And he didn’t want that for his kids. He wanted only good health and happiness for them both—the same kind of happiness he’d found with Janet.

As his thoughts fell to the love of his life once again, his gaze drifted to the picture of her that he kept on his desk—but only inside the house, not out in the barn where any number of men could possibly see it. Because this picture was sexy—extremely so—and every time he looked at it his cock would throb. He’d taken the picture less than a year ago, and again, Janet hadn’t expected it.

She’d been sitting on the side of their bed, dressed in a bright pink camisole and matching panties. One silky leg hung off the bed while the other was bent at the knee while she applied polish to her toenails.

When he’d walked into the room, he’d caught her off guard, doing one of those silly little feminine things that she did to keep herself beautiful for him. He’d always thought the efforts weren’t needed, but looking at the picture now, he had to admit he appreciated the care she always took—he knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was all for him.

The memory of that day sent heat through his veins. The moment he’d seen her, his gaze had gone directly to the vee between her thighs—thighs that were slightly parted with the way she was sitting. He’d gone hard in zero to sixty and it hadn’t taken more than two seconds to release his cell phone from his belt and snap her picture. And as he’d continued snapping, she’d gone into full-blush mode—even after so many years of marriage. But then she’d regrouped and began smiling at him, posing for him and him alone as she’d shifted her legs apart just that much, to give him a visual, to entice him as he continued clicking.

The memory of the rest of that day would never fade from his mind. The polish on her toes had still been wet, and in her words, he’d ruined a perfectly nice set of sheets because of his impatience.

Like he’d cared. And she hadn’t really cared either, she’d only been teasing him. He’d ended up buying five more sets of sheets with polish colors to match—just in case.

Yeah, his damn life had turned out perfect and who would have ever guessed it? He had nothing to complain about—he had a loving, giving wife and remarkably good kids. They had plenty of money and if Zach could get things lined out, then Jeff would have zero worries at all—well, except for Hannah growing up—the thought of her growing up and wanting to date boys always sent a river of cold sweat down his spine.

He glanced back at the picture of his wife and let out a deep sigh of contentment just as he heard a small noise at the doorway. Glancing up, he saw Janet watching him, a look on her face that he was having a hard time identifying.

She tipped her lips into a smile, but it didn’t seem to reach her eyes and on top of that, she seemed remarkably nervous. The nerves confused him somewhat, because she knew damn good and well that she had him tied around her little finger, although she’d not once let him know that she knew just how bad he had it for her.

Maybe it was a game they played; maybe it was just the way their life was. Did it make him a pussy? Truly, he didn’t give a rat’s ass. It’s just the way it was. If Janet wanted something, he made sure she had it. If she was unhappy about something, he fixed it immediately. If somebody dared fuck with her—well, that was untenable so he wouldn’t even go there.

But watching her now, he could absolutely tell she was keyed up about something.

“What’s wrong, baby?” he asked, patting his knee, needing more than anything to feel her sitting on his lap.

She didn’t move from her place at the door and he began getting a bad feeling in his gut. But then he snapped out of it just as quickly, because no matter how fucking bad he had it for her—she felt the same about him. So whatever was making her nervous couldn’t have anything to do with their relationship, so he blew out a breath and calmed down a bit.

“I need to tell you something,” she said hesitatingly.

“Okay,” he prompted gently, only wanting her to be one-hundred percent happy again.

“You’re not going to like it, Jeff,” she warned as she took a step into the room, shutting the door and then sitting down across from him.

Wanting to put her mind to rest, wanting her to know he only cared about her happiness, he set out to soothe her. “Are you okay? Are you still healthy?” he asked, knowing there wasn’t anything wrong with her, thank God.

“Yes,” she said, her lips twisting in a grin at his honest but teasing questions.

“Do you still love me?” he shot out in a tone that told her that’s all he cared about.

“Yeah,” she said with a laugh.

“You still going to sleep with me tonight?” he paused. “Tomorrow night?”

“Of course,” she said, laughing out loud.

He settled back in his chair as her nerves seemed to fade, her eyes sparkling at him the way he loved. As long as he had her and she loved him, he couldn’t ask for much more, but he supposed he needed to know what the hiccup was that had upset her. “So what could be so wrong that you’re actually nervous to tell me?”

She took a deep breath and bit her lip. “Well, Hannah’s sixteen now.”

“Yep. Felt the hit on our auto insurance, babe,” he said, staying calm but not caring for her opening gambit. Seriously, their daughter growing up was causing a boatload of turmoil. But Hannah couldn’t stay a child forever, could she? The fact that she looked exactly like her mother had been giving Jeff the sweats for months—how the hell was he going to manage the teenaged boys that would soon be flocking around?

Janet stalled and twisted her hands before saying, “You were right all along. Josh Turner has asked her to go out—so now she has her first boyfriend, I guess.”

Son-of-a-fucking-bitch. Josh Turner. Jeff damn well knew this was going to happen—had seen the look in that kid’s eyes when Hannah’s name had come up.

So, not just any teenaged kid—Josh Turner. Jeff wanted to blow-up, he wanted to bang his hand on his desk and yell a loud, ‘fuck, no, not happening’. The kid wasn’t just any kid. Intense didn’t begin to explain Josh’s personality. The kid came from a broken home, he’d been abused as a child before his aunt and uncle had rescued him from the situation—and the boy had both the physical and emotional scars to prove it. Jeff didn’t put any blame on the kid himself, but son-of-a-bitch, wouldn’t it be easier if Hannah was interested in a more normal, laid-back kid?

Yeah, Jeff wanted to yell and lay down the law. But he couldn’t do that. So, he steeled his emotions and swallowed down his irritation with the situation. And it went without saying that nothing, no force on this earth could induce him to take his irritation out on his wife.

Son-of-a-fucking-bitch—his hands were tied.

“Jeff, say something,” Janet said softly.

“What do you want me to say, babe?” he asked in the calmest voice he could muster.

His wife held his eyes as she said, “I guess Hannah wants your permission to see him. She’s asked me to ask you if it’s okay. She wants to know if you’re going to let her, you know, leave the house with him.”

He swallowed and tamped down his irritation. “Do I have a lot of choice? Are you telling me that I get a choice in the matter? You know that kid isn’t just anybody. You’ve seen his intensity. How do you feel about Hannah being in a relationship with someone like him?”

He watched as she licked her lips, staring straight into his eyes before she answered. “I’m in a relationship with someone like him,” she said so softly he barely heard her.

But he did hear her. And he couldn’t refute her words. “I’ve been good to you, babe,” he said, defending himself because he damn well couldn’t deny his intensity.

“I know you have and I love you. I thank God every day that we’re together. I wouldn’t want it any differently.”

Jeff blew out a breath, relieved at least on that score. “So what are we going to do? Allow it to happen?”

“I think we should go slowly, let them see each

other but definitely limit their time together and see how it goes.”

Jeff took a couple of calming breaths as he thought about it. “All right. But I want you to realize something. She’s barely sixteen and this is Josh Turner we’re talking about. He’s two years older than she is and from what I know of the kid, this is something he’s going to take very seriously. I hope she knows what she’s getting into because that kid is head-over-heels already and it’s only going to get worse if they’re actually dating.”

“Yeah, I know,” she agreed.

“We’re going to have to watch ‘em like a hawk, you know? He screws up just one time with her—if he upsets her—I’m cutting it off, you understand?”

She held his eyes and nodded her head.

Jeff put his fingers to his temples. “Hell, I must be insane.”

“We’re doing the right thing, Jeff. They’d only sneak around if we denied them. And we don’t want that. I want an open line of communication with Hannah, that’s paramount. We have to be smart about this.”

“Yeah, you’re right—you’re always right, babe.”

As the conversation was laid to rest, a calm silence descended between them. As he continued to watch her, heat spread over her features as she glanced around the room. He was so tuned in to her he could literally feel when her pulse accelerated as she took puffs of air as she looked at the clock on the wall.

Jesus Christ—sixteen years together and she could still set him off in an instant.

A river of lust forming in his gut, he began tapping his fingers on the desk.

Her eyes came to his and the heat on her face turned into an all-out blush. Biting her lip, she stared into his eyes and all but whispered, “It’s noon.”

With those words, the memories hit him. This room. Her, naked. Him, between her legs.