“Hey,” Hannah complained softly.

Mandy grinned at Hannah. “Don’t worry. We all know that you can’t see past Josh.”

Katie felt both amusement and foreboding when Hannah looked only slightly disgruntled as she answered, “Well, I can’t and I’m not going to apologize for it.”

Chapter Three

Redwood Falls, The Bar M Ranch

It was two in the morning when Zach pulled into his parents’ driveway. He’d been out of the country for almost two months, and when he’d picked up his car at DFW, he’d had every intention of driving to his apartment. But when he’d hit the Interstate, in a move he couldn’t explain, he’d boarded the freeway in the direction of Redwood Falls.


His body and soul ached for the Bar M Ranch.

Not even bothering to grab his carry-on from the backseat, knowing that his stepmother kept everything he’d need in his old bedroom, he let himself into the house on silent feet. It was his intention to slip into his room without waking anyone, but as he walked past the media room, he saw a light shining from the door that stood ajar.

He walked inside and found Hannah curled up on the couch with her cell phone in her hand. She was smiling at whatever she was reading and as he watched her silently from the doorway, she clearly began answering the last text she’d received.

“Hannah,” he announced his presence in a low-pitched voice.

Startled, she jumped an inch from her seat. “Zach!”

He strolled into the room and reached down and hugged her. “Hey.”

She hugged him back. “When did you get back?”

Zach glanced around the darkened interior of the room. “My flight got in around midnight.”

“Cool. I’m glad you’re home.” Hannah’s phone vibrated and she glanced down.

He snickered at his sister’s so obvious inattention. “Sure you are. Who are you texting?”

She didn’t even glance up. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” she questioned sarcastically.

The animation on her face as she read the text had Zach asking, “Is it a boy?”

Hannah rolled her eyes without looking away from her phone. “He’s not a boy, he’s a grown man. And I met him on the Internet,” she teased. “And he’s forty-five years old.”

Zach ignored her baiting. “Is it Ava?”

She shrugged. “Sure, we’ll say that.”

“Seriously, is it a guy?”

She looked heavenward in exasperation and continued keying.

“You shouldn’t be hiding in here at two in the morning texting boys,” he couldn’t help remonstrating.

She glanced up at that. “I’m not hiding. Mom and dad aren’t even here. You’re acting as if I’m committing a federal crime. I’m almost eighteen, Zach. If I wanted to do something wrong, there’s nobody here to stop me. Lighten up.”

“Where the hell are they?”

“They had to go to Shreveport again. Something about grandma’s will.”

Fatigue from the long flight and drive began wearing Zach down. He was punch-drunk already and needed some serious sleep. “All right. I’m going to bed.”

Hannah looked down at her phone again and said distractedly, “Try to be quiet.”

“What for?”

“Katie’s asleep in the guest room.”

A wave of heat spread through Zach’s veins and grabbed him by the throat. “Fine,” he answered as calmly as he could. The exhaustion he’d been feeling a second ago disappeared in less than a heartbeat. He wasn’t going to get a damn bit of sleep knowing that girl was in the house.

He was almost to the door when Hannah said, “And can you make an attempt to be nice to her in the morning?”

His footsteps stalled and he turned to face his little sister. “Why wouldn’t I?”

Hannah was finally looking him in the eye, giving him her full attention. “I don’t know. Because her last name’s Turner?” She asked him softly and knowingly.

Zach had no clue how to answer Hannah, he knew he’d been guilty of treating Katie poorly in the past, so he simply dipped his head in agreement and walked away, shutting the door as he left the room.

The house was a split-floor plan, with his parents’ suite on one side of the house, and all the other bedrooms on the other. As Zach walked down the hallway toward his bedroom, he passed Hannah’s room and then his footsteps stalled in front of the closed door to the guestroom.

Without realizing his intent, he put his hands flat on the door and held them there, as if he could see inside the room through touch alone. As he lingered in the hallway, he knew it was only his imagination, but he swore he could smell Katie’s soft scent as it drifted in the air. His cock twitched and grew in his pants as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

She was always there. Always there in the back of his psyche. Months would slip by but she was always there. Out of his reach, but someone he badly wanted to touch. Someone he badly wanted to own.

He inhaled raggedly. He was about to turn and leave when he heard the whimper. It was just a small sound, but it jerked him to attention and snapped him from the lethargy that had held him in its grip.

As he listened, he heard the sound again, only this time stronger, and the whimper became a wail of distress. The high-pitched sound was an inarticulate, mournful cry, and it was laced with such suffering that Zach didn’t stop to think. He twisted the knob and pushed the door open, and as his sight adjusted to the dim interior of the room, he closed the door behind him and unerringly made his way to the side of the bed.

Katie looked small and helpless as she lay in the center of the bed, the sheets a tangled mess around her. Her head thrashed from side to side on the pillow. “No, no, no,” she whimpered.

Zach sat down on the edge of the bed and very gently, gripped her hand with his. “Shh. Katie, wake up, sweetheart,” he murmured, trying to rouse her from the nightmare but not wanting to startle her into full wakefulness.

Her body stiffened at the sound of his voice. “Noooooo,” she cried, the word grief-stricken.

“Katie, wake up, baby.” He gently shook her.

“You’re having a bad dream.”

Her body jerked. “No. Stop. Please, stop.”

“Katie!” Alarmed, Zach shook her harder until abruptly, her lashes lifted and she stared straight into his eyes.

She visibly swallowed and glanced around the room with a haunted look before her eyes found his again. She grimaced and inhaled deeply. “Zach?” she whispered.

He ran his hand up and down her arm in a light caress. “Yeah. You were having a nightmare.”

She sucked in another breath, and then, to his utter amazement, with a quick, jerky movement, she jackknifed into a sitting position and threw her arms around his neck, clinging to him. She moaned softly again and his arms wrapped around her with no input from his brain. He held her for a moment, giving her what comfort he could while his body splintered with the pleasure he felt at having her in his arms.

She continued to cling tightly and the moment was surreal for him. He fully expected her to come to her senses and let go, but she didn’t. Her grip only tightened and she chanted in a tiny voice as if reassuring herself, “Zach … Zach … Zach.”

The way she said his name sounded peculiar, but Zach put it down to the nightmare she’d just had and waking up in a place that wasn’t her own home. His head fell to her neck and he breathed in the scent of her hair as he let her take what strength she could from him. “Yeah, it’s me. You’re okay.”

He lightly kissed the brown silk of her hair and lifted his head. “Are you awake now? Everything okay?”

She pulled a bit away from him but didn’t let go and he could feel the fine trembling of her limbs. She looked into his eyes, and in a move that stunned him even more, she put her lips on his and pressed a firm kiss on his mouth. It wasn’t a sexual kiss; her lips stayed tightly closed, and after holding them there for a couple of seconds, she pulled away from him and untangled her hands from around his neck. With his heart beating wildly in his chest, he watched as she fell back to the pillow and pulled the covers up to her chin.

He stared at her intently for a few seconds before he could think straight enough to get his voice to work. “Answer me, Katie. Are you all right now?”