When I woke, it was light, and Jonathan was gently shaking me. “Ally, it’s morning.”

God, my whole body was tired. “Ugh.”

“No really, Ally. You have to wake up.”

I opened my eyes and sat up, propping my head in my hands. “I’m up.”

“I didn’t think you were coming last night,” Jonathan said.

He actually sounded like he’d missed me. “Sorry. Soccer wore me out, and I fell asleep.”

“You’d better get going. I’ll stash the blankets.”

I stood and stretched. “I’ll be on time tonight.”

“Congratulations on soccer,” he said.

“Thanks, Jonathan. I have practice again tonight. I’ll come check on Mojo after dinner.”

“I’ll be here.”

In French class on Tuesday, the principal came and got Mrs. Day. She whispered something to her and she ran out of the room.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Mrs. Moyers said. “You may talk quietly. Mrs. Day has a family emergency.”

Then she walked out and left us alone. As if we weren’t going to cause trouble.

Everyone started talking at once.

I was just grateful that I had someone to talk to.

Katelyn said from the seat behind me, “I hope it’s not anything too bad.”

I turned around. She had the most beautiful skin. Like mocha or something. “Me too. I like Mrs. Day.” Oops. I broke that never like a teacher rule. “So far.”

Katelyn just nodded like I hadn’t committed a huge faux pas. “Me too.”

“You went to St. Luke?” I asked.


“I went to St. Catherine’s.”

“I like high school much better.”

“Me too.”

“Do you live over by St. Catherine’s?”

“Yes,” I said without thinking. “Usually. Right now I’m living with my dad on the other side of town. Middleton Heights.”

“That’s down the street from my subdivision.”

Five minutes later, the principal came back. By then, Katelyn and I had exchanged cell numbers and agreed to ask our parents about carpooling. She said her mother was dying to find someone to share the driving, and I figured Diane wouldn’t mind getting rid of me half the time.

I’d thought playing soccer with MC and Madison would give us some time together. So far, we were too busy running our guts out to do any talking.

Coach Borkman made us all take a turn in goal. I jogged over to her, trying to catch my breath enough to talk. “Listen, Coach.” Wheeze, wheeze. “I really have to tell you that I can’t catch. Anything. Ever.”

She just looked at me.

“No. Really. Like if someone throws me something, it hits the ground every time.”

“Thanks for the heads up, Ally. You can still give it a try.”

After watching me clap my hands like a seal while the ball bounced off my chest, she pulled me out of goal. “You weren’t kidding,” she said with amazement. “It’s a good thing you’re pretty good on defense.”

I couldn’t believe it. I was pretty good. Me? On defense? I thought back over the practice. There were fifteen of us now, and I was better than at least six of them. Oh my God! I was actually going to be playing in the games. No way.

MC didn’t seem surprised when I shared this later on the phone. “Duh. Of course you will.”

“I guess I just thought I’d be warming the bench.”

“You’ve got way too much competition for the bench. Monique kicked the hell out of my shin today. I’ve already got a giant blue knot. The girl’s a menace.”

“Yeah, she really is.”

“Nice job in goal by the way.”

“Shut up! You know I can’t catch. I warned Coach Borkman.”

MC giggled. “It’s hard to believe until you really see it.”

“Are we really going to go there?” I threatened. I knew all her secrets, but she got cranky when I mentioned them so I gave her one last warning.

She stopped laughing. “No. Sorry. Ma’am.”

The peeing in a cracked bucket incident of seventh grade would stay buried. For now. “I’m glad we could come to an understanding,” I said. “Now tell me what happened in Spanish today.”

I’d really missed out by taking French. MC had some of the school hotties in her Spanish class. Plus a lot of the troublemakers, so she never knew what was going to happen next. Most of them were juniors who’d put off taking a language as long as possible. “What is it,” MC asked, “about bad boys that is so attractive?”

“Beats me.” I didn’t find bad boys appealing at all. Jonathan was way more my speed. A nice guy, who happened to be really cute. Not that I actually had a chance with him, but if I were going to have a crush, it would be on him.

I talked to my mother next. She sounded pretty good.

“The law firm is great, Ally. They had a hard time filling this position, and they are so grateful to have me. Anything I do pleases them. It’s a nice change from Haynes and Hester.”

“Good, Mom. Soccer’s kind of like that for me. Some of the others are so bad, it doesn’t matter that I’m not great. They make me look good.”

“Oh, Ally, I’m so proud of you for trying out.”

She was getting too gushy. “It wasn’t really a try out. We all made it.”

“You know what I mean. I’m proud of you for taking the chance, especially with all the changes you’re having to deal with. Speaking of which, how’s Mojo?”

“He’s okay.” I wasn’t going to tell her I’d been sleeping with him. “He seems to like Buddy and Jonathan.”

“And is Mojo the only one who likes Jonathan?”

“Mo-om,” I said.

“No really, Ally. He seemed like a nice boy. He’d make a good boyfriend for you.”

“Mom, I know you’re wrapped up in your own life and all, but you have met Caroline, right?”

“Sure. Why?”

I probably wouldn’t have said this to her face, but it was easier over the phone. Didn’t she get it? “No boy is going to think twice about me with Caroline around.”

Mom gasped. Actually gasped. “That’s not true, Ally.”

“You’re my mother, you have to say these things. But the truth is that Caroline is beautiful. Jonathan would be crazy to like me with her around.”

Mom didn’t answer for a minute. “I didn’t realize you felt that way. You should have told me. I thought Caroline was nice to you.”

“She is, but that doesn’t change the facts.”

“Ally,” Mom said, “I want you to listen and listen good. You are a pretty girl and any guy would be lucky to go out with you. You may think Caroline is prettier, but that doesn’t mean other people think so.”

“She modeled, Mom!”

“Okay, fine. Are there boys at your school who are cuter than Jonathan?”

“Yeah.” I guess based on looks alone.

“Picture Jonathan standing with a group of these guys. Now be honest with yourself, Ally. Wouldn’t you still be interested in Jonathan?”

I thought for a minute. One of the varsity soccer players looked like a young Brad Pitt. And that Liam guy Caroline liked was almost pretty, he was so handsome. She was actually right. I wouldn’t have believed it. “I would still be more interested in Jonathan than the others,” I admitted. Could it possibly be true? Could he notice me despite Caroline?

“I’ve got to get back to work, Ally,” Mom said. It was after dinner in Charlotte, but she was still at work. This whole time difference thing was messing with me. “I’ll call you later.”

“Okay, Mom. Thanks.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Diane loved the idea of carpooling. “And I think it’s great you’ve got an African-American friend now. That was one thing I told Ted about the Catholic schools. They don’t have enough diversity.” She tried so hard to be politically corre

ct that she missed the boat entirely.

I was so sure that Diane didn’t have any ulterior motives for me going to public school. Like a lot more money for art classes on drawing vaginas with charcoal.

She did call Katelyn’s mom, and they arranged to start on Monday.

I thought Katelyn was pretty cool. Avoiding an hour every day in the car with Diane, even cooler.

I went to my room and checked in with Katelyn. She was psyched too. “Now when you meet Diane,” I said, “remember that she’s only my stepmother. She’s not a blood relation or anything.” I hoped she wouldn’t start babbling about diversity again. How embarrassing.

My French homework took some time. I had to listen to the CD and do a computer exercise. Finally, I got everything done. The house was quiet, so I slipped out.

I had just settled in with Mojo and Buddy when my cell rang. Mom. I answered quickly in a whisper.

“Ally, are you still up? I was just going to leave you a message. I’ll be in court tomorrow, and I may not be able to talk.”

Mom runs the power point presentation while the lawyer argues the case. “It’s okay, Mom.”

“How’s everything going?”

“Fine,” I said with a glance at Jonathan. Please don’t let the dogs bark.

“The connection sounds funny,” she said.

Yeah. Because I was outside in frog world. “Sounds fine to me, Mom.”