An hour later, after a long hot soak, Renee prayed he would be gone when she opened the bedroom door. Just in case, she slipped into shorts and a t-shirt instead of the big comfy robe she wanted to wear.

She stopped abruptly when she looked at the couch. He was sound asleep, on his back. One leg on the couch, the other booted foot on the floor with an arm thrown over his forehead. Renee caught her breath at the sight of him. He looked different. Not so scary. Not so mean. Completely as sexy. She was momentarily thrown. What was she supposed to do with him?

She decided to ignore him and went about her business. It was going on seven and she was hungry. Unfortunately, she knew he would be, too. She decided to make enough for two, and if he didn't eat it, she would put it in the fridge for tomorrow night.

Robert slowly came awake to the smell of something cooking and the rattling of pans. He lay still while he absorbed the new environment he was in. The food smelled delicious and he cracked open one eye to see Renee industriously moving around the small kitchen.

Her face was clean of make-up, and with a little peach t-shirt and shorts on, she looked like she was in her twenties, when he knew her to be thirty-eight.

The scents and sounds of a home jolted him. He hadn't really thought about what to expect when he came here after work today, but this wasn't it. His sole perception of Renee had been from his contact with her at work, and the one time at the wine bar. All those times she had been dressed for social contact with her make-up and hair impeccable. He had never seen her out of that element, and what he was experiencing now was a curiosity to him.

He watched her in her own territory. She moved with an economy of motion that told him she knew a kitchen well. He was aware her daughter was at college, and she looked like a young mother without any chicks. The house suited her, as did the outfit she was wearing. And to a guy that ate exorbitant amounts of fast food, whatever she was making smelled amazing.

Renee saw his movements in her peripheral vision. Her hands shook slightly when he stood and stretched and prowled toward the kitchen. He pulled out a barstool and sat.

/> Renee turned the heat off the soup she had thrown together and turned to face him. "I thought I told you to leave."

Robert ignored the comment. "That smells amazing. What is it?"

Renee tightened her arms across her chest and glowered at him. When his eyes dropped to her chest where the t-shirt had tightened across it, she felt a blush spread up her neck to her face.

She was far from comfortable with this situation. "Food."

He ignored her antagonism and smiled. "Yes, thank you, I'd love some."

Renee rolled her eyes and turned away to ladle soup into bowls and put the sandwiches onto plates. She prepared drinks and placed everything on the matching placemats.

She sat down and picked up her utensil. She glanced at him sitting next to her and said, "Go ahead."

He waited until she took a first delicate bite and then he picked up his spoon. The colors and scents coming from the food were mouthwatering. He had no idea she could even cook, but it didn't surprise him. Savory noodles with a hint of something he remembered from his childhood came from the soup. Two large sandwiches browned to perfection and cut into four pieces surrounded the bowl. An apple slice separated each sandwich in a colorful, culinary display. He worked his way steadily through the large plate of food.

He glanced over and watched her take another bite from the much smaller helping she had served herself.

The food she had prepared was delicious and filling.

He was three quarters of the way through before he realized he was drinking iced water and eating ramen noodles mixed with canned chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

He'd been too involved with her sitting next to him to give it much thought. His hunger for food having been met, his mind was quickly moving on to other things.

Like the sexual tension radiating between them.

Renee forced another bite and knew she wouldn't be able to eat anymore. Her nerves were shot. She slid off the barstool and picked up his empty plate and loaded it into the dishwasher. She put plastic wrap over her almost untouched plate of food, and stored it in the refrigerator.

Robert watched her from his seat on the stool the entire time. It didn't take five minutes to clean the little kitchen. Renee was about to run out of things to occupy her hands, and then he was going to pounce. Of that, there was absolutely no doubt in her mind. She decided not to stall her movements. She had to continue with something. She wasn't ready yet and couldn't allow herself to be cornered by him. She glanced down at her bare feet.

Robert was about to slide off the stool and walk over to her when he saw her bending down and taking socks and tennis shoes from a wicker basket. She gracefully slid to the floor and slipped them on her feet, then moved to the door.

She looked back at him. "I'm going to get some air before it gets too late. I'll see you tomorrow."

How much more of a hint could she give him?

Robert watched her standing by the front door. She looked like a strong wind could snap her in two. Her knuckles showed white where she clenched the door frame. She held herself still and a fine tremor racked her body. She was on a knife's edge.

He knew he could push her, but something about the time that had just passed niggled at his brain. There was no question that she was an itch he needed to scratch, but waiting was adding a tantalizing dimension to the situation. He had never waited this long for any woman before, but he knew somehow that his restraint would be rewarded. The picture of her naked and yielding to him stoked his passion, and his pursuit and ultimate victory were a given.

He had an analytical brain, and it didn't let him down. He would let her think she had some control now, so it would make her yielding to him all the better, later.

Renee watched Robert leave the bar and advance on her. Within seconds, he was in front of her. Her breath caught in her throat when his hand moved to her chin. He lifted her face and her eyes tangled with his. The impact was electric. Her stomach knotted up and her knees actually trembled with weakness. Never, ever, had she met anyone that made her feel this way. Not even close.