
“Fourth,” she said.

“I’m still impressed,” I told her.

“Finn, would you like seconds?”

Dr. Finnegan glanced down at his empty plate. “I have found with my new metabolism that I require a higher caloric intake than I’m used to.”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Mom said, taking his plate and serving another slice, bigger than the first.

“I’ve taken to eating a mid-afternoon meal in order to keep my weight on.”

I snorted.

Mom wrinkled her nose in disgust. “That might be something you want to keep to yourself.”

Dr. Finnegan smiled. “Oh, yes, certainly. If it helps, I went twenty years without being able to tolerate dairy before my transition.”

“It helps a little,” Mom said.

“Is there a potion that lets us eat chocolate without getting zits?” I asked.

“Yes. Although most find the resulting regurgitation to be off-putting.”

“Never mind.”

Mentioning dead man’s toe had sure put Finn in a bad mood. I hadn’t expected him to react that way. I hadn’t expected a reaction at all. Finn spoke of lines and ethics. Had he gotten into some trouble over dead man’s toe at some point? Had he had something to do with finding that substitution?

I didn’t have much time to examine our conversation right now. I had a huge chemistry test tomorrow. I could probably get at least a ninety-three based on the work and studying I’d already done. Since I wanted at least a ninety-eight, I had more cramming to do.

Anya trailed after Brice like a puppy dog at school on Monday. Whenever I saw her in the halls or in the cafeteria, she was within a few feet of him. He didn’t seem quite as taken with her.

Brice was average-looking, but he had this whole rock star thing going on. The girls at school responded with whispers and giggles and longing glances. Personally, I didn’t see the appeal. I didn’t want to be part of the pack of groupies that competed for his attention.

Today he’d had a blonde on his arm. I couldn’t remember her name, but I thought she was pretty. His attachment to the girl hadn’t dissuaded Anya from her pursuit.

“Sad,” Camille observed after taking a sip of her soft drink.

“What’s sad?” Jake asked. Typically oblivious, he’d been concentrating on his chili cheese fries.

“Nothing,” I said. I didn’t know if it would hurt him to see his ex acting so ridiculous, but I didn’t want him thinking of Anya any more than necessary. “Just something Camille and I are going to talk about later.”

After I got off the bus on Monday, I started working with the chalk again.

“I got you some cow bone,” Mom said when she got home. “The butcher had a couple of large bones that he had put aside for dog bones.”

“Thanks, Mom! I didn’t think you’d find it this fast.”

“They are fairly old, so I think you’ll be able to grind them up.”

Dad and I had bought a grinding press a few years back to powder some wood. I ran and grabbed it from the cabinet in the library.

“And to think,” Mom said, “that I doubted you would ever use that thing again.”

“I’m going to go out to the garage and smash a piece of this bone off with a hammer,” I told her. “Then I’ll have a manageable piece for the grinder.”

“Don’t smash your finger,” Mom called after me.

After hammering and grinding the bone by turning the crank on the grinder about a billion times, I got nowhere by adding the bone to the chalk. Not only did my biceps hurt, but I had a strong feeling that I was headed down the wrong path. I tried four different times and then gave up. I didn’t think I’d be able to use my right arm tomorrow.

“Does Finn like blondes?” Anya asked on Tuesday in class.

The whole question was so ridiculous that it took me a moment to process it. “Why on earth would that matter?”

She flipped her hair as she said, “I’m thinking about going blond.”

Anya had the most beautiful dark hair. Shiny, straight, and easy to style. “Are you kidding me?”

“You don’t think I’d look good?”

I thought she’d look like an idiot. “I think you’re nuts.”

She pulled back at my words. “That isn’t very nice.”

“I think you have great hair.”

“Brice likes blondes.”

Oh. This was about Brice. “Why do you care about Finn if you’re doing it for Brice?”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not going to do it for a guy if it will limit my options.”

As if she had a chance with Finn anyway. Even if he were a college student, he wouldn’t be interested in a high school sophomore.

A freshly blond Anya appeared at my locker on Thursday morning wearing a pink dress and heels.

“What do you think?” she asked as she twirled in front of me.

I wasn’t sure what I thought. “Give me a minute.” Okay, taking it all in, I was thinking that she was trying too hard. The hair though… Her hair wasn’t bad. Her skin tone worked with the blond, and the three different shades of blond in her hair told me that the new do had cost a fortune. “You look good,” I admitted.

Anya squealed, clapping her hands together. Then she spun around and ran across the hall to Camille. She was totally channeling Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde.

I hadn’t wanted it to be flattering. Maybe I was mean, but she was pretty with her own hair color.

After school, I rushed to the front porch, eager to tell my mother about Anya’s hair.

“Mom!” I called as I pushed open the front door. “You won’t—”

My mother sat on the couch with Dave. She had her iPad and he had a laptop.

“Sorry,” I said. “I didn’t know you guys were working.”

“We had a few things to wrap up,” she said. “Give me thirty minutes.”

“Yeah. Sure.” I left my backpack by the front door. “Hi, Dave.”

Dave tore his eyes away from my mother long enough to smile at me. “Hey, Zoe. Long time no see.”

I guess it had been a while. I tried not to stare at him as I walked by, but I wished I had an excuse to watch them interact for a while. Maybe I had overreacted. Could Dave and Mom actually work?

Dad picked me up after school on Friday. “Thanks for hanging out tonight, Zoe. I know you would rather be working on your substitution experiments tonight. With all that company coming for Thanksgiving, you won’t have much time for it.”

“It’s fine, Dad. I haven’t been able to get the chalk to work anyway. I

need to focus and think, but I have too much going on.”

“Well, let’s talk through it now,” he said as we left the parking lot. “You want to use sidewalk chalk as the base?”

“Yes. I want it to be harder though. But the chalk idea just seems right. I can almost see the chalk writing on the pavement, but I can’t get the consistency I want. The grinding press worked great for chopping up the bone and for reducing it to a powder.”

“I’m glad it worked, hon,” my dad said. “I had some trouble identifying the correct mechanism. It wasn’t like I could ask many people about it.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“The bone didn’t work?”

“No. I don’t have anywhere else to go with it right now.” I blew out a breath. “Maybe chalk was the wrong way to go. I know I could get there faster with rhino horn. I don’t want to do the work without finding a truly feasible solution. Maybe I’m thinking too far ahead. Maybe I need the rhino horn substitution to see the steps to the chalk-based formula. I don’t know, Dad. Every time I start to consider another base, I get this, I don’t know, this sense that I’m about to turn down the wrong path.”

“You have good instincts, Zoe. I’m not going to lecture you, yet,” he said, eyeing me with a half-smile. “I know you realize exactly how long you’ve been working on the unicorn horn, exactly how short is more like it.”

“I thought you said you weren’t going to lecture me.”

“I’m not,” he said. “I believe you should follow your gut. So let’s talk about the chalk. It’s not hard enough? What kind of chalk are you using?”

“I’ve tried chalkboard chalk, but it’s sidewalk chalk that I feel strongly about.”

“I understand, but what I mean was, are you using chalk from calcium carbonate or calcium sulfate?”

Calcium what? The truth hit me like a ton of bricks. “Oh my God. I didn’t research chalk. Dad, how could I have missed that step? I thought chalk was chalk, but I know better than to assume.”

“Zoe, you need to give yourself a break. You have too much going on. You don’t need to be juggling all these things at once.”