I wanted to smack her. Brad was chasing her like a puppy dog, but she had to turn all her charm on Jake.

I put the lid back on my salad. “I’ve got to run,” I said. I picked up my backpack. “See you guys.”

Jake looked up in surprise. Anya didn’t ask me to stay, and Brad didn’t even notice. I gave Jake a sympathetic smile and left.

After tossing the plastic container of iceberg lettuce and shriveled carrots the school passed off as salad into the trash, I went outside for a breath of Anya-free air.

After school, I was headed for my bus when Jake called my name.

I turned to find him right behind me. “Sorry I ditched you,” I said.

“Right. I almost forgot to be mad at you for that.” He smiled. “I’m going to Eli’s. I’m taking your bus.”

“Cool,” I said. “Mom’s working on a bathroom on the other side of town this week. I’m so sick of the bus.”

I fell into step with him, and he said, “I like your mom.”

“Thanks, Jake. I like yours too.” Okay, so I was lying just a little. I had to say that, or he’d know I didn’t like her. And really, she was okay. I didn’t want to be around her while she fawned over my dad.

“Hey, dude,” Eli said as we sat in the seat in front of him on the bus. I think I was growing on him. He was Jake’s best bud, but I didn’t know him very well. He had a girlfriend, Alicia, who Anya didn’t like, so they’d never really hung out with Jake when he was with us. His girlfriend played soccer, so she had practice after school every day.

“Hey, Eli,” I said. I’d never heard him talk much. He wasn’t in any of my classes. He had a muscular build, more so than Jake’s. I envied his chocolate skin tone. It was like a really good tan without the sun damage and cancer.

“We’re headed to his house to try out the new SkyRim,” Jake said. “Eli bought it last night.”

“Cool.” I had a PS3, and I played once in a while, but I couldn’t compete with diehard gamers like them. I’d beat the fifth Harry Potter game, but that was my only claim to fame. “Mom and I are headed to the gym if she can get off early enough.”

Saying it that way sounded so much cooler than saying we were going to aerobics class. Teenage boys didn’t have a lot of respect for aerobics.

“What do you bench?” Eli asked.

So much for being vague.

Jake laughed. “Girls don’t bench press.”

“I was kidding,” Eli said, threatening Jake with his fist.

Eli and Jake got off at the front of Eli’s neighborhood. Then the bus dropped me off, and I let myself in the front door.

The first thing I did was find some canned food for Jasmine. “Jazzy,” I called.

She jumped down from the piano and pitter-pattered to the kitchen. As she chowed down, I felt a little better.

I doubted I’d manage to eat any dinner.

I checked my email. Nothing interesting. I wasn’t in the market to enlarge anything, so I deleted the junk mail. I emailed Camille to tell her I missed her and to ask if she was sick. I reminded her about our tests tomorrow.

My homework took me twenty-three minutes.

When Mom pulled in the drive at four, I was more than ready to work off some stress. I changed into shorts and a t-shirt and rushed down the stairs.

“Zoe,” she was yelling as I came down. “Oh. I guess you’re ready.” She eyed my outfit.

“Go change, Mom,” I said. “I’ll grab us some water.”

Jake left school early on Wednesday to go to the dentist. I’d suffered through an algebra test and a Latin test and I was stuck riding the bus. By the time I got to my neighborhood, I was feeling carsick. I couldn’t wait to get my license.

I’d just hit the doorway when my cell phone rang.

My dad. He was probably calling to tell me about the big weekend plans with Jake and his mom.

I flipped the phone with one hand, and unlocked the door with the other. “Hey, Dad.”

“Zoe, I’m glad I got you. Where are you?” He sounded frazzled.

I pushed the door shut behind me. “Walking in the front door. Why?” I headed for the kitchen to put down my backpack.

“I’ve got some bad news. About Jake’s dog, Indiana. He was hit by a car today.”

“Oh no! Is he okay?” Poor dog.

“Not really. Sheree and Jake are at the vet now. He’s got some internal injuries, and they aren’t sure he’ll make it.” He paused. “I thought you might want to help.”

That was a first. He’d never asked me to use magic before. But I could help. I searched my brain for the right potion. “Of course. I’ll have to check a few things. I think I know one that will work.”

“I’ll pick you up and take you to the vet.”

“Okay, but Jake and Sheree can’t know,” I reminded him.

“Of course not. You’re there to lend support and if the dog happens to get better right after you visit, so be it.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“I’ll be right over.”

I went straight to the study to find the volume on animal potions. I needed to target the health potion to dogs so it would be effective. I scanned the book until I found an old potion for healing wounded hunting dogs. A quick scan of the ingredients—toad slime (again with the toad slime), eye of newt, unicorn horns… Yep. I had everything I needed.

As I headed to the kitchen, I wondered how Jake was feeling. He loved that dog. He finally asked me out, and now his dog got hit by a car. I hoped this wasn’t going to be the fate of everyone I ever dated. I mean, it was an awful big coincidence, his dog getting hit by a car right before the dance.

The dance!

I stopped walking just outside the kitchen, hugging the heavy, dusty book to my chest. Helping his dog could be self-serving because of the dance and because of my crush on Jake. If I saved the dog, I’d be punished. And I wouldn’t be able to go to the dance. With my second self-serving potion in a month, my penalty would be incredibly severe. I’d heard of people emitting a horrid, putrid odor. No way could I go out if I reeked. Perfume can only do so much. Even something like the Pinocchio nose would be impossible to hide. I’d definitely have trouble finding a way to work off the punishment if I couldn’t disguise it.

I took a deep breath. I was totally screwed. Goodbye big dance. Goodbye dream date.

Because there really wasn’t any question. I was going to save Indiana. I had to act quickly for the potion to work, and I couldn’t take a chance on modern medicine fixing the damage. Indiana was badly hurt, and I was his only real chance.

With a resolute sigh, I headed into the kitchen.

Chapter Eleven

By the time Dad arrived, I had the potion ready and had scribbled a quick note for Mom.

He walked into the kitchen and gave me a hug.

“How’s my girl?”

He hadn’t called me that in a while, and it felt good. It was nice to be working together for a change instead of being at odds with each other.

“I’m good,” I said as he released me. “I’ve got the potion ready.” I gestured to the small bottle on the counter that looked like some sort of nasal spray.

“Great,” he said. “I knew you could do it.”

He’d never asked me to brew a potion before. He’d taught me to do research and experiments, but I knew he had trouble with the whole idea of magic. He believed that the potions worked, but he preferred to view it as a sort of herbal science.

I smiled at him. “I’m glad you called. Are they still at the vet?”

“Yes. We should go.” He held the door for me and I scooped up the bottle and went into the living room. Thirty seconds later, we were out the front door and in the car.

Jake used the same vet as we used for our cat. They had at least seven doctors working there, and you never knew who you were going to get.

The people in the front office were too busy to notice, so Dad and I walked on back to treatment rooms. We glanced through

each of the windows in the doors but didn’t find Indiana and Jake.

For a moment, I was afraid we were too late. “Where are they?” I asked Dad.

His gloomy expression reflected my fears.

“John,” a familiar shrill voice called. “You came.”

A red-eyed Sheree walked to Dad and threw her arms around him. “He’s out of surgery, but they don’t know if he’s going to make it or not. There may be too much internal damage.”

She turned to me, still clutching my father. “And Zoe. It’s so sweet of you to come. Jake will appreciate it.”

“Where is he?” I asked. I couldn’t help the dog if I couldn’t get to him.

“Jake’s back there,” she said with a gesture. “They’ve got Indiana in a cage in the back. Jake’s just standing there, looking at him.”

Dad cleared his throat. “Why don’t you go back there with him, Zoe? Sheree and I can go to the waiting room.”