Her breath hitched and she tried to push up and backwards, tried to grip him between her legs so he'd sink further inside of her. But she couldn't, he was holding her with one arm wrapped around her waist and it felt like a band of steel. He controlled her every movement and denied her the ability to even so much as rock her hips toward him.

"Answer me. Do. You. Want. It?"

"Yes," she begged on a whisper.

He pushed another inch inside and loosened his arm just enough so she could have at least some slight movement. She pushed against him and began panting. She was aware of his breathing as it became louder, next to her ear.

And then he stopped again. His arm around her middle moved down and his hand snaked lower and landed on her clit. He pushed his erection all the way inside of her with one smooth, relentless thrust and then he began rubbing her clit in circles with steady strokes of his fingers. Intoxicating pleasure rushed through her. He pinched and pulled at the small nub in a movement he repeated until she began splintering underneath him. She screamed out her orgasm, and he let her milk it for a few long seconds before pulling out of her and flipping her over to her back.

He shoved back between her thighs, and then lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. Threading his fingers into her hair, he lifted her face and as his eyes tangled with hers, began sinking inside of her once more.

His eyes continued to hold hers, and when he was completely impaled within her body, his gaze dropped to her lips. His eyelids closed, and then opened again, his eyes on hers again, as his body remained still. His voice when he spoke was tortured. "You don't have a clue what you do to me . . . not a fucking clue how bad I want you."

For a moment, Jessica saw into his soul, and she knew that however they had started off, it wasn't that way between them any longer.

She was trapped underneath him, but her hands were free, and suddenly, she knew what she wanted to do. It was only a small thing really, but in this moment, she wanted to ease his torment however she could.

Her hands landed on the hem of her shirt and she began wriggling underneath him. It took a moment to get through to him that she wanted him to lift up and when he raised himself an inch, it was all the leeway she needed to slide the shirt up and over her head.

Jessica tossed the shirt away, and when she turned back, his nostrils were flaring and his eyes were narrowed on hers. She expected him to focus on her breasts immediately, but he didn't. His hands wrapped around her face, staring down at her, and he began moving his hips, slowly at first, pushing into her and pulling out again, over and over, all the while, staring into her eyes.

It was an intimate act, the closest she'd ever felt to another human being, and the breath jerked from her lungs. Just when she thought she'd have to close her eyes against the intensity, his mouth dropped to hers and he began kissing her, softly, repeatedly, over and over again.

Finally, she had to turn her head away to draw oxygen into her lungs, and when she did, he slid down and fastened his mouth on her nipple. Rasping her with his tongue, he moved his head from one nipple to the next until they formed tight, pointed peaks and desire, hot and brilliant, flooded through her pelvis once again.

He took one breast into his hand and held it, running his fingers over the tip, and then palming it completely. His mouth on her other breast blew wet heat across her nipple, and then moved to the white flesh above it. He began sucking her there, and his mouth was hot and forceful, as he used his lips and tongue on her.

The combination of that and the tight grip he held on her other nipple was relentless and she began lifting her hips, answering back against the thrusts he was taking.

Once again, orgasm washed over her, hot and hard, and the pleasure was intense as it screamed through her body. She heard her voice, high pitched and raspy, as if from a distance, and then she felt him push hard against her and hold himself there, and in the back of her mind, beyond all the pleasure, beyond the intimacy, she knew they were coming together.


It was late, and they slept the rest of the night, entwined together. And in the morning, Jessica left him sleeping in the bed and went to retrieve her backpack where he'd dropped it the night before.

She walked back to the bathroom, intending to have a quick shower before he woke up. Shutting the door behind her, she turned and faced the mirror, and looked at her hair, which was a tangled mess. Her eyes dropped down her naked body, and what she saw there made her heart lose a beat before it began slamming in her chest once again.

He'd marked her! And not just a small purple area where he'd left a hickey. The top of her right breast was covered in dark red bruises. All over, from her nipple up to the top swell of her breast, he'd covered her in red and purple hickeys.

She walked closer to the mirror and touched herself lightly. It didn't hurt, but she didn't know how she felt about it. She'd never dated much, if at all, and she wondered at the whole reason behind what he'd done. The only experience she'd had with a hickey was the one time she'd been about fifteen and she and a bunch of her girlfriends had met some boys at the movies and they'd paired up on the back row. The boy she'd kissed that night had left a hickey on her neck, and it was the only one she'd ever received until now.

Of course, in high school, she saw hickeys all the time, on both guys and girls. But it was always on the neck, and it had never occurred to her that a man would put a mark on a woman somewhere that no one else would be able to see it.

It also amazed her that she hadn't known he was doing it. She remembered having a vague awareness that he was sucking on her breast, but the way he was doing it, and the other things that were happening kept her mind from focusing solely on his mouth at her breast.

But he had to have done this on purpose. As she showered, she tried to figure out the puzzle. She knew it had to be because she'd denied him her breasts for so long, and this had to be a remin

der to her that she had given them to him, that they were now his. She felt a slow slide of pleasure at the knowledge.

Finishing her shower, she wrapped her wet hair in a towel and slipped clean clothes from her backpack. She was supposed to start her job on Monday, so that left only today and tomorrow to figure out what she was going to say to him. She had to tell Connor about the job, at the very least, because she had to get back to Richardson and her apartment, which was so much closer to the grocery store. He'd have to go to work on Monday, anyway.

She brushed her teeth and worked the tangles out of her hair, and then finished up with a moisturizer on her skin. She walked out of the bathroom and looked over at the bed, and found him lying on his side with his head propped up on his hand, looking directly at her.

His features were harsh and compelling in the morning light, and the unbidden image of what he'd done to her breast and the way he was looking at her now sent a sizzle of raw attraction down her spine.

But she didn't want to get back in that bed with him right now. By the looks of him, that was exactly what he wanted, but his persuasion was something she felt the need to fight against for the moment. She wanted to reclaim some small part of herself this morning, and his bed was definitely not the place to do that.

She felt a shiver of gooseflesh over her skin as she arrowed a small smile in his direction and then began to walk from the room.

"Where do you think you're going?" His voice, even deeper than usual first thing in the morning, halted her in the doorway of the bedroom.

Turning to look over her shoulder, she said as casually as she could manage, "I'm going to check out your house." And then she continued out of the bedroom, making her escape from him, at least momentarily.


The house was all on one level, a split floor plan with the master on one side and three smaller bedrooms on the other. It was an executive home, with all the space and amenities one could expect. It was divided in the middle by a great room, with soaring ceilings and a wall of windows that looked over an enormous backyard with a gorgeous swimming pool and spa--and the obvious reason Connor had told her to bring her swimsuit. Jessica slipped outside to explore the yard. The pool contained a water feature, a rock waterfall that added to the beauty of the yard, and it was all enclosed within a six-foot high wooden fence.