Jaide looked around, her heart pounding. They’d left the door open, and coming straight at them was Luger, the pit bull terrier that had chased them the day before. Its eyes were shining white, its jaws were foaming, and its skin was encrusted with cockroaches, which were somehow now joined to the beast, their heads buried under its skin.

‘Out of the way!’ Jack yelled. Jaide dodged aside as in one swift motion Jack picked up the cigarette lighter and pointed it at the dog. A jet of blue flame shot out at Luger, who fell back, his cockroach coat all writhing legs and flapping wings. Jaide dashed forward and slammed the door as Jack sent another blast of fire through the closing gap.

Jaide slammed the latch down. The clocks stopped their frantic chiming, but the mechanical bear kept up a slow, disturbing beat on his drum, and the barometers stayed set on Stormy.

‘Can The Evil get in here?’ asked Jaide. She looked around for the cats. ‘Come on – you really have to help us.’

Two cat heads appeared from under the couch. They both looked at Jaide, then Ari looked very intently at Kleo.

‘Oh, for goodness’ sake,’ said Ari. ‘The oath says “Wardens”, but these are very special circumstances, and these two are already more than your typical troubletwisters.’

‘I swore an oath, and I stand by it,’ Kleo said, then withdrew back under the couch. Her muffled voice continued from somewhere behind it. ‘I know you do not, Aristotle.’

‘Can you please just answer the question!’ snapped Jack.

‘Seeing as I have been cast as an oath-breaker already, I suppose I might as well,’ said Ari with a sharp look at Kleo. ‘Ultimately The Evil can get in here. But even withdrawn as she is, your grandmother’s power still inhabits this house. The Evil will not easily breach the defences.’

‘But if we’re stuck in this room, we can’t even check on Grandma!’

‘It is fortunate, then, that we’re not stuck here,’ said Ari. ‘Kleo, look out!’

Kleo poked her head out from under a rich tapestry depicting an elephant draped in robes and tassels, in the process revealing a hidden doorway.

‘What? Oh, Ari!’

‘Hey, thanks, Ari . . . and Kleo,’ said Jaide. The twins ran over to lift up the tapestry and looked at the steps behind it.

‘Where does this go?’ Jack asked. ‘We hunted all over the ground floor but we didn’t find the other door.’

‘That’s because the other end isn’t on the ground floor,’ said Kleo. She lifted her nose and haughtily stalked up the steps.

Jaide followed her up. The steps ended in a wooden panel. As Kleo trod on the third step below it, the panel slid silently back to reveal the third-floor landing of the house above them.

‘Uh, how can this come out on the third floor?’ Jaide asked cautiously. ‘It’s, like, thirty feet up, but there are only six normal steps.’

‘Architectural magic was one of your great-grandfather’s gifts,’ said Ari, who was coming up behind, careful to keep Jaide’s legs between him and Kleo. ‘It was enormously troublesome when he was a troubletwister himself. He kept losing his bedroom, I believe.’

Jaide stepped through the open panel, wondering what she’d feel as she did so. But it felt absolutely normal. She just emerged on the third floor next to Grandma X’s bedroom. However she had managed to cross the intervening space, it was no different from stepping across an ordinary threshold.

‘Wow,’ said Jack, jumping through and landing with a thud.

‘I’ll look in on Grandma,’ Jaide told him. ‘You check that the doors and windows on the ground floor are all closed and latched.’

‘I’ll help,’ said Ari with a cautious glance at Kleo, who ignored him.

Jack thundered down the stairs with Ari at his heels and the artillery shell cigarette lighter clutched tightly in one hand. Jaide and Kleo went into Grandma X’s room.

Kleo jumped up on the bed to sit at Grandma X’s feet. The old woman was lying on her side with her hands cupped under her head and her mouth parted. She looked almost childlike. Her worry lines and wrinkles had smoothed away, as though she was completely oblivious to the troubletwisters’ plight. Her eyes didn’t so much as flicker when Jaide touched her forehead to see if she had a fever. Her skin was as cool as marble. There was no way to tell how much longer she had before she couldn’t return. It might be hours, or minutes.

‘Maybe we should try to carry her to a doctor,’ Jaide said. ‘Or one of us could go —’

‘No mere human doctor can help her,’ Kleo said. ‘And if you leave the house now, The Evil will take you.’

‘So what can we do?’ asked Jaide. ‘We have to do something! Maybe we could —’

She stopped talking as the moonstone ring on Grandma X’s hand gave a tiny flash of light and the faint whistle of a breath came from between her lips.

‘Quiet!’ said Kleo urgently. The cat leaped to the bed board and leaned over Grandma X’s face. ‘Listen.’

Jaide leaned in, too, till her head was touching Kleo’s ear.

‘Ward damaged,’ Grandma X whispered. ‘Root of problem . . . must . . . fix ward . . . Kleo . . . help them!’

Before Jaide could ask a question, the light in the moonstone ring faded. A soft breath came from Grandma X’s mouth, but if it carried any words, they were lost as Jack thundered back, out of breath.

‘There are hundreds of dogs outside! It’s horrible – they’re all white-eyed and they’ve got insects all over them and they’re completely quiet, just watching the windows and the doors. What are we going to do?!’

‘Grandma just told us a ward is broken,’ said Jaide. ‘She said we had to fix it.’

‘What?!’ Jack exploded. ‘We don’t even know what they are! How can we fix that?’

‘She also told Kleo to help us,’ said Jaide. She looked at Kleo very sternly. ‘You heard her, didn’t you?’

‘I’m not entirely sure that an oath made as a kitten, sworn in blood on a saucer, can be overturned by a mere instruction,’ Kleo said. She was about to go on when Ari suddenly stood up on his hind legs and gave a very nasty, hissing yowl. It gave Jaide and Jack a start, since Ari had always seemed so placid and under Kleo’s paw.

‘But then again,’ Kleo continued, both eyes warily on Ari, ‘I suppose that, taken with the circumstances, your heritage, her order . . . I have no choice but to obey.’

Ari backed down and made a playful strike at his own tail, which was curling toward his mouth.

Jaide never thought she could feel such relief simply from a cat actually doing what it was told.

‘So what are the wards?’ she asked. ‘And how do we fix a broken one?’

‘WE’D BEST GO BACK TO the blue room,’ said Kleo. ‘Everything you need is there, and there’s nothing more you can do here for your g


Jaide took a look out the window before they left. As Jack had said, the house was surrounded by white-eyed dogs, whose shaggy coats writhed and crawled with the insects that were becoming part of them. But even worse than that, Jaide thought, was the way they all turned their heads at the same time and looked up at her window. The dogs weren’t just one breed – they were every breed. Hounds and poodles. Dobermans and dachshunds. German shepherds and pugs. It was as if every dog in town had been taken over by The Evil.

She couldn’t see any people at all, or hear any of the usual traffic noises. It was strangely quiet, save for the occasional patter of rain as a remnant squall from the storm blew over.

Grandma X didn’t move as Jaide brushed past the bed and headed for the door. She hated leaving her alone, but she felt a lot better knowing that her bedroom was little more than six steps away via the secret passage.

They went back down to the antique shop, where Kleo immediately started prowling around the room, diving over and under displays and peering into bookcases. ‘It’s here somewhere. Ari, can you help me?’

‘I would if you’d tell me what you’re looking for.’

‘That piece she bought last month – in the roll, remember? She said it would be for the troubletwisters’ room, when they were ready.’

‘Ah.’ The ginger head turned to consider the many alternatives. ‘Over here, I think.’ He disappeared into a half-open drawer and emerged a second later. ‘Yes. In here.’

Jack pulled open the drawer and found several long white fabric tubes, some as slender as wands, others as thick as a telescope. ‘Huh?’

‘That one,’ said Ari, tapping one of the smaller ones with an outstretched paw. ‘Unroll it.’

Jack did as he was told, revealing a square of embroidered tapestry that he held up to the light. Instead of Home SWEET HOME, it read:





‘What does that mean?’ Jack asked.