice. Stuffy displeased her because he did not eat tidily, andGeorge tried hard not to gobble, that he might not disgust the daintylittle lady opposite. Ned was banished from court in utter disgrace whenhe was discovered tormenting some unhappy field-mice. Goldilocks couldnever forget the sad spectacle, and retired behind her veil when heapproached, waving him away with an imperious little hand, and crying,in a tone of mingled grief and anger,

"No, I tarn't love him; he tut the poor mouses' little tails off, andthey queeked!"

Daisy promptly abdicated when Bess came, and took the humble post ofchief cook, while Nan was first maid of honor; Emil was chancellorof the exchequer, and spent the public monies lavishly in getting upspectacles that cost whole ninepences. Franz was prime minister, anddirected her affairs of state, planned royal progresses through thekingdom, and kept foreign powers in order. Demi was her philosopher, andfared much better than such gentlemen usually do among crowned heads.Dan was her standing army, and defended her territories gallantly; Tommywas court fool, and Nat a tuneful Rizzio to this innocent little Mary.

Uncle Fritz and Aunt Jo enjoyed this peaceful episode, and looked onat the pretty play in which the young folk unconsciously imitated theirelders, without adding the tragedy that is so apt to spoil the dramasacted on the larger stage.

"They teach us quite as much as we teach them," said Mr. Bhaer.

"Bless the dears! they never guess how many hints they give us as to thebest way of managing them," answered Mrs. Jo.

"I think you were right about the good effect of having girls among theboys. Nan has stirred up Daisy, and Bess is teaching the little bearshow to behave better than we can. If this reformation goes on as ithas begun, I shall soon feel like Dr. Blimber with his model younggentlemen," said Professor, laughing, as he saw Tommy not only removehis own hat, but knock off Ned's also, as they entered the hall wherethe Princess was taking a ride on the rocking-horse, attended by Roband Teddy astride of chairs, and playing gallant knights to the best oftheir ability.

"You will never be a Blimber, Fritz, you couldn't do it if you tried;and our boys will never submit to the forcing process of that famoushot-bed. No fear that they will be too elegant: American boys likeliberty too well. But good manners they cannot fail to have, if we givethem the kindly spirit that shines through the simplest demeanor, makingit courteous and cordial, like yours, my dear old boy."

"Tut! tut! we will not compliment; for if I begin you will run away, andI have a wish to enjoy this happy half hour to the end;" yet Mr. Bhaerlooked pleased with the compliment, for it was true, and Mrs. Jo feltthat she had received the best her husband could give her, by sayingthat he found his truest rest and happiness in her society.

"To return to the children: I have just had another proof of Goldilocks'good influence," said Mrs. Jo, drawing her chair nearer the sofa,where the Professor lay resting after a long day's work in his variousgardens. "Nan hates sewing, but for love of Bess has been toiling halfthe afternoon over a remarkable bag in which to present a dozen of ourlove-apples to her idol when she goes. I praised her for it, and shesaid, in her quick way, 'I li

ke to sew for other people; it is stupidsewing for myself.' I took the hint, and shall give her some littleshirts and aprons for Mrs. Carney's children. She is so generous, shewill sew her fingers sore for them, and I shall not have to make a taskof it."

"But needlework is not a fashionable accomplishment, my dear."

"Sorry for it. My girls shall learn all I can teach them about it,even if they give up the Latin, Algebra, and half-a-dozen ologies itis considered necessary for girls to muddle their poor brains overnow-a-days. Amy means to make Bess an accomplished woman, but the dear'smite of a forefinger has little pricks on it already, and her mother hasseveral specimens of needlework which she values more than the clay birdwithout a bill, that filled Laurie with such pride when Bess made it."

"I also have proof of the Princess's power," said Mrs. Bhaer, after hehad watched Mrs. Jo sew on a button with an air of scorn for the wholesystem of fashionable education. "Jack is so unwilling to be classedwith Stuffy and Ned, as distasteful to Bess, that he came to me a littlewhile ago, and asked me to touch his warts with caustic. I have oftenproposed it, and he never would consent; but now he bore the smartmanfully, and consoles his present discomfort by hopes of future favor,when he can show her fastidious ladyship a smooth hand."

Mrs. Bhaer laughed at the story, and just then Stuffy came in to ask ifhe might give Goldilocks some of the bonbons his mother had sent him.

"She is not allowed to eat sweeties; but if you like to give her thepretty box with the pink sugar-rose in it, she would like it very much,"said Mrs. Jo, unwilling to spoil this unusual piece of self-denial, forthe "fat boy" seldom offered to share his sugar-plums.

"Won't she eat it? I shouldn't like to make her sick," said Stuffy,eyeing the delicate sweetmeat lovingly, yet putting it into the box.

"Oh, no, she won't touch it, if I tell her it is to look at, not to eat.She will keep it for weeks, and never think of tasting it. Can you do asmuch?"

"I should hope so! I'm ever so much older than she is," cried Stuffy,indignantly.

"Well, suppose we try. Here, put your bonbons in this bag, and see howlong you can keep them. Let me count two hearts, four red fishes, threebarley-sugar horses, nine almonds, and a dozen chocolate drops. Do youagree to that?" asked sly Mrs. Jo, popping the sweeties into her littlespool-bag.

"Yes," said Stuffy, with a sigh; and pocketing the forbidden fruit,he went away to give Bess the present, that won a smile from her, andpermission to escort her round the garden.

"Poor Stuffy's heart has really got the better of his stomach at last,and his efforts will be much encouraged by the rewards Bess gives him,"said Mrs. Jo.

"Happy is the man who can put temptation in his pocket and learnself-denial from so sweet a little teacher!" added Mr. Bhaer, asthe children passed the window, Stuffy's fat face full of placidsatisfaction, and Goldilocks surveying her sugar-rose with politeinterest, though she would have preferred a real flower with a "pittysmell."

When her father came to take her home, a universal wail arose, and theparting gifts showered upon her increased her luggage to such an extentthat Mr. Laurie proposed having out the big wagon to take it into town.Every one had given her something; and it was found difficult to packwhite mice, cake, a parcel of shells, apples, a rabbit kicking violentlyin a bag, a large cabbage for his refreshment, a bottle of minnows, anda mammoth bouquet. The farewell scene was moving, for the Princess satupon the hall-table, surrounded by her subjects. She kissed her cousins,and held out her hand to the other boys, who shook it gently withvarious soft speeches, for they were taught not to be ashamed of showingtheir emotions.

"Come again soon, little dear," whispered Dan, fastening his bestgreen-and-gold beetle in her hat.

"Don't forget me, Princess, whatever you do," said the engaging Tommy,taking a last stroke of the pretty hair.

"I am coming to your house next week, and then I shall see you, Bess,"added Nat, as if he found consolation in the thought.

"Do shake hands now," cried Jack, offering a smooth paw.

"Here are two nice new ones to remember us by," said Dick and Dolly,presenting fresh whistles, quite unconscious that seven old ones hadbeen privately deposited in the kitchen-stove.

"My little precious! I shall work you a book-mark right away, and youmust keep it always," said Nan, with a warm embrace.

But of all the farewells, poor Billy's was the most pathetic, for thethought that she was really going became so unbearable that he casthimself down before her, hugging her little blue boots and blubberingdespairingly, "Don't go away! oh, don't!" Goldilocks was so touched bythis burst of feeling, that she leaned over and lifting the poor lad'shead, said, in her soft, little voice,

"Don't cry, poor Billy! I will tiss you and tum adain soon."

This promise consoled Billy, and he fell back beaming with pride at theunusual honor conferred upon him.

"Me too! me too!" clamored Dick and Dolly, feeling that their devotiondeserved some return. The others looked as if they would like to joinin the cry; and something in the kind, merry faces about her moved thePrincess to stretch out her arms and say, with reckless condescension,

"I will tiss evvybody!"

Like a swarm of bees about a very sweet flower, the affectionate ladssurrounded their pretty playmate, and kissed her till she looked like alittle rose, not roughly, but so enthusiastically that nothing but thecrown of her hat was visible for a moment. Then her father rescued her,and she drove away still smiling and waving her hands, while the boyssat on the fence screaming like a flock of guinea-fowls, "Come back!come back!" till she was out of sight.

They all missed her, and each dimly felt that he was better for havingknown a creature so lovely, delicate, and sweet; for little Bessappealed to the chivalrous instinct in them as something to love,admire, and protect with a tender sort of reverence. Many a manremembers some pretty child who has made a place in his heart and kepther memory alive by the simple magic of her innocence; these little menwere just learning to feel this power, and to love it for its gentleinfluence, not ashamed to let the small hand lead them, nor to own theirloyalty to womankind, even in the bud.