Jaide slammed the Compendium shut, but the cat had seen the page they’d been staring at.

‘No, we didn’t,’ she said.

‘Your grandmother’s deck is securely hidden and I won’t tell you where,’ Kleo said with feline smugness. ‘Back to bed, now. Troubletwisters aren’t supposed to be nocturnal creatures, like cats.’

The twins let her lead them back past Cornelia’s cage, to the elephant tapestry that hid the door to the upper floor. Jack listened for any sign of life from the macaw, but heard only a faint, stealthy shuffling of feathers.

‘Promise me you won’t tell Ari about Cornelia,’ said Kleo. ‘You can come back to say hello, but no other visitors are allowed. Not until she’s settled, anyway.’

‘All right,’ Jack promised. He would come back as often as he could. Cornelia must be lonely, he thought, without Young Master Rourke. Surely she would get used to him, and wouldn’t bite his finger off.

‘Goodnight, Kleo,’ said Jaide, scratching the cat under her chin. Kleo leaned in with a purr. The two of them had had their differences in the past, but they were now firm friends again, even if they were keeping small secrets from each other. Jaide imagined how surprised Kleo would be when the twins completed Grandma X’s mission on their own. The thought made her smile.

‘At least now we know what the card looks like,’ she whispered when they were back in bed. ‘That’ll make it easier to find.’

Jack’s eyes were heavy. ‘It must be especially well hidden if no one’s found it before now,’ he observed.

That sobering thought followed Jaide into sleep.

There were no answers waiting for her in her dreams.


Monsters Old and New

THERE WAS NO TIME TO ask Rodeo Dave about the Rourke library that morning because the twins slept late and had barely enough time to scoff down some toast and hot chocolate before riding their bikes to school. They had hoped to visit Grandma X on the way, but Susan explained that it wasn’t possible that morning.

‘I rang as early as I could,’ she said. ‘The results of the scan were inconclusive. Someone’s coming in from Scarborough today to look at them, a specialist in brain trauma.’

The twins looked at each other with concern. ‘Brain trauma’ sounded like something to worry seriously about.

‘Will you go to see her?’ asked Jaide. ‘Will you make sure she’s okay?’

‘I promise I will,’ their mother said, giving them a squeeze. ‘The nurse said they’re keeping her in strict isolation so she’s forced to rest. You can imagine it, can’t you? I bet she’s bossing them around at every opportunity, when the sedatives wear off.’

Jack could imagine it very well, but he didn’t find the thought amusing or reassuring. It worried him that she hadn’t tried to contact them since the brief vision yesterday. He was afraid that, once again, all the important goings on in Portland were being kept from them, because they were too young.

Mr Carver’s ‘Happy Song of Beginning’ was already underway when they ran through the front door of school. It sounded like a flute being tortured.

‘I thought you weren’t going to make it,’ whispered Tara as they slipped into their seats at the desk they shared. ‘What’s that?’

The phone had slipped from Jack’s bag and slid across the desk. He snatched it up.

‘Uh, it’s a phone,’ he said.

‘I thought you weren’t allowed to have one!’

‘Dad thought we should,’ said Jaide, which was true enough.

‘Great! What’s your number? I’ll put it into my phone and we can text each other.’

Jack and Jaide stared helplessly at each other.

‘We’ve forgotten it,’ said Jack.

‘That’s okay. I’ll give you mine, and then you can text me.’

She wrote down her number and Jack put it into his phone’s memory. He texted ‘testing testing’ and waited. A second later, Tara’s phone buzzed.

‘Got it,’ she said. ‘But your dad must’ve blocked your number. Why would he do that?’

‘Maybe to stop us wasting all our credit,’ improvised Jaide. ‘If people can’t text us, we can’t text them back.’

‘What’s the point of a phone if you can’t text?’

‘Phones away, please,’ said Mr Carver as he came into the room, massaging his nostrils after a long session playing his welcome music on the nose pipes. ‘Today, we’re going to start with a short discussion. As many of you will be aware, Portland lost one of its most venerable citizens over the weekend: George Archibald Mattheus Rourke the Third. He was a very rich man, and a recluse, but I expect he touched all of our lives in one way or another. What can anyone here tell me about him?’

‘Is he really dead or just missing?’ muttered a voice at the back.

There was a small amount of laughter, but less than Jaide might have expected. The boy was referring to Rennie, who had, for a week or so, been presumed drowned before revealing herself to be very much alive.

‘He’s really dead,’ said Miralda, who fancied she knew everything about everyone in Portland. ‘Under mysterious circumstances, too. They say his face was awful, like he was scared to death.’

‘That’s not true,’ said Kyle.

‘Oh yeah? How do you know?’

‘Because my dad . . .’ He stopped and looked down, as though he wished he hadn’t spoken up.

‘That’s right,’ said Miralda with a smirk. ‘Your dad worked for him, didn’t he? What was he again – a gardener or something?’

‘Groundskeeper,’ said Kyle with a flash of anger. ‘And there’s nothing wrong with that. He was the second person to see Young Master Rourke . . . Young Master Rourke’s body . . . so he knows what he’s talking about.’

‘Not much call for groundskeepers around here,’ Miralda said. ‘Not anymore, anyway.’

‘Now, now, children,’ said Mr Carver, trying weakly to forestall another argument. ‘Let’s stick to Mr Rourke.’

‘Not Mister Rourke,’ said Miralda, her voice dripping with scorn. ‘That was the father. Young Master Rourke didn’t do anything. Without Mister Rourke, Portland wouldn’t even be here. He built the railway line and the town hall. He brought all the fishermen here—’

‘Whalers, not fishermen,’ said Mr Carver.

‘Fish, whales – what’s the difference? It got the town going properly, didn’t it? Young Master Rourke never did anything with his money except sit on it. That’s what my dad says, and he would know, because the old guy never gave him any.’

‘He sponsored the library,’ said a girl at the back. ‘His name’s on a plaque there.’

‘And the cactus gardens,’ said another.

‘And he paid for the costumes for the annual musical, even though he never went himself.’

‘What about the Peregrinators?’ asked someone else. ‘Didn’t he build their clubhouse or something?’

‘The what?’ asked Jack.

‘A bunch of crazy guys chasing UFOs,’ said Miralda with a sniff. ‘And besides, it’s not a clubhouse – it’s the sport shed on the oval. The Portland Peregrinators only use it once a month.’

‘Yeah, but he paid for it, didn’t he?’ said Kyle.

‘Anyone can buy stuff,’ said Miralda. ‘It takes leadership to do something with it. That’s what Dad says—’

‘Who cares what your dad says? My mum says he’s just a guy who wears an ugly necklace and likes the sound of his own voice.’

Again, Mr Carver was forced to intervene, banging on a drum until he had everyone’s attention.

‘The important thing,’ he said, ‘as I think this all proves, is that no man is an island. Or woman, either. Everything we do affects someone else, even if no one notices at the time.’

For once, Jack thought Mr Carver had a point. Young Master Rourke might as well not have existed for all he and Jaide had known. But now that he was gone, it was apparent that everyone was involved to some degr

ee, either because of things he had done while alive, or because of jobs they might lose now that he was dead.

Kyle simmered silently all through that morning, as the class moved on to various states and countries and the names of their capital cities. Memorising them wasn’t compulsory – nothing at the Stormhaven Innovative School of Portland was compulsory – but Jack didn’t mind paying attention. Thinking about geography distracted him from worrying about Grandma X, and made him imagine all the places his father must have been in his long career searching for such Lost and/or Forgotten Things as the Card of Translocation. Maybe one day, Jack thought, he, too, would travel like that, when he became a Warden.

When the lunch bells chimed, this time without Mr Carver’s nose-flute accompaniment, Jaide took the opportunity to put the next stage of their plan into action.

‘Let’s go see Rodeo Dave,’ she whispered to Jack, just a little too loudly.

‘Can I come with you?’ asked Tara. ‘It’s boring around here when you guys sneak off at lunchtime.’

‘Er,’ said Jack, glancing at Jaide, ‘I guess so?’

Jaide thought fast. Although they had nothing secret to discuss with Rodeo Dave, involving Tara in any expedition back to the estate might make searching for the Card of Translocation that much more complicated. But there was no way to put her off without sounding rude.