Melissa tossed her hair over her shoulder. “He’s a pervert anyway. I mean, he likes to paddle girls in schoolgirl uniforms.” Her eyes narrowed on me again, and a sense of unease slid over me.

“He wasn’t the only guy I knew at that party,” she said, still studying me. “Ian was there too. And unless he ended up there by accident, he gets his kicks the same way. Apparently our RC is into spanking girls as well.”

There was something dangerous in her tone. She didn’t just sound bitter, she sounded vindictive. A woman scorned. The thought popped into my mind and I realized how right that saying was. A woman scorned could make mistakes…ones that hurt other people.

“If you must know, he came to see me,” I said.

She smiled like a cat. “I know. And paddle your little minor ass.”

I glared at her. “No, his friend told him that I looked lost and obviously didn’t know what the party was all about, which I didn’t. He came to help get me out of there.”

Melissa sat back in her chair and crossed her arms. “So he likes you.”

I shrugged. “Maybe.”


I sighed. She was still staring at me with a weird expression. “Well why don’t you ask him?”

Finally she broke eye contact and looked back down at her book. “I doubt he does. He’s Ian Crawford. He can have anyone.”

For a moment I sat there, my mouth opening and closing like a fish. Then I grabbed my cosmetic bag and escaped to the bathroom.


I woke up sore.

If I needed a reminder that I’d been a virgin, now I had it. Everything had felt normal the night before but today was a different story. Every time I sat down, I had a reminder of Ian.

I winced as I slid into the seat beside his in our History of Music class. We were five minutes early and I was still groggy. “Morning.”

With a smile way too wide for such an early morning, he passed me a banana. “Phallic breakfast. Thought it was appropriate considering last night’s events.”

“How thoughtful. And romantic.”

“I knew you’d think so.” He leaned closer so I could feel his breath on my cheek. “How are you feeling today?”

I flushed and crossed my legs, grateful for the dark of the auditorium. “I feel you.”

“Mm. I thought you might.”

I glared at him. “Does that make you happy?”

“Not especially. I’m not an asshole.”

Still he did look a wee bit proud of himself. I rolled my eyes but smiled.

“We’ll just have to take it easy over the next few days.” His eyes dropped to my lips, those dark lashes fanning his cheeks. “I thought about you all last night though, so as soon as you’re feeling better, we’ll be doing that again. That and other things. I figure I have more to teach you.”

My heart skipped a beat. “So you’ve decided to go ahead and corrupt an innocent.”

“I’m fairly certain my innocent is looking to be corrupted.”

“Your innocent?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“You said it yourself,” he said with a smirk. “You want to be mine.”

“That was in the heat of the moment. Sex talk doesn’t mean anything.”