Her mind relinquished all need to protect herself and all she felt was the sure knowledge she would always be safe in his arms. "I love you," she said as her mind shattered and she was held spellbound in infinite pleasure.

He groaned against her and Emma felt the warmth of his seed as it exploded inside of her. She gripped him tightly to her as he pushed into her with unrelenting strength. They held each other in the aftermath until he lifted himself until he was on his elbows and his hands sank into her hair.

"Say that again," his words were dark, compelling her to obey.

"I love you," she said simply.

Pure satisfaction and a look of relief glittered from his eyes and his fingers sank deeper into her hair with a firmer grip. "I love you, Emma, more than you'll ever know."

Her hands slid from his shoulders to his face. "I do know, Luke, and I'm so happy."

A small, sweet smile encompassed her face and Luke lowered his mouth to hers.


Their first baby came quickly and the next two followed with rapid succession. Luke was well pleased but took an infinite, devious delight in teaching her the many ways they could make love while still trying to space out the next little family member.

Emma was a quick learner and after five years of marriage, the fires that raged between them hadn't cooled a bit.

Maria and Jesse were a huge help to them, taking on the roles of surrogate grandparents and loving every second of it.

Luke and Jesse built a tall, wooden fence all the way around the perimeter of the house with enough yard inside to allow the kids to run free, but that kept them within a close enough radius that Emma had no trouble chasing after them when needed.

Luke's protective tendencies hadn't abated one whit, and now they extended to the children as Emma sat on the porch swing and watched as he made his daily morning ritual of walking the fence line, looking for any uninvited visitors that might be a threat to his family.

Emma nursed baby Grace from her position on the porch swing while Toby and Conner raced after their father on sturdy little feet. From her seat she saw when Toby, her youngest son, took a tumble and began to cry when he fell on his fat little bottom. She was about to stand to her feet and go to him when Luke turned and picked up his son, brushed off his bottom, and cuddled him a second while whispering something in his ear. Toby's head popped up and he put his two little hands on his father's cheeks and suddenly smiled.

Luke kissed him on the forehead and dropped him to his feet where he ran off to join his brother.

Emma watched as her husband turned and narrowed his eyes on her and began walking swiftly toward her. He stepped up on the porch and placed his hands on the swing, caging her in. His dark, heated gaze swept over her and the baby in her arms. His words were slow and sexy, "I love you."

She smiled back at him and knew a moment of pure joy, much like she experienced on a daily basis. "I love you, too."

"That baby's asleep."

"That baby?"

He grinned. "Sweet little Gracie is asleep."

"Yes, I know."

"Go put her down."

"She needs some fresh air and sunlight."

Emma watched as Luke stood erect, walked to the door and opened it and called for Maria.

The other woman was there is seconds with a questioning look on her face. "Watch the kids awhile, all right?" As Luke asked the question, he gently lifted the baby from Emma's arms and placed her in the care of the older woman.

Maria's eyes shown with warmth and approval as she held the sleeping baby and sat on the swing.

Luke grabbed Emma's hand and pulled her into the house. He dragged her to their bedroom and once they were inside, he shut the door and locked it.

Emma watched him silently until a peal of laughter came from her lips. "I can't believe you just did that."

Luke pulled her into the circle of his arms and lifted one dark eyebrow. "Believe it, sweetheart." And his lips fell to hers.