Ayla looked through her supply of dried and drying herbs. Chamomile was always calming, but it was so commonplace, she wanted something more. She noticed a plant she had picked recently and smiled to herself. The lemon balm wasn’t entirely dry yet, but she decided it didn’t matter. It was entirely usable for tea. A little added to the chamomile along with some linden for a bit of sweetening would make a nice calming infusion. She put the chamomile leaves, the lemon balm, and linden into the water and let it steep a while, then poured two cups and brought one to the Donier.

The woman blew on it a bit then, sipped it carefully, and cocked her head, trying to identify the taste. “Chamomile, of course, but … let me think. Is it lemon balm, with perhaps some linden flowers?” she asked.

Ayla smiled. It was exactly what she did when she was given something unknown; she tried to identify it. And of course Zelandoni had known the ingredients. “Yes,” Ayla said. “I had dried chamomile and linden flowers, but I just found the lemon balm a few days ago. I’m glad it grows nearby.”

“Perhaps you could collect some lemon balm for me the next time you get some for yourself. It could be useful to take to the Summer Meeting.”

“I’d be happy to. I could even get it today. I know exactly where it grows. On the plateau above, near the Falling Stone,” she said. Ayla was referring to the unique formation of an ancient columnar section of basalt that had once found its way to the bottom of the primordial sea and was now eroding out of the limestone in a way that made it appear to be falling, though it was still firmly embedded into the upper face of the cliff.

“What do you know about the uses of this?” Zelandoni asked, holding up the cup of tea.

“Chamomile is relaxing and if you take it at night, it can help you to fall asleep. Lemon balm is calming, especially if you feel nervous and stressful. It will even relieve the stomach upset that sometimes comes with stress and it will help you sleep. It has a pleasant taste that is good with chamomile. Linden helps with headaches, especially when you feel tight and tense, and adds a little sweetening.” Ayla thought of Iza, and the way she would test her with similar questions to see how much she remembered of the knowledge Iza was teaching her. She wondered if Zelandoni was also trying to find out how much she knew.

“Yes, this tea could be used as a mild sedative, in sufficient strength.”

“If someone is really excitable, anxious and can’t sleep, and something a little stronger is needed, the liquid from boiled valerian roots is settling,” Ayla said.

“Particularly at night, to bring on sleep, but if the stomach is also upset, then vervain, a tea of the flower stems and leaves, may be better,” the First said.

“I’ve also used vervain for someone recovering from a long illness, but it should not be given to a pregnant woman. It can stimulate labor, and even milk flow.” The two women stopped, looked at each other, and chuckled, then Ayla said, “I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to have someone to talk to about medicines and healing. Someone who knows so much.”

“I think you may know as much as I do—in certain ways, more, Ayla, and it is a pleasure to discuss and compare ideas with you. I look forward to many years of such rewarding discussions,” Zelandoni said; then she looked around and motioned toward the sleeping roll spread out on the floor. “It appears you’re getting ready for the trip.”

“I was just checking the sleeping roll to see if it needed mending. It’s been a while since we’ve used it,” Ayla said. “It’s a good one for traveling in all kinds of weather.”

The sleeping roll consisted of several hides sewn together to make a long top and bottom to accommodate Jondalar’s height. They were attached at the foot, and removable thongs were threaded through holes down the sides that could be lashed tightly together or left loose, or even removed if it was especially warm. Thick furs were on the outside of the bottom piece, to create an insulating cushion against the hard and often cold ground. Any of several furs could be used, but it was usually made from an animal killed in cold weather. On this one, Ayla had used the supremely dense, naturally insulating winter fur of reindeer. The top of the sleeping roll was lighter weight; she had used the summer hides of megaceros, which were large and didn’t require as much piecing together. An extra hide or fur could be thrown on top if it cooled down, or if it got really cold, additional furs could be put inside and the sides laced up.

“I think you’ll get some use out of that,” Zelandoni said, recognizing the versatility of the sleeping roll. “I came to talk to you about the Summer Meeting, or rather, about after the early ceremonial part of it. I was going to suggest that you make sure you have adequate traveling equipment and supplies with you. There are some sacred sites in this area you should see. Later, in a few years, I want to show you some of the sacred sites and take you to meet some of the zelandonia that live farther away.”

Ayla smiled. She liked the idea of seeing new places, so long as it wasn’t too far. She’d done enough long-distance traveling. She remembered just seeing Whinney and Gray

, and an idea occurred to her that could make traveling with the First easier. “If we use the horses, we could travel much faster.”

The woman shook her head and took a sip of tea. “There is no way I could get up on the back of a horse, Ayla.”

“You wouldn’t have to. You can ride on the pole-drag behind Whinney. We can make a comfortable seat on it.” She had been thinking of how to convert the travois so that it could be used to carry passengers, especially Zelandoni.

“What makes you think that horse could pull someone my size on that dragging thing?”

“Whinney has pulled much heavier loads than you. She’s a very strong animal. She could take you and your traveling things, and medicines. In fact, I was going to ask if you would like her to carry your medicines along with mine to the Summer Meeting,” Ayla said. “We won’t be taking passengers on the way there. We won’t even be riding ourselves. We’ve promised several people that Whinney and Racer would carry certain things to the Meeting. Joharran wanted us to haul some poles and other building parts for some of the Ninth Cave’s summer dwellings. And Proleva wanted to know if we could take some of her special large cooking baskets, and bowls and serving equipment for feasts and shared community meals. And Jondalar wants to lighten Marthona’s load.”

“It appears that your horses are going to be put to good use,” the First said, taking another sip of her tea, her mind already formulating plans.

The First had various journeys planned for Ayla. She wanted to take her to meet some of the Zelandonii Caves that were farther away and visit their sacred places, and perhaps meet some of the people who were neighbors of the Zelandonii who lived near the boundaries of their territory. But Zelandoni had a feeling that the young woman, after coming so far to get here, might not be especially interested in making the extended trip she had in mind for her. She hadn’t really mentioned anything about the Donier Tour that acolytes were expected to make.

She began to think that, perhaps, she ought to agree to allowing the horses to pull her on that thing; it might encourage Ayla to make the excursions. The large woman wasn’t really interested in being dragged around by horses, and if she were honest with herself, she’d have to admit that the idea actually frightened her, but she had faced worse fears in her life. She knew the effect Ayla’s control of the animals would have on people; they likely would be a little frightened, and very impressed. Maybe one day she ought to see what it would be like to sit on this pole-drag thing.

“Perhaps sometime we’ll try to see if your Whinney can pull me,” Zelandoni said, and watched a large grin expand across the young woman’s face.

“This is as good a time as any,” Ayla said, thinking it might be best to take advantage of the woman’s agreeable mood before she changed her mind, and watched the startled look appear on the face of the One Who Was First.

Just then, the drape covering the entrance was pulled back and Jondalar strode in. He could see Zelandoni’s startled expression and wondered what had brought it on. Ayla stood up and they greeted each other with a light embrace and a touching of cheeks, but their strong feelings for each other were obvious and did not escape their visitor’s attention. Jondalar glanced toward the baby’s place and noticed that she was sleeping, and then he walked to the older woman and greeted her in a similar fashion, still wondering what had disconcerted her.

“And Jondalar can help us,” Ayla added.

“Help you with what?” he said.

“Zelandoni was talking about making some trips this summer to visit other Caves, and I thought it would be easier and faster using horses.”