“You mean other than getting pregnant?” he asked succinctly.

“Yes, besides that. I want to know what you’re thinking, why you’d want me to get pregnant so soon.”

He studied her for a moment and then his face became even darker as he seemed to close down all emotion and hide it away from her. “Fuck it. I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

His words were so short and angry that they almost brought tears to her eyes. Why did he hide so much from her? It upset her and made her so sad that she opened her mouth and pressed on. “Why do you hide everything from me? Why do you treat me like this?”

She knew he could see her upset—she wasn’t trying to hide it. Tension invaded his body at her questions, but he seemed to get a grip. A look of ruthless control stamped across his features as he took one long inhalation after the next, undoubtedly trying to calm himself. His grasp remained just as tight, not loosening a bit, but his explosive animosity disappeared almost completely.

However, his words were precise and held no room for argument. “We’re not continuing this conversation. I’m sorry as fuck I brought it up. You keep taking the pills if they make you happy—I’m going to keep taking what makes me happy.”

He paused for as long as it took to hook an arm under her leg, lifting and wrapping it around his hip, spreading her wide, her femininity open to him. And then, ruthlessly, methodically, he put his hand on her mound and instantaneously slipped a finger deep inside, gliding on her liquid heat. “And I’m going to start right here and right now, because you’re what makes me happy—even when you piss me off.”

As soon as she felt his touch inside, her thoughts scattered like dust on a windy day. She was what made him happy. Bells and whistles went off in her head when his touch suddenly went from dominating to—gentle. His touch became a caress—as if she were some fine porcelain that he was determined to care for in a way that would keep her safe. Yes, something was seriously bothering him, but she couldn’t think about it if he wouldn’t share it with her—at least not right now. With his erection pressing against her belly and his finger laying claim to her femininity, there was nothing more she could do other than to shut her eyes and feel. And it felt soooo good. He felt so good. There was something about the scent he carried, something about the texture of his skin that seemed to go to her head. She’d never experienced it with anyone other than him, and she knew now, deep in her soul, that she never would. He was a man like no other, and she easily recognized that.

And now, as he fell to his haunches and pushed her leg over his shoulder, he began giving to her—but maybe it was taking. Maybe this was what he needed—and it made her mind spin. As he lapped and licked and swirled his finger deep inside, she began trembling while she tried to maintain balance on one leg.

He put his hand to her hip and caressed her up and down, taking long swipes of his hand, up and down, just as his tongue was taking swipes of her clit. Up and down and then around and around before he started applying his teeth, scraping and sucking in a way that had her squirming immediately.

Jesus Christ and all that was holy. Her hands fell to his hair where she gripped him. She was already so close she could feel the pressure beginning to build. A noise escaped her lips as she began begging. “Jeff. Jeff.”

“What, baby?”

“I’m close—”

He cut her off as he ruthlessly removed his finger, stood to his feet and lifted her in his arms. He carried her to the bed and dumped her in the middle, following her down. He pushed his legs between her thighs and forced her legs wide open. “You’re gonna come this way. I want to be buried inside you. We’re going to come together.”

If they were going to come together, he’d better hurry and catch up. Because the second that—her mind scattered as he pushed inside with one thrust.

Her breath caught as he held still while he wrapped his hand around her jaw and lifted her face to his. He began kissing her and thrusting at the same time, hitting that wonderful magnificent place inside that he could sooooo easily reach. Dear God, was this what her life would be like now? Had she seriously died and gone to heaven?

He continued kissing her as she kissed him back and soon their tongues were tangling as the kisses became rough. He continued to push inside with his hips and then pull back. To and fro, again and again, his cock and his tongue inundating her and sending her straight to heaven.

She couldn’t hold back she couldn’t hold back she couldn’t—and then she didn’t have to because he was stiffening above her and she could let go now. She tried to hold back the wail but the only reason she was successful was because his mouth muffled her cries.

Together they crested the wave and as she clung to him, she felt a new kind of rhythm in her heart. Something different, something awesome, something she never wanted to lose.

Chapter Twelve

The next morning, Janet was already in the kitchen when Jeff came downstairs. He’d slept later than normal and she didn’t know why. He never set an alarm clock, so maybe he’d slept poorly or something?

She didn’t know but when he poured a cup of coffee, instead of standing still and letting him sear her with a look as she usually did, this morning, she decided to be proactive and take what she wanted—what she needed in that moment. She walked up to him, took the cup from his fingers and sat it on the counter.

Reaching up, she placed her hand on his face and smiled. Then she went up on tiptoe and kissed him on the mouth. Just a simple kiss, but she felt the need for it—and she felt his need for it.

His arms wrapped around her immediately and the hug he gave her wasn’t sexual in nature. It was loving, it was full of need, and she felt her heart turn over.

And then she heard the disgruntled objection from behind them. “Get a room, why don’t you?”

Her eyes met Jeff’s and she saw the crease lines that corresponded with the smile he gave when he heard his son’s sarcastic complaint. Releasing her with a lingering pat on the butt, he turned to Zach. “Lucky for you, son, we have a room.”

And with that, her day only got better from there.


A week later and things were still going well. Jeff seemed to have put a halt to his campaign to get her pregnant. He never mentioned it again and he continued using condoms the rest of the week.

On Thursday morning, she ran to town to return her library books. Surprising her completely, Jeff had insisted she leave Hannah with him. When she questioned him about it, he’d simply said that the two of them needed to bond and that he was sure she’d appreciate an hour or two by herself.

Her heart had flipped. She hadn’t been able to read anything amiss in his expression, and Hannah had gone to him readily when he’d held his hands out to her. It had only taken Janet a few minutes to run to their room, brush out her hair and grab her purse. When she’d walked back through the house, Jeff and Hannah were missing. Wondering where exactly he’d wandered off with the baby, she began heading toward the barn, almost sure that’s where he would have gone. Wanting to let him know that she was leaving now, she’d only taken a few steps in that direction when Jeff’s laughter rang out across the yard, coming from the edge of the pasture.

Her feet stalled as she glanced in that direction and saw Jeff holding Hannah close as he introduced her to a docile, sorrel mare that stood on the other side of the barbed wire fence. Nothing in his manner appeared impatient. On the contrary, his stance was relaxed, his focus on Hannah as he bounced her against his hip while showing her his horse as if he had all day and then some. Hannah was gleeful, making happy, baby noises that soothed Janet—and made her heart clench as she realized how perfect they looked—as father and daughter. She sucked in a breath as Jeff leaned in and kissed Hannah on the forehead—and then glanced up and caught her watching them.

Her heart began beating harder as his look softened even more so. A slow smile transformed his expression as he said something to Hannah that Janet couldn’t hea

r. He lifted his free hand and waved a goodbye, as if showing Hannah what ‘bye-bye’ meant. And then he lifted the child’s hand and wriggled it in the same manner.

Unable to stop them, her eyes watered as her happy child waved goodbye, albeit with Jeff’s fingers doing most of the work. Janet lifted her hand and waved goodbye in return, and blew a kiss.

Walking toward the garage, she was relieved that everything was all good, but it wasn’t the most prominent emotion she was feeling. A thrill ran down her spine, and it was from happiness and excitement for the future.

Now, as she walked into the library and sat her books on the counter, Annie smiled as she grabbed the stack of books and put them on the other side of the counter.

“Hi,” Janet said.

“Hey! I’m in a hurry, did you need more books? You can stay and browse, if you want. I’m going to leave the library open.”

“Where are you going?” Janet asked, surprised the girl was leaving during the middle of the day.

“I’m going to run to the diner and pick up a burger and fries for my Kindergartener. I try to take him lunch once a week or so.”

“Oh, that’s nice. Is that something a lot of moms do?”

Annie looked frazzled but her tone was upbeat. “Yeah, especially the stay-at-home moms, which I’m not. So it’s kind of hard to keep up, but it makes the kids feel special, having their moms show up for lunch.”

“You’re lucky you can leave the library like this,” Janet said.

“Yeah, I know. But I’ve got permission from the mayor—and I’ve got the best job in the world. It’s laid-back here. Nobody is going to steal anything, you know.”

“So, can I come with you?”

“Well, sure!” Annie exclaimed. “You want to pick up some food for—I’m sorry—I can’t remember his name! I can see his face, but—”

“It’s okay. It’s Zach. Yeah, since I’m here, maybe he would like something from the diner as well. I know he complains about the school food, and I’ve offered to pack him a lunch, but he won’t let me. Of course, that’s probably because I’m still pretty hopeless in the kitchen.”