Page 9 of Three Wishes

I made my escape, rushing up to my room. I closed the door and pulled out the list of stolen names. Had one of these people really framed Leo’s dad? Or was his father guilty?

I almost kicked myself for missing such a good opportunity. When I was in my mother’s study, I should have done some research on his dad. I hadn’t even tried any of my mother’s file cabinets.

I needed to hide the list where Mom wouldn’t come across it. Just cramming it in my backpack or purse wasn’t enough. I pulled out my trig book and folded the papers into it. Mom wouldn’t find it there.

I plopped down on my bed and tried to figure out when I could get back into my mother’s office. I needed to know more about Leo’s father. And I wouldn’t mind knowing more about the Directorate either.

I wanted to call Leo, but I was afraid my mother could be tracking my calls. Not on purpose exactly, it’s just that it would be so easy for her to do. Genie Communications kept the records anyway, and she had access to them any time. Plus, she probably should be watching out for Ian. He’d probably call some 900 number if she didn’t keep an eye on him.

Dad had already busted him on the Internet a couple of times. Even Sean had tried to type in the Playboy website. I hated that I shared a gene pool with those idiots.

I doubted either one of them would ever grow up. Which made me wonder. Was Leo really more mature than other guys his age? I knew he had more facial hair. Was he mentally more mature, or was that just a line? For some reason I really wanted him to be more mature than the guys I was used to.

I guess having your father incarcerated would make you grow up pretty fast. The image of my parents in jail was so ludicrous I couldn’t help grinning. My parents never did anything wrong. Mom wouldn’t even eat a grape in the grocery store before she paid for it. And my dad was the only person in Atlanta who actually drove the speed limit.

Leo’s dad hadn’t been such a stickler for the rules. But had he stolen billions of dollars from the wish recipients and diverted it to people he knew? If so, why? Leo was right. It didn't make sense.

Leo found me before I walked into the school on Friday. He looked hot in his Levi’s and leather jacket. I was glad I’d worn my green sweater and short black skirt.

“Well?” he asked eagerly.

“I got the senior staffers names and addresses.”

Leo grinned. “I knew you could do it.”

I pulled the list out of my math book and handed it to him. “But I couldn’t find anything on the Directorate that isn’t common knowledge. No addresses.”

Leo scanned the list. “I’ll MapQuest them all tonight.” Then he pulled a cheap wireless phone from his pocket. “I realized last night, when I couldn’t find out if you’d had any luck, we needed a way to communicate. I bought us each a cheap disposable phone. Genie Communications wouldn’t know to monitor these. I programmed my number in for you.”

“Good idea.” Was I actually welcoming more interaction with him? Maybe Ian was right and I was a total idiot.

“I’ll do the computer work tonight and then I’ll start tracking them down tomorrow while looking for the Lexus.”

“You really think something suspicious will just hit you over the head?”

He shrugged. “It could happen. I’m going to see my dad tonight too, so I’ll check with him.”

“I figured out about the drum thing. You know, that you used your magic.”

With a smile, he leaned in closer. “Like you’ve never done it.”

“Done what?”

“Used magic to give you what you want.”

“I haven’t. You’re lucky you haven’t gotten caught yet.”

“There are ways to minimize the risk of getting caught.”


He glanced around. “We should talk about this later.”

“No really. How?” As if I wouldn’t have heard about such a thing.

Lowering his voice, he said, “You know. The mirror.”

“The mirror what?”

He eyed me with confusion. “The mirror. You write down the wish, stand in front of the mirror, and grant the wish to the reflection.” He reached out and put his hand on my shoulder. “You really haven’t done it?”

I shook my head. “I’ve never heard of it.”

“The magic residue is much smaller, so it’s harder to get caught.” Glancing around, he said, “We can’t talk about this here.”

“Can we talk tomorrow? I mean, do you need any help tomorrow?” Please tell me I didn’t just ask him that.

His eyes lit as he grinned. “Yeah. I really could use somebody riding shotgun.”

“Maybe I could help for a couple of hours.”

“Tell your parents you’re going to Emory for a Habitat for Humanity meeting. I’ll pick you up at nine.”

I had been interested in Habitat for Humanity. Mom would probably buy that. “I’ll try,” I said.

Then Leo focused all his attention on me. “Thank you, Jen. You don’t know what this means. I’ve been trying for days to get this information.”

I got a little lost in his blue eyes. Before I could come up with an answer, he said, “I’ll check with you later.” Then he turned and went into the school.

When I got home, I’d have to figure out a good way to broach the topic of the meeting at Emory. My parents would love the idea of me being interested in Habitat, but I didn’t want to overplay it. Mom knew I didn’t have much time for house building, and Dad would probably make Ian go with me. I could hear him now, “Follow your sister’s example, Ian.”

I shuddered. No way did I want to get saddled with Ian. Even if I were really going to a meeting. Instead, I’d be driving around the city again with the Harley-riding hottie who I shouldn’t trust at all. So why did I?

I needed to find out more about his father.

Mrs. Mashburn was one of my favorite teachers. She was smart, and tough, but fair. Unfortunately, Johnson Elliot, the biggest class clown in eleventh grade, was in my comparative government class.

“I’d like you to work on this project in groups of three,” Mrs. Mashburn said. “Each group will take a country. Then you’ll write a ten-page report and give an oral presentation.”

No one dared grumble in Mrs. Mashburn’s class, except Johnson.

“Dude,” Johnson said, “give me two babes.”

Mrs. Mashburn whipped her attention back to him. “One more word, and it’s in-school detention for you.”

I almost got zapped with her laser-beam anger since Johnson had sat next to me today. He liked to spread around what he saw as his entertainment.

Johnson nodded. He kept his comments low and discreet as Mrs. Mashburn started pointing out groups of three. She started on the other end of the room, and I realized with horror that Karen and I were going to end up with Johnson. I liked Karen. She was a good student. I turned and we exchanged a look of shared dread.

Mrs. Mashburn finally got to us, and I tried to ma

ke a face to convey our panic. Not a sarcastic face but I twisted my mouth and raised my brow in what I hoped was a please-God-no look.

The teacher faltered, and I could swear her ice blue gaze softened. “Karen and Jen, you can work together. Johnson, you can work alone. I’ll alter your page count accordingly.”

I heard Karen’s sigh of relief from behind me.

I mouthed thank you to Mrs. Mashburn.

A nearly averted crisis wasn’t how I wanted to start the day. I still wasn’t breathing normally after my adventures yesterday afternoon.

Thanks to Mrs. Mashburn, I didn’t have to cope with an academic disaster on top of everything else.

Mrs. Mashburn powered up her laptop and started explaining the project.

I felt such a rush of gratitude. Maybe I should do something nice for her. I was allowed to grant tiny little insignificant wishes. I could give Mrs. Mashburn a tiny wish, but I’d never know what she wished for. If her next wish wasn’t trivial, the grant wouldn’t work until the next trivial wish. I hadn’t granted any in a long time. Two years ago, I granted one for a girl in my class. The next thing I knew, the guy I had a huge crush on walked right up to her and asked her out.

It had been terrible, and I’d resigned never to make that mistake again.

Granting a wish for yourself in the mirror…Leo was nuts.

Of course, Mrs. Mashburn was awesome. And she wasn’t likely to wish for Leo to ask her out. Not that I had a crush on Leo. Because I didn’t.

Shaking off my errant thoughts, I went ahead and granted Mrs. Mashburn her next trivial wish. Then I hurriedly jotted down the notes to catch up.

The bell finally rang, and I crammed my notebook into my bag.

Johnson jumped up as usual, acting all hotshot, and started strutting for the door.

I saw Mrs. Mashburn give him a dirty look. It happened so fast, I almost thought I imagined it.

Until Johnson tripped over his own feet and smashed into the floor. My classmates laughed and pointed.

Mrs. Mashburn jumped back and covered her mouth.

She had totally wished for him to fall on his face!

I clamped my mouth shut as a peal of laughter escaped. I never would have guessed she was so vindictive.