“Thirty minutes ago, maybe? We were going to work on the boat at the school but I couldn’t make it. I just figured she’d be with you by now.”

Josh knew all about their boat project and he hated the time Hannah spent with this kid, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it and he knew his jealousy would only get him into trouble if he didn’t learn to control it. “Was she at the school? In the pool room?”


“By herself?”

“I think so.”

A wave of cold fear slid down Josh’s spine. The sheriff wouldn’t have had time to pick Jesse up yet. Not wanting to take the time to pay for his drink, Josh slammed the Coke into Steven’s chest. “Put this back for me, okay?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Josh got into his truck and slammed the door, only one thing on his mind. And that one thing was the most important thing in his world.


Josh plugged his phone into the cigarette lighter and hoped it would have enough juice within five minutes, the time it would take him to drive to the school. He tapped his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel and almost freaked when he saw a goddamn cow in the middle of the only street that led to the school. Yeah, they lived in a podunk town. He laid on his horn and finally, the cow lumbered off toward the field it had escaped from.

Josh pulled up to the parking lot and saw Hannah’s car immediately. Fear congealed in his gut when he recognized Jesse’s vehicle not three spaces from hers on the almost-empty parking lot. He took a stabilizing breath and picked up his cell. Ten percent, enough to make a call. He pulled it from the lighter and dialed the sheriff as he slammed out of his vehicle and began sprinting toward the side of the building where the swimming pool was located. “It’s Josh Turner. Hannah’s alone in the swimming pool building at the school and I think Jesse has her cornered there. You better get here quick because I’m going to murder him otherwise.”

“Slow down, son.”

Josh opened the door that led to the gymnasium. “Not happening, sir. Get here quick.” He disconnected the call and pocketed the phone as he looked around. He came to a complete stop and tried to slow his raging heartbeat and use his brain for a minute. The last thing he wanted to do was stop, but he had to make the right move or he might put Hannah into more danger than she was already in.

He pulled his phone out again and dialed her number. It went straight to voicemail, and he knew that somehow, she’d been separated from her cell. He pocketed the phone again and walked on silent feet toward the door of the room where the indoor pool was located. He put his ear against it but didn’t hear anything. Edging it open slowly, he almost had a heart attack when he saw her being pushed against the wall by Jesse who was holding a knife in one hand. Jesse was talking to her, but Josh couldn’t hear what he was saying. The lunatic was pointing around with the knife as if he were trying to make a point, and Hannah was nodding her head, and it was obvious to Josh that she was trying to placate him by agreeing with whatever he said.

But Josh could see the stark fear in her eyes and if it hadn’t been for that knife in Jesse’s hand, Josh would have already charged the other guy by now.

Hannah glanced away from Jesse for just a moment and her eyes lit on Josh. A flash of relief showed within her gaze and Josh quickly raised his finger to his mouth in an indication that she remain silent. Her eyes silently agreed before glancing back to Jesse.

Josh began to creep up behind Jesse with every intention of taking him down. He didn’t doubt for even a second that he could take Jesse, with or without the knife. His only fear was that Hannah might get hurt in the process, and he needed to be careful.

With a silent tread, he closed the space between them and lunged for Jesse from behind, knocking him down and away from Hannah. She pulled back and got out of their way, and they fell to the floor, each trying to take an advantage. Jesse had the knife, and Josh had to be careful of that.

Josh was just about to pin him underneath him when Jesse raised the knife to strike. It was coming down toward him when a gunshot rang out and Jesse fell back, dropping the knife from his hand.

Josh looked first at Hannah to see if she was safe, and then at the door where Sheriff Thompson stood, with his gun still in his hand.

Jesse was moaning on the floor, clutching his bloodied arm and spewing a string of obscenities.

As the sheriff took a battered Jesse into custody, Josh stood to his feet and took Hannah into his arms. He wrapped his arms completely around her, and cradled her to him. “I love you,” he said, not caring who heard him.

Her body trembled against his. “I love you, too.”

The sheriff handcuffed Jesse. “Y’all going to be all right?”

“Yes, sir,” Josh replied firmly.

“You, too, Miss? He didn’t hurt you?”

“I’m f-fine, thanks.”

The sheriff nodded his head in satisfaction. “You’ll need to come in and make a statement. He’s going away, probably for life.”

“She’ll be there, no problem.”

The sheriff gave them a swift nod and dragged Jesse away.


That night, after Hannah’s parents had been told what had happened and all the statements had been made, Josh and Hannah sat in the truck in front of Hannah’s house. Josh could see that her parents were still freaked out about what had happened, and he’d told them that they weren’t going anywhere that evening. He’d seen a relieved look on their faces, and now he held her hand with his while she was scrunched up next to him.

“I can’t imagine how bad it must have been for Katie. I was so scared, Josh. He kept threatening all kinds of things and raving on and on about Rebecca breaking up with him.”

“I told her not to speak to him again, but I guess she didn’t listen.”

“I’m just glad it’s over. I mean, I know there will be a trial and everything, but with so many of us standing together and testifying against him, it should be a piece of cake, right?”

“Yeah, it won’t be a problem. We’ll all get through it.”

Hannah let out a deep breath and rested her head against his chest. Her fingers made circles over the hand that held hers. “I’m sorry about that stupid kiss. “

“Nothing like that will ever happen again, right?”

She released a sigh of agreement. “No, never.”

“Did you like it?”

“No. Why would you even ask that? I just felt so sorry for him, and I was so surprised it was even happening, you know?”

“It wasn’t the same as kissing me?”

“Oh my God, not even close.”

“That’s good.”

“It’s kind of good it happened, you know?”

“How so?”

“I don’t know anybody who has ended up with the only person they’ve ever kissed.”

Josh remembered that was exactly what Ty had said. “So that’s good?”

“Yeah, I think so. I mean, it will be one thing that you’ll be the only one I’ll ever sleep with, you know?”

His arm clenched tightly around her. “I know.”

“So, I’m sorry about the money, too.”

“It’s not your fault. It doesn’t matter. I’m sorry I’m such a douche.”

“You’re not a douche.”

“Yeah, I am.”

“You’re my douche,” she said softly.

“Yeah. And I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She lifted her head and looked up at him. “So, we’re good?”

He puffed out a hint of laughter. “Yeah, we’re good.”