“I’ll be there tomorrow, and we’ll come up with a plan.”

“I’m glad you’re coming.”

“Me too.”

At school, my homeroom teacher took roll and then put in a DVD of High School Musical. The boos were deafening. After a few minutes, Mrs. Hale slipped out with her purse. We’d all seen her sneaking smokes outside the nearest exit door, so she wasn’t fooling any of us.

“Come on,” Jake said, picking up his backpack and the Eragon book he had with him again. “Let’s move to the back.”

There were enough empty seats that we found two together. We each sat in a desk, and then Jake reached over and scooted mine closer to his. “Much better,” he said.

I was so glad I came to school today.

Jake took my hand in his, and we held hands right there at school in front of everyone.

Ten minutes later, Mrs. Hale hadn’t come back, so one of the guys got up and swapped out The Hangover for High School Musical. The room quieted down fast as everyone got engrossed in the Vegas debauchery. Jake put his arm around me, and I leaned my head against him. Heaven.

When Mrs. Hale walked back in, Jake and I scooted apart some. She started going through some papers in the front of the room. I could tell the moment she realized the movie didn’t sound right. She cocked her head and listened. Then she rolled her eyes, stood, and left the room again.

My classmates high-fived each other to celebrate, and we spent a couple hours watching the movie. Jake put his arm back around me and planted a quick kiss on my cheek. Now this was how school should be every day. I savored the glory of the moment as my eyes wandered to Jake’s backpack and to his treasured book. As my gaze ran over the gold lettering down the side of the blue spine, I realized that I knew exactly what to get Jake for Christmas.

Tiffany and Chris got up and walked out the door. Not a big surprise. They were dating and neither one liked to follow rules. I guess Mrs. Hale was sitting in the hall because when the movie ended and we all started talking, she came back in.

“Looks like you’re ready for the sequel,” she said.

The class cheered thinking she meant Hangover 2, but when she started the next DVD, it was, of course, High School Musical 2. Personally, I didn’t mind it. The Hangover was kind of gross.

I had just started to get absorbed in the movie when she left and somebody stuck in Bridesmaids. I hadn’t seen this, and it looked promising.

At eleven, the office lady came over the intercom. “Mrs. Hale.”

We all looked at each other. Then one of the guys jumped up to turn down the movie.

“Mrs. Hale.”

“Ye-es,” one of the guys said in a good imitation of her voice.

“Send Jason Pawley to the office please to check out.”

“Thank you,” the guy said.

Jason stood up and got his things together.

Since almost everybody checked out a little early on a day like today, our class repeated this exercise ten more times. When the guy who could fake Mrs. Hale’s voice finally got the call, we were pretty much left with the “good kids.”

Uh oh. I couldn’t handle the pressure.

The mood of the classroom changed from celebration to a timid discomfort.

“Maybe we should find Mrs. Hale,” Jake suggested.

The six girls and one guy who were left with us turned to stare at Jake with hero worship.

“C’mon, you can help me.”

I was pretty sure he could handle it, but I followed him out the door. We immediately spotted Mrs. Hale, sitting outside Mrs. Choo’s room, where the two teachers were talking to each other.

They didn’t see us, so Jake pulled me down the other hall.

“What are you doing?” I asked suppressing a giggle.

“I wanted to do one thing while we still have privacy.”

“What?” I asked.

He answered by leaning down to kiss me. Not a peck on the cheek, but a full-on kiss that for two minutes made my brain fog and my heartbeat race.

He moved from my mouth to place a tender kiss on my forehead. Then we stood there, arms wrapped around each other, holding on to the moment.

“Can you breathe yet?” he asked.

“Not really,” I admitted.

“We should get Mrs. Hale.”


“Twenty more seconds,” he said.

“Okay,” I said.

He squeezed me tight. Then he said, “Let’s go.”

We moved apart and walked around the corner, no longer even holding hands. I wasn’t capable of normal speech yet, so I let Jake do the talking.

“Mrs. Hale, I think we need you back in the classroom. The office keeps calling.”

Mrs. Hale gave him a quizzical look. “I thought you guys had that handled.”

“We did,” Jake said. “But now we don’t.”

Mrs. Hale seemed to understand perfectly. She stood and said goodbye to Mrs. Choo. Then she walked back to the room with us.

Bridesmaids was still playing. Mrs. Hale walked over and ejected the disk. “Anybody want to claim this?”

No one did.

She glanced down at the disk and smiled. “I know what I’ll be doing tonight.”

When the bell finally rang, Jake and I walked out together. Sheree was picking both of us up so my mother could finish up her housework.

Suddenly, I was assaulted by an excitable Anya.

“Guess who’s invited to hear Brice’s band play on the Saturday before Christmas!”

Tough one. “You?”

Jake pointed to his mother’s car at the curb and left us to talk.

“Yes!” She squealed. “My parents are going out of town though so I have to stay with you.”

Seriously? “I’m not sure, Anya.”

“Don’t be silly. Your parents won’t care.”

They probably wouldn’t. “Two nights? They’ll be back on Sunday?”

“Yes! Thank you!” She jumped up and down.

Yay, I thought.

When I caught up to Jake at the car, things got awkward. Jake opened the door

for me to sit in the front. Of course, I didn’t want to sit in the front. I wanted to sit in the back. But Jake had to be polite by giving me the front, and I had to pretend to like it.

“Your father tells me that you’re going to have a full house for Thanksgiving. Your friend Milo’s family. And even your chemistry tutor. That’s very nice of Annie to invite him.”

I could feel Jake tense in the back seat. Okay, I couldn’t feel it, but I knew it was happening. I had told him about Milo’s visit, and he had been really good about it.

“Yeah, um. Finn didn’t have anywhere else to go.” Finn was the guest of honor and the reason for Milo’s visit. Then I threw in a boldfaced lie. “I’m pretty sure his girlfriend is coming too.”

Sheree had moved on. “Your mother says she can spare you by five tomorrow so we’ll eat at six.”

What was I supposed to say to that? “I’m looking forward to it.”

“You are welcome to bring Milo if you’d like.”

“Thank you. Can I let you know?”

“Of course.”

I wasn’t sure I could handle Milo and Jake and my dad and Sheree for a prolonged holiday dinner. Jake and Milo had done okay at Halloween, but Thanksgiving dinners could be intense.

Sheree dropped me off, and I rushed into the house to find my mother.

“When are they going to get here?”

“I’m not sure. Last word was that they’d be here around two. How was school?”

“Fine. We watched The Hangover and Bridesmaids.”

“Very funny, Zoe. I know they only let you see PG movies.”

“Really? Well don’t see The Hangover. You would hate it.”

“Quit being silly, Zoe. I need your help.”

“Whatever.” I sat on the couch, and Jasmine jumped up next to me. I petted her, and she purred. She’d disappear once the company arrived. Jasmine had issues with people.

“I invited Martin to dinner tonight. That way he can get to know everyone, and they can get all the hero worship out of the way. Then tomorrow can be relaxed and friendly.”