He moved his lips to her ear and whispered, “Someday, someday soon, I’m gonna strip you naked, lay you down on my bed, and kiss your naked body. Jesus, baby, you’re perfect.”

His mouth moved to hers, his hands lifted to her head and angled it slightly, and then sealed his lips over hers. He held her face, pushed his tongue between her lips and began kissing her with devastating force. His tongue swirled around hers, came out, licked over her bottom lip, his teeth grazing her softly. He groaned deep in his diaphragm, and went back for more.

She sagged in his embrace, leaning against him, her brain separated from her body as he kissed her over and over again. She didn’t know where she stopped and he began as she moved her hands over him, sliding under the tails of his shirt, running her hands up and over his naked back.

They kissed for a long, long time, his five o’clock shadow abrading her skin. She felt it, knew it should hurt, but it didn’t. She ran her hands around to his chest and up his pectoral muscles until her hands covered his small, male nipples.

He ripped his mouth from hers and pulled her hands away from his chest and held them tightly while he dragged oxygen into his lungs.

“Can’t do that, babe. You keep that up, I’ll come in my pants.”

Shocked, Elaina sucked in a breath and went back for his mouth. He allowed her access, and lowered his lips back to hers.

It began again. Their tongues dueled, their arms entwined. She moaned softly into his mouth, and he gripped her butt tighter, lifting her into him. She pressed against him, and started undulating against him.

He ran his hand up the curve of her waist and landed on a tight little nipple. He rubbed it over her dress and when he did, she gasped into his mouth and their kiss became wilder, wetter. He shoved her dress down and took her small, pale, naked breast into his hand. He squeezed her nipple between his fingers, pulling at her, twisting her flesh until she was panted and pushing against him almost violently.

She broke her mouth free for oxygen and he spoke. “Come for me, babe. Give it to me.”

He pushed his mouth back on hers and drank deeply from her while his fist clenched her butt rhythmically and his fingers caressed her breast.

Elaina’s mind was numb and sheer pleasure took over her body. She pushed against him, needing it, needing him.

His hand left her butt and came around and pushed her dress up and out of his way. Sinking one long finger into the top of her panties, he landed on her glistening clit and began rubbing, swirling his finger over it.

In seconds, she was mewling in his mouth and coming hard in his arms.

He held her tight, as pleasure beyond any pleasure she had ever known hit her body full force. She splintered completely as the orgasm ran through her.

Her mouth fell from his and her head fell to his neck where she took huge, gasping breaths of air while she slowly came down.

His hands slowly fell from her sweet spots and his arms enclosed her completely. He held her tightly as his large body shook, trying to regain control.

His breathing finally slowed, and he rasped against her ear, “That’s mine. That’s what’s mine. All of it, Elaina. Nobody gets your orgasms but me. Every one of them, they belong to me.”

She hung her head against him, completely depleted of energy. God, yes. If he could make her feel like that, he could have them all.


An hour later, Raul leaned against the livi

ng room wall next to Brian and vaguely listened to his friend talk while he concentrated on Elaina across the crowded room.

She stood with a group of women that included Janie and another young woman from town who was holding a baby cuddled to her chest. He watched as Elaina and Janie cooed softly to the baby and talked to the young mother.

Every so often, Elaina’s eyes would fall on him and he would see a soft blush encompass her face.

He had a sudden vision of her holding a baby, cuddling it, nursing it. His baby.

Fierce possession ran through his blood.

The only thing calming him down and holding him in place was the memory of her shimmering in his arms as orgasm took over her body. It continued to play over and over in his head.

Brian’s voice droned on beside him as he too, watched the women. “It’s good to see Janie so happy again. She and Elaina went through hell, man. Janie losing her only sister like that—I can’t even imagine. She was ten years older than Janie, and Janie relied on her pretty much completely in an emotional sense. And poor little Elaina. She took on the brunt of the care for her mother. Three and a half years of it. She went from picking up her high school diploma, to full-fledged caregiver.”

Raul felt something splinter in his brain as he turned his head to look fully into Brian’s face.

“Three and a half years?” It was all Raul could get out, and his flat voice was in no way indicative of the confusion tearing him up inside.