I turned to see what Madison was thinking, but she was still gushing over Ben.

“Dude,” Colin said. “She isn’t going to dump you over some dumb movies.”

Jonathan squeezed me hand, and I knew he was embarrassed. But I was thrilled. First, I was so not going to dump him. Second, if he was afraid I’d dump him, it meant we were together.

Ben had tired of being left out of the conversation. “Does she got another eyelash?” he asked.

“Uh,” I said. I didn’t want to bring all that attention down on us.

Jonathan released my hand and swooped down to pick up his brother. “How bout you play a game of horse with us?”

Ben wrinkled his nose at MC and Madison. “Are all those girls gonna play too?”

Jonathan said, “Are you all in?”

“Sure,” MC said.

MC and Madison did much better at horse than they had at two-on-two. For one thing, they seemed to actually be trying. Colin and Dave did their best to offer tips, some of which involved touching my friends to show them where to stand. Whatever.

Jonathan rolled his eyes at me. “Oh, Ally,” he said with exaggerated gravity. “Let me show you how to do it right.”

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. “This will take a while,” he said. “I’ll have to stand here for about ten minutes hitting on you to do it.”

I laughed, not minding the contact or the dig at our friends. MC looked embarrassed and Dave and Colin backed away.

“Not funny, Dude,” Colin said.

“Am I interrupting something?” a deep voice asked from behind me.

Jonathan sprang away from me.

Ben backed toward the house.

I turned. “Hi, Dad.”

Dad didn’t respond. “It’s about time you girls went in for dinner, isn’t it.”

It was not a question.

MC, Madison, and I all dashed for the house.

“Wow,” MC said under her breath, “you have the worst luck ever.”

Dad didn’t say anything to me, and I hoped he wouldn’t bring up what he’d seen. After all, there were five other people out there. It wasn’t like we were alone. He’d never buy that we were just making fun of my friends.

One problem was solved. No way were MC and Madison going to give me grief after the way they’d acted. They started teasing and I struck right back.

I had a strong suspicion that they had as much trouble getting Colin and Dave out of their heads as I did Jonathan.

“So,” MC said after finishing off the pizza. “You take Colin and I’ll take Dave.”

Madison pretended to think a moment. “Okay.”

“You realize they may be sitting next door making other plans.”

“Huh?” MC said.

I rolled my eyes. “What if they have the same conversation and Dave picks Madison and Colin picks you?”

MC shrugged. “We’re mostly kidding. Do you even know if they have girlfriends?”

“No. I mean, I don’t have a clue.”

“Call Jonathan’s cell,” Madison urged. “And ask.”

“No way,” I said. “Besides, I don’t have his number.”

“What?” MC’s mouth hung open.

“You’re kidding,” Madison said. “How could you not have his number?”

They were right. I should have his number. “I guess because we saw each other every night, I didn’t need it.”

MC and Madison shared a look.

“Get it,” MC said. “As soon as possible.”

Now that I didn’t get to see him much, the idea of texting him sounded good. Not as great as spending all night hanging out, but good.

“I was sleeping at his house,” I snapped loudly when they did that look again.

They didn’t appear convinced. My dad chose that moment to come out of his office. He glanced at me and just shook his head. I was just digging myself in deeper.

When he went upstairs, Madison whispered, “You are like this close to getting homeschooled.”

I told them about the chastity belts.

They thought it was hilarious. I didn’t. I was starting to think I should buddy up to a locksmith. Or maybe a juvenile delinquent. That guy, Jeff, in Madison’s Spanish class was kicked out of public school after he stole the principal’s car.

“Do you have to know how to pick a lock to steal a car?” I asked.

“Not if you bash in the window,” MC answered.

Darn. I didn’t really want Jeff messing around down there anyway. I wondered where the lock was on those things. At the waist, or lower? I shuddered. Ick.

Chapter Twelve

No cute boy will ever really like you. I mean me. Right? And if they do, it so won’t last.

—Ally’s Brutal Teen Truths

My friends left before noon, and I picked up my book, glad for some quiet time. Around two, Caroline stormed the house with Haley and Barb.

“Hey, Ally,” Caroline said as she dashed by my room. “Come hang with us.”

The thing was that I really didn’t want to. “Sure,” I called, “Just a sec.” I had to go hang out, at least for a while. Just like she had to pretend she wanted me there.

What I really wanted to do was sneak over to Jonathan’s house and ask him to run away with me to Tahiti or something. Barring that, I would have loved to just chill and read my book for a while.

Listening to Haley talk about how great she thought she was—so not on my list.

At least Barb had tagged along. With a sigh, I put down my book and went into Caroline’s room.

Caroline greeted me with a warm smile. I actually felt like she wanted me there.

“Oh, good,” Barb said, “Come sit by me.”

I went over and claimed a piece of the bed next to Barb.

“Haley is having a crisis,” Barb informed me.

“Oh, sorry,” I said. Sorry for myself. Why did I come in here?

“She may have been dumped,” Caroline said.

“Caroline!” Haley scolded.

“We aren’t sure yet,” Barb said.

An hour full of drama queen antics and pouting later, we all decided that she had not, in fact, been dumped.

“Good,” Haley said. “Because I’m going to dump his sorry ass tomorrow.”

“You just said you’re in love with him,” Barb reminded her.

Haley tossed her hair. “He’s history.”

I wasted an hour of my life for this? “I’ve got to go check on the dogs,” I said. “I’ll be back.”

Caroline nodded. Haley ignored me, and Barb narrowed her eyes. I felt bad for abandoning Barb, but Haley was her friend.

There was no reason for me to suffer.

On Monday at practice, I started our scrimmage at center fullback. Things were going pretty well. It helped that I had solid defenders on either side of me.

Then it happened. I was right in front of the goal when Katelyn took a shot. The ball arced right toward me. I started to head it out of the goal. Something stopped me. I knew Amy was right behind me. She was playing goalie, and I didn’t like her much, but she was pretty good. I didn’t really want to make her mad. The ball flew right over my head and into the goal.

Amy yelled. “You moron! You completely blocked my view of the ball. Why did you duck at the last minute?”

The coach couldn’t hear from across the field. “I thought you’d get it,” I said kind of helplessly. “You were right behind me.”

“If I’ve got it,” she snapped, “then I’ll say I’ve got it. Otherwise, you take it.” She turned to Nicole. “I couldn’t even see that coming.” Then she mumbled a bunch of stuff under her breath.

After celebrating her goal with her team, Katelyn picked up on the tension. “What’s the deal?” she asked walking toward us.

“Ally got in my way.”

I shrugged. “I thought she had it.”

Katelyn turned to Amy. “Yell goalie if you’ve got it.” Then she walk

ed over to me. “If you don’t hear her, then go for it. No matter what. And don’t put up with her crap. She’s a terrible sport.”

Katelyn ran back to center field and my team kicked off.

Amy hadn’t finished with me though. “You’d better not screw up like that in a game.”

I glared at her, and then ran up the field before I could spaz and let them score again.

When practice ended, Katelyn and I ran over to Diane’s Range Rover.

“You guys are filthy,” Diane said, wrinkling her nose. “I’ll put towels down on the seats.”

“Uh, Diane, this is Katelyn.”

Diane frowned. “I’m sorry dear. I forgot my manners. I’m so glad we worked out this arrangement. I just wasn’t thinking about how filthy you two would be.”

I stayed back. If she smelled me, she’d never agree to let us in the car.

“Nice to meet you,” Katelyn said, shaking her hand. “Thank you for the ride.”

We took off our cleats and put them in our soccer bags. That took care of most of the dirt. When we got in the car, Katelyn started to talk about Amy but I shook my head. She got my message. I didn’t want Diane in my business.

I jumped in the shower as soon as I got home. I was way too ripe to run into Jonathan. Diane took the towels in and put them in the washer. I thought she was being a little ridiculous.

After my shower, I pulled on clean shorts and a shirt. I knocked on Caroline’s door.