Raul shook his head at Elaina, giving her a silent command to stay where she was.

Another girl in the group, one Raul recognized as one of the Monroe twins, began pulling on Trevor’s other arm, trying to get him to move in the direction of the trailer.

Raul walked toward the gazebo and looked at Trevor and the Monroe girl. “You best get going. You’re gonna miss your ride.”

Trevor balked, obviously not wanting to leave without Elaina. But the little Monroe girl was persistent, and before long she won the fight and was pulling Trevor down the drive while he threw looks of longing in Elaina’s direction.

The tractor rambled off and Raul wasted no time. He picked up Elaina’s hand and dragged her away from the gazebo, away from the lights of the yard, and marched her twenty yards from the noise of the party. He swung her around until her back was against the implement barn, and he had her caged between his arms in the darkness of the black night.


Elaina’s breathing was coming shallow and speedy. She hadn’t seen Raul in two weeks, and the sudden sight of him watching her like a predator in the night had the blood pulsing through her veins in a loud, clamoring testament to the feelings she’d been trying to understand. She felt a rush to her head as within mere moments, she was propelled away from the party and held hostage by the most uncivilized man she had ever encountered.

He hung over her, his breath rattling out of his lungs, his eyes brilliant in the dark night. They stood together, breathing raggedly, eyes on each other.

He reached down, took both of her wrists in his calloused hands and pulled them over her head and pushed them up against the rough exterior of the barn.

She sucked in a breath as he leaned into her. Tendrils of fear added to the sharp, hot bite of sexual excitement that lacerated her insides. Liquid heat pooled in her panties as currents of pleasure and need coursed through her system.

“What’d I tell you?” He hissed the words at her.

Elaina stared, eyes wide, shocked into silence, unable to answer.

He pushed his torso into hers. “What’d I tell you?” he demanded as his tone became harsher.

She shook her head, unable to calm her raging heartbeat enough to answer him.

“I told you to stay the fuck away from him. I told you not to let him touch you. I told you not to let him kiss you. Did he fuckin’ kiss you again? You let him fucking touch you again?”


“Am I gonna have to beat the shit out o’ him? Is that what it’s gonna take?”

“Raul, Jesus, you’re scaring me—”

“I’m scaring you? You’re scaring me shitless, Elaina.” The blood left his face, turning it white, as the intensity of his emotions ripped through him.

“C-calm down, nothing happened.” She tried to get him to understand. “I haven’t been seeing him, I promise.” He held tight to her wrists so she reached out to him the only way she could. She pushed her face into his neck and tried to soothe, “Shh.”

He dropped his head and sucked in oxygen. He waited for the count of three seconds and then moved his lips to hers.

He kissed her softly, taking light sips from her trembling lips.

“You don’t know that boy, baby. He’s got a reputation with women.” He spoke between kisses, his lips lifting from hers and then going back for more. “He wants to fuck you. You know that? That’s all he wants.” His words were basic. Primal.

She trembled violently in his arms as his mouth moved to her ear, feeling him suck in a breath. He kept talking, his voice lowering to a ragged whisper in her ear. “He can’t fuck you, Elaina.”

His hands released her wrists and dropped down until his arms encircled her waist completely. He hugged her to him, running his hands up and down her back. “I get that you’re too young for me. I can’t have you yet.” His hands clenched tight in pure possession. “But baby, you need to take care. You belong to me—”

She jerked in his arms and caught him off guard. “I don’t belong to you–”

His head whipped up to glare at her face and his hand grabbed her chin and lifted it. “You’re gonna fuckin’ belong to me. Just as soon as you get grown, I’ve told you before. But you need to take care, protect what’s mine, or all bets are off and I’ll move in now. Your choice. I’ll give you time and space but you gotta promise. Nobody fucks you. Now. Promise now.”

“I don’t understand what you’re asking for, Raul. You’re asking me for a commitment? Without us being together?” Confusion creased her forehead into lines. “You what? You want me to go about the business of my life, but promise my virginity to you?”

Raul felt the sucker punch to his stomach.

“You still a virgin, baby?” God, he wanted it to be true.