“I’m going over to the Student Union for awhile. Ya’ll have things to discuss, so I’ll give you some breathing room.” She focused on Josh. “Will you text me before you leave? I want to say goodbye.” Katie stood hovering at the door, hoping she was doing the right thing by not screaming at Hannah and telling her to listen to Josh.

“Katie,” Hannah’s soft voice reached her and Katie turned to see pain screaming from the younger girl’s eyes.

Katie didn’t hesitate, just walked straight to Hannah and took her in her arms for a hard, swift hug.

Hannah’s voice came softly again, “I love you.”

Katie squeezed her younger friend again and whispered back, “I love you, too.” She held Hannah in her arms as she cut her eyes to Josh and back again to Hannah, where they softened on her young friend. “As much as I think this is going too fast, God knows I understand. There’s not a better man in this world than my cousin. Believe me, I totally get it.”

Katie looked between the two of them a moment more before walking to the door. She turned the knob and let herself out.

As she walked out, a dark, disturbing premonition of an enraged Zachary McIntyre infiltrated her entire being. She had only seen him briefly a handful of times since that dark night when he’d cornered her in the study at the McIntyre ranch. The times she’d spoken to him in the last two years had been sporadic. But each time she was in his radius, she felt like a bug pinned under a microscope. His intense scrutiny never failed to induce a confusing mix of sexual tension, resentment and a slight, unwarranted fear.

At least, she prayed the fear she felt was unwarranted.


Dallas, Texas

Zach McIntyre sat in the corporate offices of McIntyre Oil and Energy and surveyed the Dallas skyline with a scowl. For a man who had it all, he was inexplicably stressed and impatient. What he lacked was time. The last few years had been good to him financially. His determination had made it so.

The wind contracts he had signed had led to more business; his energy company now held such a large stake in the wind-generating segment of the industry that he was a major player. The money was fantastic, unbelievable; the lack of personal time his schedule left him was frustrating and kept him on a tightrope.

If it wasn’t for his secretary, Betty Cargill, who was from the old school and didn’t mind running his personal errands and taking care of overseeing his life away from the office as well as inside of it, he would definitely be up shit creek.

But luckily, when he’d originally set up the infrastructure of his business, he had hired both Betty, and a couple of young, hungry engineers who had just completed grad school. It had taken almost all of Zach’s funds to pay those three high salaries when he had first started out, but now it was paying off in spades. He had chosen his employees well, and he had brought them up with him when he struck gold. They were loyal and would do just about anything for him.

Of course, he had more employees now than he could count, but the hiring and firing was something Betty and Human Resources took care of. His days were packed with back to back meetings and travel. Everything from visiting with the land commissioner, to travelling back and forth to Saudi, to buying and selling blocks of oil futures. There were just some things he couldn’t delegate. And the larger and more intricate his company became, the more it ate up his time.

Just yesterday, he’d had to cancel with Hannah and their parents on her move-in day at college. He was supposed to have been there to help, but something had come up at the last minute. He had insisted on sending a team of professional movers and his apologies instead.

Looking out over the Dallas skyline, he felt a sharp pang of regret that he had missed out on Hannah’s excitement. Or what he hoped had been excitement. She was a quiet little thing. She never caused any problems. She never got mixed up with anything or anybody she shouldn’t.

Except for Katie Turner, of course. And now that over two years had passed and Zach’s emotions were much more stable, he knew that Katie was no danger to Hannah and never had been.

But no doubt Katie had been there with Hannah yesterday when his little sister had moved into her dorm. A suppressed memory clouded his mind. Katie had always been there for Hannah. When Janet’s mother had finally succumbed to breast cancer, his sister had taken it hard for weeks. He remembered walking down the hall to check on Hannah. He had found both girls in Hannah’s bathroom where Katie was trying to distract his little sister from the pain of losing her grandmother. Hannah was dressed in her nightgown and robe and had just come from her bath. She’d sat on the vanity stool in front of the mirror, and Katie had stood behind her, gently combing out the tangles in Hannah’s hair while she hummed softly under her breath. Hannah’s eyes were closed and Katie seemed to be having a quiet, one-sided conversation. “Let’s try your hair like this.” The older girl picked up a thick lock of hair and separated it into three sections as she began softly humming again. Zach must have made a noise, because the lilting sound stopped and Katie’s eyes had risen to the mirror where they had clashed with his. He remembered seeing something in those dark green orbs he couldn’t identify before he lowered his gaze and saw that Hannah’s eyes were still closed. He’d looked at Katie once more and then slowly turned away.

He brushed the disturbing image from his mind. But it reiterated to him that Katie would have almost certainly been with Hannah yesterday when his sister had moved into her dorm.

Hannah had wanted to follow Katie to the University of Texas at Arlington. Zach was actually pleased she’d chosen that particular university, because he’d be able to see her more often. The university was still close to home, yet still allowed Hannah to go away to college. Arlington was in the center, between Dallas and the ranch. She could come and go as she pleased; she was close enough to come see him in Dallas or go home to Redwood Falls. It suited everyone.

He thought of Hannah in the expensive red car she’d gotten for her sixteenth birthday. She was pleased with it, no doubt, especially now with all the miles she’d be driving, but typical for Hannah, she didn’t realize what the car had cost. She probably thought it was a decked out Honda. His little sister wasn’t materialistic in any way. If the family didn’t watch out, she would probably find some needy charity and give away all of her spending money. Hannah was sweet and special, no doubt about it.

At that last thought of the little sister he loved, he threw down his pen and told Betty that he would be out for the rest of the day.


Katie left the freshmen dorms and headed over to the parking lot where she’d left her car, just as a sleek silver Porsche pulled into a no-parking zone directly in front of her. The unmistakable countenance of Zachary McIntyre almost made her heart stop beating completely. And then it rapidly started to pound in her chest.

He could only be headed in one direction. To Hannah’s dorm room. Where Josh still was.

Fear and panic slithered down her spine. Zach was rich and ruthless and probably still hated the memory of Chris Turner with a passion, possibly almost as much as he loved his sister. Katie was held immobile as her mind went blank with panic and shock. The ramifications of him finding out that Josh Turner was dating—sleeping—with his little sister were unthinkable, even though he’d have to find out someday, if the situation continued. She blew out a breath and knew immediately that it would continue, because there was no way in hell her cousin would ever give up Hannah. And Katie knew she would do whatever she had to do to protect Josh and Hannah from Zach’s wrath.

Zach recognized Katie immediately. He hadn’t seen her in a few months, he hadn’t spoken to her since he’d gone to see her in Fort Worth, but her image was burned into his brain, not something he was likely to forget. She stood on the sidewalk, staring at him or his car, he couldn’t be sure which. It really didn’t matter. The slender lines of her body attracted him as always. The same inexplicable urge to reach out and touch her gripped him as it always had.

> This time it was even stronger.

There was something about her that wouldn’t let up. Certainly, she was an itch he needed to scratch, a pain in his pants. But it wasn’t completely sexual. Or maybe it was, because libidinous thoughts crept into his head and he admitted to himself that he had a dark, imbedded need to punish her, both for the past and for denying what was between them.

Of course, the punishment he had in mind wouldn’t hurt her, in fact it would only bring her pleasure. Even though the violent fury he used to feel was completely gone, he still had a stark need to possess her, to own her even. The thought was hotly exciting, even addictive, and if it took absolutely years and years and years to punish her then that was all the better, right? Fuck, it might even take forever. If keeping her forever and having her under him brought both of them immeasurable pleasure, why should he let that stop him?

He was almost ashamed of the primal emotion he felt toward her. He knew it wasn’t right; his own sister loved Katie. Deep down he knew it wasn’t fair but he just didn’t give a rat’s ass. The urge to have her was like a slow-burning ember that wouldn’t die away. It burnt into him slowly, leaving him with a need that ate like corrosive acid in the pit of his stomach. She would be twenty now, almost twenty-one. He had tried to give her space. He really had. But now, after a couple of years of college, she was probably experienced enough that she probably wouldn’t quibble about sleeping with him if he took the time and wooed her properly.

He wouldn’t think about where she had gained that experience, it would drive him fucking berserk.

He knew one thing for certain; he was going to find out if she was finally ready, because he was sick of waiting for her.

Katie’s mind began to function again just as Zachary stepped from his car. She knew she had to stall him. She had to stop him from going to Hannah’s dorm. But what plausible excuse could she have for speaking to him now, when she’d always gone out of her way to avoid him? She’d always avoided him, even to the point of being rude.

The answer came to her quickly. She would be rude now. That would fit the Katie he was used to. She sucked in a deep breath and steeled her nerves, intentionally lacing her voice with venom. “You can’t park there.”

“Says who?” Zachary raised an eyebrow as he walked around the vehicle and came to a stop on the sidewalk next to her.

“Says the university police. And that No Parking sign.” She crossed her arms over her chest and waited.

Zachary seemed to ignore the content of her words and focused on her. He lifted one hand, almost casually, and stroked her cheek with a long finger, sending a quirk of a smile in her direction. “How’ve you been, Miss Turner?”

Katie jerked back from him and fired him a look filled with hostility, not expecting the way he said her name so formally, yet teasingly, to feel like a caress. She smothered the feeling and retaliated with heat, “I’m fine. Thank you so much for asking, Mr. McIntyre. And you? Have you been busy being mean to old people, kicking dogs and traveling the globe with no greater intent than making a boatload of unneeded money?”

“Katie …everyone needs more money, sweetheart. Surely that’s a lesson you’ve learned by now. And I promise you, I’ve never kicked a dog or been mean to an old person.” His voice was nonchalant but Katie had the idea that he wasn’t really nonchalant at all.

She rolled her eyes at him and contrived to look extremely bored. “Mmmm, you’re as charming as ever. But truly, you should move your car because you’ll get a parking ticket. The hassle isn’t worth it. Besides, I’ve just come from Hannah’s dorm and she’s not there.” Katie was afraid he would be able to tell she was lying and she felt a trickle of fear settle in the pit of her stomach. It blended and churned with the other feelings she refused to name.

Zach felt the tension pouring from the feminine body standing in front of him. As much as she tried to hide it, the chemistry was there. He knew she felt it; it radiated from every inch of her delicate form. And what she didn’t feel yet, he could well take up the slack. She was beginning to frustrate him to no end. “When do you think she’ll be back? Where are you headed?”

She began to inch away from him, obviously preparing to turn and leave. “I don’t know, why don’t you give her a call? I’ve got some errands to run on campus. I’ve got to get to the bookstore and Registrars office, for starters.” Her voice held dismissal and it grated on Zach’s nerves.

He detained her with a hand on her arm. “Why don’t I buy you a late lunch? Or an early supper? We need to talk, anyway.” He kept the words smooth, trying to maintain a friendly facade that he was far from feeling.

Katie felt a totally unwelcome trickle of awareness at his touch and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. She stood still while she watched him watching her. Would it be safe to be alone with him? She had such mixed emotions about him, and Jesus Christ, he was good-looking. Had he gotten even better looking in the past months? She truly had never seen a hotter guy in real life. With every year that passed, his features matured and became more defined, more masculine.

She knew that she needed to get him away from the freshmen dorms as soon as possible, but she didn’t want to hear what new threats he might have in store for her or to be pressured in any way. Of course, the last few times she’d seen him, he hadn’t been antagonistic toward her at all. If he kept being nice, and if she wasn’t careful, all those crazy feelings she used to have when she imagined herself in love with him would come roaring back. And she for damn sure couldn’t chance that, not now, not when her emotions were in such a jumble. She took a breath and began slowly, “Mr. McIntyre—”

He cut her off, impatience clearly in his tone. “Zach. Or Zachary. Take your pick. But cut the Mr. McIntyre crap. You’re just doing it to piss me off, and it’s working. Can’t you let it go for a minute? Why can’t you get it through that gorgeous head of yours that we’re not enemies? Every time I see you it’s like I have to knock down the same wall first.”

Gorgeous head? Crap. “You called me ‘Miss Turner’ first!” she snapped, her confusion escalating.

“Yes, but I meant it as an endearment and you’re only trying to irritate me, Katie.”

Damn it! There it was again. Her name coming from his lips in a flirting caress. She counted to three in her head and tried to slow her beating heart. “All right,” she intoned dryly, even more panicked by his off-handed compliments and subtle teasing. “I’ll call you Zach. But I really don’t see what we could need to talk about. Let’s see if we can limit this discussion to thirty seconds.” She paused and her eyes flashed at him angrily, trying to maintain the emotional distance she needed from him. “You don’t like me. You don’t like my family. You’ve tolerated my friendship with your sister for the last two years mostly because I’ve been away at college. And now Hannah is here, at school, with me.” She paused and looked into his eyes. “How am I doing so far?”

Zach chuckled. “Pretty good, sweetheart. Keep going.”

He found this amusing? “Okay. You really don’t want me hanging around Hannah. You don’t want my bad influence to infect your precious little sister. No taking her to frat parties, no keeping her up late at night. All in all, you want me to stay away from her. How’s that?”

“That’s good, right on the money. You just saved me the hassle of spelling it out for you.”

Even though he was smiling down at her and his words held no antagonism, Katie felt a shaft of pure belligerence run down her spine, but she slapped on her sweetest smile when she answered, “Fuck you.”

Katie saw the expression that spread over Zach’s face and she was floored at the profanity that came from her mouth. She always strived to be ladylike. Being polite and well mannered were characteristics of her personality. He was the one who pushed her over the edge. And now he stood staring at her with a look of both amusement and anger on his face. Jesus Christ … and another expression that was scaring the shit out of her. What the hell had she just done?

She abruptly turned to leave and he slid his hand down her arm and took hold of her wrist with firm, steely fingers. “Not so fast.”

Katie pulled on her arm only slightly, not wanting to draw the attention of the students milling around the area. “Let me go right now,” she hissed, as a tiny dart of apprehension slid down her spine.

“Not happening, sweetheart. You may think you can spew filth to college boys and intimidate them, but my school days are long past. When you say that word to me, I take it one way, and one way only.”

Zach began dragging her toward his car, and Katie was about to dig her heels in when she saw Josh and Hannah coming down the steps arm in arm. Panic gripped her as she prayed Zach wouldn’t see the other couple. She soon found herself in the passenger seat of his car. He slammed the door and walked around and got in behind the wheel.

“Buckle up,” he told her tersely.

Chapter Six

Katie fumbled with the seat belt as Zach put the car in gear and drove off. Her brain turned to mush at the sudden turn of events, and one question blared through her mind as anger at her cousin for putting her in this circumstance came to the fore. Josh, what the hell are you doing to me?

They drove away from campus, and Zachary smoothly boarded the interstate. He glanced over at her, as she held herself as far away from him as possible. “So, Katie, what else have you been doing with your time … other than issuing blatant invitations to men?”

Now that the initial threat of Zach seeing Josh and Hannah had been neutralized, Katie began to get even madder at both herself and him, as the knowledge that she shouldn’t be so panicked made her feel both stupid and broken. “I didn’t issue you an invitation; I told you to fuck off and I want out of this car. Now. Immediately.”

“Sweetheart, be a good girl and settle down. I’m not taking you to a hotel or anything to collect on the promise of your … potty mouth.” He glanced over only briefly and gave her a glimmer of a heated smile. “We’re just going to have a friendly little meal. Maybe a drink. Now, calm down, forget this ridiculous idea that we’re on opposite sides and tell me what you’ve been doing. Hannah said you still have the same job at the stockyards.” Katie was amazed as Zach calmly watched the road and concentrated on his driving, as if he kidnapped women all the time.