She studied him, her heart in her eyes. “Please, Zach, can’t you just forget about this?”

“No.” His answer was short, concise, adamant.

She worried her hands together, twisting her fingers. “I—I won’t be any good at this. I won’t be able to please you, to give you what you want.”

His dark gaze looked her up and down, running over the lines of her face and body. “You’ll be plenty good at it.”

She continued arguing. “You’re so rich, just extend the loan, give us more time—”

He snorted. “Don’t even think about it. Do you think I’ve gone to all this trouble just to let you go now? Do you have any idea how much that contract cost me? Getting it done in two days?” His voice hardened even more. “You’re right. I’m rich. The amount of money your family owes is negligible to me. It’s you I want.” He heard her gasp at that, but continued. “I want you.” His voice softened slightly and he grimaced at the confession he was making. “I always fucking have.”

Chapter Nine

Katie took a shaky inhalation of breath as Zach’s statement hit her full force. “So what now?”

Zach reached down and fastened his hands on her and bodily lifted her from the chair. “Now you’re mine.” His voice dripped satisfaction.

Katie stood still in his arms, letting him support her weight. “I mean, what happens now?”

“Tomorrow we catch a plane to Harlingen and we’ll drive to South Padre from there. I have a few loose ends to tie up here, but I need some time alone with you. We’re leaving for the coast in the morning.”


South Padre Island, Texas

Late the next night, Zachary and Katie landed in Harlingen where he had a rental car reserved. It was nearing midnight when they drove over the Queen Isabella Causeway that connected the barrier island with the mainland. They were, for all practical intents and purposes, at the southernmost tip of Texas.

The lights of the bridge lit the sparkling waters of the Laguna Madre below and even as tired and nervous as she was, Katie still felt a small thrill of excitement. South Padre Island was reputed to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the United States, and she had never been here before.

Growing up, her parents never had any extra money for vacations. She could count on one hand the times she had been to the beach, and it had always been to Galveston Island. The prospect of visiting a locale new to her was the only thing responsible for keeping total panic at bay.

They turned left when they hit the main drag that ran down the center of the barrier island, and had only driven a few miles when Zachary maneuvered the car into a driveway and cut the engine.

A new dose of trepidation coursed through Katie. She couldn’t think of anything she could say or do that would put off the inevitable. They had eaten at the airport in Dallas while they waited for their flight to be called, and as late as it was, there was no excuse she could think of to delay going to bed right away.

Zach grabbed their bags from the trunk and ushered Katie in through the garage.

He turned the switch on at the door, and the room was lit up with bright light. Katie caught her breath. The house was beautiful. A narrow structure, it was built up high to capture the views of the ocean, and the bottom floor they were on now was almost entirely made up of glass walls. It was a large, open room, and the living room had a wall of windows that showcased a breathtaking view. The kitchen was connected via a bar and the open space it created gave a feeling of warmth and space to the medium-sized house.

She didn’t know what she had expected, but something as cozy and functional as this certainly wasn’t it. Surprise made her turn and say the first thing that came to mind. “It’s gorgeous, Zach. How can you stand to leave?”

Zachary was pleased with her honesty; he was glad she liked his house. All the way on the plane, he had been experiencing sharp feelings of unease at what he was doing. It wasn’t until he had the appropriate documents signed, and her fate was sealed and she was in his hands, that the guilt had started eating him alive. It had started again at the airport, while they sat and waited to board the plane. Katie had nervously begun picking at one fingernail. First, she’d ripped all the polish off, then she’d started tearing into the nail itself. Her hands and nails were beautiful, slender and white, and seeing her tear up that one finger had sent flames of punishing fire through his guts. He knew she didn’t even realize what she was doing.

It wasn’t right that she should be so nervous. At twenty-three years old, a teacher and a woman full grown, she shouldn’t be so distressed. And it was his fault. And the guilt was eating at him. He began questioning his motives, and not for the first time, considering his right to implement his plans for her.

For one thing, she was correct when she said she was innocent of anything that had gone before. She had no control over anything her uncle had done, she had no control over what his wife had done, and she was being made to pay the price in full.

Secondly, when he thought about the reasons he should do this to her, he only came up with one answer. He wanted her. He wanted her. That was it.

That’s all he could come up with.

He also admitted to himself that it was telling that he wouldn’t let himself think about any of it until the documents had been signed. He wanted her, and the only way to get her was through the contract. His subconscious mind refused to acknowledge his guilt or her innocence until he had her signature on the paperwork.

He shouldered his way into the room with the bags and endeavored to answer her question. “I do like it here. Other than the ranch, this is my home. The apartment in Dallas is just a place to sleep.”

He moved to the stairway, and took the steps two at a time. He stood at the top landing, expecting her to follow him up.

She stood at the bottom and looked up at him.

“Come up here and let me show you your room.” He turned down the main hallway and began opening doors. Katie slowly followed him up the stairs.

He stood in the doorway of the second room and Katie slowly walked to him. “My room?”

He had already put the luggage down, and he reached out a long finger and ran it down her smooth cheek. “Unless you want to sleep in my bed? I don’t have a problem with that. You’re going to be there soon anyway.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head no, and her dark hair shimmered around her face and shoulders like silk.

“Somehow, I didn’t think you would.” He picked up her hand and her eyes opened. “Come on. Choose a room. That one by the door is the master and all my crap is in there, but you can pick from either of these.” He ushered her into the first room and Katie looked around. It was neutrally decorated and beautiful beyond belief. She walked through to the connecting bathroom. It was a small room, but had a tub and separate shower and everything a person could possibly need for an extended stay.

Her eyes found his. “Can I see the other room?” she asked in a hesitant tone.

“Sure.” He turned and walked out of the door and down the hall to the third and final room. Katie walked in and saw that the bathroom was about the same size as the one in the first room, but the bedroom itself was a bit smaller. Beautifully appointed as well, but it didn’t have as much space. Katie didn’t care. It was farther away from his bedroom.

“This is nice.” She didn’t want to antagonize him in any way, shape, or form. For some reason, she was getting a small reprieve from having to sleep in his bed, and she wanted to keep it that way. She didn’t know why he was suddenly being patient with her, and she wasn’t prepared to rock the boat.

He walked over to her and threaded his large palm through her hair and looked down at her. Her eyes clashed with his and he pulled her closer. “Are you sure you want to sleep in here?” He spoke softly, more gently than she had ever believed he could. “I want you in my bed.” His lips fell to her ear and he whispered in a gruff voice, “I’ll keep you safe from nightmares.”


bsp; The memory of that night long ago hit Katie and she stumbled against him. Ignoring his reference to their past, she asked about the room. “Are—are you giving me a choice?”

He pulled her into his body and his voice when he spoke radiated sexual energy. “Do you want me to give you a choice?”