Levela and Jondecam quickly agreed. The camp of the Second Cave was nearby, and the idea of spending some time with her mother and her sister was appealing to Levela, and Jondecam didn’t mind.

Ayla and Jondalar looked at each other. “I really should check on the horses,” Ayla said. “We left early and I don’t know of anyone who stayed at camp today. I just want to know they are all right, especially Gray. She can be a tempting treat for some four-legged hunter, though I know Whinney and Racer will protect her. I would just feel better going back.”

“I understand. She’s a little like your baby, too,” Proleva said.

Ayla nodded and smiled in agreement, “And where is my baby?”

“She’s over there, sleeping with Sethona. It’s a shame to disturb her—are you sure you won’t stay?”

“We’d like to, but one of the problems with having horses as friends is that you feel responsible for them, especially if you keep them in an enclosure that is not closed to four-legged hunters,” Jondalar said. “Ayla is right. We need to check on them.”

Ayla had wrapped her child in her carrying blanket and was hoisting the baby onto her hip. She woke briefly, but then settled down next to her mother’s warmth and went back to sleep. “I really appreciate your watching her, Proleva. The storytelling was interesting, and it made it much easier to watch and listen without interruption,” Ayla said.

“It was my pleasure. Those two girls are getting to know each other and they are starting to entertain each other. I think they are going to be real friends,” Proleva said.

“It was fun watching them together,” Velima said. “It’s good if close cousins spend time with each other.”

Ayla signaled Wolf, who picked up his bone, and they all left the summer dwelling. Jondalar selected a torch that was stuck in the ground, one of many lighting a path outside the shelter, and checked it to see how much burning material was left to make sure it would last until they reached their camp.

They left the warm glow of fires in the Main Camp and moved into the deep soft obscurity of night. The enveloping darkness wrapped itself around them with an intensity that absorbed the light and seemed to smother the flame of the torch.

“It’s so dark; there’s no moon tonight,” Ayla said.

“But there are clouds,” Jondalar said. “They are blocking out the stars. You can’t see many.”

“When did it cloud up? I didn’t notice them when we were in Camp.”

“That’s because all the fires are distracting, and the light from them fills your eyes.” They walked quietly side by side for a while, then Jondalar added, “Sometimes you fill my eyes, and I wish there weren’t so many people around.”

She smiled and turned to look at him. “On our way here when it was just the two of us and Whinney, Racer, and Wolf, I was often lonely for people. Now we have

people and I’m glad, but sometimes I remember when it was just the two of us and we could do whatever we wanted whenever we felt like it. Maybe not always, but most of the time.”

“I think about that, too,” Jondalar said. “I remember when, if I looked at you and felt you fill my manhood, we could just stop and share Pleasures. I didn’t have to go with Joharran to meet some people to make arrangements for something, or do something for mother, or just see so many people around that there is no place to stop and relax and do what I want with you.”

“I feel the same way,” Ayla said. “I remember when I could look at you and feel inside how only you could make me feel, and know that if I gave you the right signal, you would make me feel that way again because you know me better than I know myself. And I wouldn’t have to think about taking care of a baby, and maybe several others at the same time, or plan a feast with Proleva, or help Zelandoni take care of someone who is sick or hurt, or learn about some new treatments, or remember the Five Sacred Colors, or how to use counting words. Although I love all of it, sometimes I miss you, Jondalar, I miss being with just you.”

“I don’t mind having Jonayla around. I like to watch you with her; sometimes that fills me even more, but I can wait until she’s content. The trouble is that usually someone comes and interrupts, and I have to go someplace, or you do.” He stopped to kiss her tenderly; then they continued, walking in silence.

The walk was not long but as they neared the camp of the Ninth Cave, they almost stumbled over a cold fireplace before they noticed it. There were no fires anyplace, not a single dying ember or tent glowing from the light within or line of light from a crack between planks. They could smell the vestiges of old fires, but it appeared that no one was there and hadn’t been for some time. Every single person from the most populous Cave in the region had left their camp.

“No one is here,” Ayla said, very surprised. “Everyone is gone. Except for the ones who may have gone hunting or visiting, they must all be at the Main Camp.”

“Here’s our dwelling, at least I think it is,” Jondalar said. “Let’s build a fire inside to warm it up, then go check on the horses.”

They brought in some wood and dried aurochs dung patties that had been stacked outside and started a fire in the small fireplace they had created near their sleeping places. Wolf came in with them and parked his bone in a small hole near an area of the wall that was seldom used by anyone but him. Ayla checked the large waterbag near the main hearth.

“We should bring in some water, too,” she said. “There’s not much left in this. Let’s go find the horses. Then I’m going to have to feed Jonayla; she’s starting to fuss around.”

“I’d better get a new torch. This one will go out soon,” Jondalar said. “I should spend some time tomorrow making new ones.”

He lit a new torch off the old one, then put the remains of the first in the fireplace. When they left the shelter, Wolf followed them out. Ayla heard him make a low throaty growl as they approached the fence of the horse surround.

“Something’s wrong,” she said, hurrying.

Jondalar held the torch high to spread the light it gave off. There was a strange lump of something near the center of the enclosed space. As they neared it, Wolf’s growl grew louder. When they got closer they could see pale gray, spotted, rather fluffy fur with a long tail, and a lot of blood.

“It’s a leopard, a young snow leopard, I think. It’s been trampled to death. What’s a snow leopard doing here? They like the highlands,” Ayla said. She ran toward a roofed shelter they had constructed for the horses to get out of the rain, but it was empty.