But he lifted his hand again. She panted. "Please."

He reached up and softly

stroked a pink nipple. "Okay, baby."

He reached down with both strong hands and opened her wide. His eyes moved to hers just before he pushed his head between her legs and began swiping her with his tongue. Electricity hit her. His tongue on her, abrading her. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. His mouth fastened on her clit and he began sucking at it as he slipped two fingers inside her. He used his mouth and his fingers on her ruthlessly, demanding an orgasm from her. Renee knew a mindless moment when she hung in the air before being thrown into an orgasm more hauntingly erotic than any she had ever known.

He continued to push against her with his mouth and hand until her internal muscles loosened. She came down from the high he had set her on and modesty took over. She closed her eyes against him and tried to push her legs together.

He would have none of it. He pushed her legs apart with one smooth motion and moved up on her. He settled himself in the juncture of her thighs and lifted one of her legs over his arm. She gasped as he opened her to him completely.

"Open your eyes, Renee." He pushed against her wet opening.

Her eyes flew open. She was captivated by what she saw. His face was arrogant, oozing possession as he hung at the entrance to her body. His eyes were harsh. Primal lust emblazoned on his features. He took a short stab and pushed into her a bit more. He grunted and lifted her leg to adjust her position to accommodate him better. He slid another inch into her and Renee's eyes closed.

Robert saw her eyes shut him out but he was too far gone to demand her attention. His body separated completely from his mind and he started taking short, stabbing thrusts at her. She was wet and soft around him. And tight. God, so tight. He pushed all the way in and savored the moment for a second as he filled her completely. She was wet silk around him. His brain felt drugged and he began to stroke her again. He reached his hands down and lifted her butt up and into him. The pleasure was intense. He tried to take it easy but had no control. He rode her hard. He thought he might regain control but then her soft hands wrapped around his shoulders and the feminine scent that was her own lifted into his nostrils.

He flew up and over the edge as he ejaculated into her.

Robert held her in his arms while their heart rates slowly came back to normal. His brain began to unscramble and his thoughts regained some order. Shit. He couldn't believe what had just happened. Jesus Christ, if she hadn't stopped and begged him to use a condom, he wouldn't have thought about it. And that had never happened to him before. Ever.

He felt again that moment of irritation when he had to sheath himself. It wasn't impatience at the delay. Fuck, no. It was much worse than that. It was resentment at having something between them. Something separating him from her.

He didn't want anything stopping him from having her, getting to her.

His mind went over the events of the evening. He hadn't started out with an agenda. He just wanted to see her. He needed some fucking time alone with her. And that acknowledgement pissed him off.

And then he had walked up and seen that goddamn Cameron making a move on her and he lost it completely. Went ballistic. Just like that, his intelligence left the building and his testosterone kicked in. His plans were getting screwed. Fuck, he didn't have a plan. This was a situation that needed precise planning and a tactical strategy. And he was flying by the seat of his pants. Shit, he didn't even know what he wanted anymore. He still wanted to sleep with her. Even more so, now that he knew what it felt like for her body to yield to his in a tight gloving and her silky beauty to surround him.

But, he didn't know where the whole job thing was going. In the last few days, he had felt a sense of pure selfishness at what he was trying to accomplish by getting her to quit. That was purely what he had wanted, and he had never taken into consideration her needs or her life. And now he wasn't even sure he wanted her gone. Why couldn't he have it all? Why the fuck couldn't he have her in bed and at his office? As long as she was willing, what fucking rule said he couldn't have it all? And there was no doubt she was good at the job. She obviously needed it. She needed the money.

Images of this tiny condo came to his mind. The one bedroom that she had been sharing with her daughter for fifteen years. And other things. He remembered back to the other night when she had wrapped her leftovers and put them in the refrigerator. My God, was she saving ramen noodles for later?

His gut clenched. She was so strong-willed, so beautiful. Too beautiful to have to worry so much about money.

A vision of his ex-wife came to mind. The grasping, greedy slut who had never known a day of hard work in her life. Always demanding more, better, newer. The house, the clothes, the car. She had made his life miserable from the first day he had put the ring on her finger. And she had been screwing him ever since. Her lawyers had fucked him, and fucked him good, even though they had no children together.

Renee wasn't like that. He knew by her resume that she had kept her previous job for ten years. She wasn't dependent on a man, and never had been. If anything, the father of her child was probably only a liability to her.

She had accomplished a lot, and all with only a high school education. She had been burdened with a child early on, but to all intents and purposes it had only made her stronger. She had made a home for the two of them here, and she had done it with next to no help, and with very little money.

She wasn't obsessed with getting a man to take care of her, even though she was beautiful enough that she could easily accomplish it. That was obvious. James Cameron said she had shot him down, and that fucking bastard probably had more money than he did. No, by all evidence, she was completely independent, and she liked it that way. He admired her for that. Respected that about her. After his experience, the idea of an independent woman was heady. But then, the evocative picture of her being dependent on him sprang to mind. The idea of her being completely dependent on him was compelling. Already, the subtle idea of her needing the paycheck he gave her was beginning to appeal. Erotic images of having her in his power, his control, were stealthily invading his brain.

He didn't know what the fuck he wanted.

Except for her.

He wanted her.

Chapter Ten

Renee lay completely still under him and tried not to let absolute horror invade her senses. She couldn't even play the victim here, or cry rape, because it had to be obvious to him that she was with him all the way. One-hundred percent, she had been with him.

God, she couldn't even blame him for this. Since day one, she had been infatuated. He was so compelling, so demanding, so blatantly male. He did something to her, pushed something in her, she couldn't control. She had sworn to herself that she wouldn't make this easy for him, and here she was, naked underneath him again.

The reality jolted her. She began pushing against him in an effort to free herself. She needed space. Space to think. Space not to think. Confusion gripped her and she pushed harder against him.

Robert felt her go from complete stillness, to frantically pushing away from him. "Hey. Be still a minute. You went to so much trouble to make me use a condom, I know you don't want any accidents here."