He was excited, and Ayla sensed the same exhilaration she felt when she realized Lomie was a Healer. Even though there might be some competition in relation to ability and the status each was accorded, no one understood the nuances of a craft or skill like another person who practiced it. Only with another Healer could she discuss the relative merits of mullein versus wintergreen in the treatment of coughs, for example, and she had missed those kinds of discussions. She had seen how Jondalar, Wymez, and Danug could spend unbelievable amounts of time talking about flint and toolmaking, and she realized that Ranec also enjoyed the contact of others who worked with ivory.

As they walked across part of the cleared area, Ayla noticed Danug and Druwez with several other young men, smiling and shuffling nervously while talking to a red-footed woman. Danug looked up and saw her and smiled, then made a quick excuse and loped across a few yards of trampled and dried grass to join them. They waited for him to catch up.

“I saw you talking to Latie, and was going to bring some friends to meet you, Ayla, but we can’t go too close to Giggle-Girl Camp … uh, I mean, uh”—Danug blushed, realizing he had given away the nickname the young men had for the place where they were not allowed.

“It’s all right, Danug. They do giggle a lot.”

The tall young man relaxed. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Are you in a hurry? Can you come over and meet them now?”

Ayla gave Ranec a questioning glance.

“I war just going to take her to meet some people, too,” Ranec said. “But there is no hurry. We can come over and meet your friends first.”

As they started back toward the group of young men, Ayla noticed the red-footed woman was still there.

“I wanted to meet you, Ayla,” the woman said after Danug made the introductions. “Everyone is talking about you, wondering where you came from, and why those animals answer to you. You have given us all a mystery that I’m sure we’ll be talking about for years.” She smiled, and gave Ayla a sly wink. “Take my advice. Don’t tell anyone where you come from. Keep them guessing. It’s more fun.”

Ranec lauged. “She may be right, Ayla,” he said. “Tell me, Mygie, why are you wearing red feet this year?”

“After Zacanen and I scattered the hearth, I didn’t want to stay with his Camp, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go back to my mother’s Camp, either. This just seemed like the right thing to do. It gives me a place to stay for a while, and if the Mother chooses to give me a child for it, I wouldn’t be sorry. Oh, that reminds me, did you know the Mother gave another woman a baby of your spirit, Ranec? You remember Triefe? Marlie’s daughter? The one who lives here, at Wolf Camp? She chose red feet last year. This year she has a boy. Toralie’s little girl was dark, like you, but not this one. I saw him. He’s very light, with red hair even brighter than hers, but he looks just like you. Same nose and everything. She calls him Ralev.”

Ayla looked at Ranec with a peculiar smile on her face, and noticed his color deepen. He’s blushing, she thought, but you have to know him well to notice. I’m sure he remembers Tricie.

“I think we’d better go, Ayla,” Ranec said, putting his arm around her waist as though to urge her back across the clearing. But she resisted a moment.

“It’s been very interesting to talk to you, Mygie. I hope we talk again,” Ayla said, then turned to Nezzie’s son. “I’m pleased you asked me to come and meet your friends, Danug.” She smiled one of her beautiful, breathtaking smiles at him and Druwez. “And I am happy to have met all of you,” she added, looking at each one of the young men in turn. Then she left with Ranec.

Danug watched her walking away, then heaved a big sigh. “I wish Ayla was wearing red feet,” he said. He heard several comments of agreement.

When Ranec and Ayla passed the large lodge, which was surrounded by the clearing on three sides, she heard the sound of drums coming from it, and some other interesting sounds which she had not heard before. She glanced toward the entrance, but it was closed. Just as they were turning into another Camp on the edge of the clearing, someone stepped in their path.

“Ranec,” a woman said. She was shorter than average, with creamy white skin spattered with freckles. Her eyes, brown flecked with gold and green, sparked with anger. “So you did arrive with the Lion Camp. When you didn’t stop by our lodge to say hello, I thought maybe you had fallen in the river, or got caught in a stampede.” Her tone was venomous.

“Tricie! I … uh … I was going to … um … we had to set up Camp,” Ranec said. Ayla had never seen the glib, smooth-talking man so tongue-tied, and his face would have been as red as Mygie’s feet, if his brown skin hadn’t hidden it.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend, Ranec?” Tricie said sarcastically. It was obvious she was upset.

“Yes,” Ranec said, “I’d like you to meet her. Ayla, this is Tricie, a … a … friend of mine.”

“I had something to show you, Ranec,” Tricie said, rudely ignoring the introduction, “but I don’t suppose it matters now. Hinted Promises don’t mean much. I suppose this is the woman you will be joined with in the Matrimonial this season.” There was hurt as well as anger in her voice.

Ayla guessed what the problem was, and sympathized, but was not quite sure how to handle this difficult situation. Then, she stepped forward, and held out both her hands.

“Tricie, I am Ayla, of the Mamutoi, daughter of the Mammoth Hearth of the Lion Camp, protected by the Cave Lion.”

The formality of the greeting reminded Tricie that she was the daughter of a headwoman, and Wolf Camp was hosting the Summer Meeting. She did have a responsibility. “In the name of Mut, the Great Mother, Wolf Camp welcomes you, Ayla of the Mamutoi,” she said.

“I was told your mother is Marlie.”

“Yes, I am Marlies daughter.”

“I met her earlier. She is a remarkable woman. I am pleased to meet you.”

Ayla heard Ranec breathe a sigh of relief. She glanced at him, and over his shoulder, noticed Deegie heading toward the lodge from which she had heard the drumming. On impulse, she decided Ranec should work out his relationship with Tricie alone.

“Ranec, I see Deegie over there, and there are some things I want to talk to her about. I will come and meet the carvers later,” Ayla said, and quickly left.

Ranec was stunned by her hurried departure, and suddenly realized he was going to have to face Tricie and make some explanations, whether he wanted to or not. He looked at the pretty young woman standing there waiting, angry and vulnerable. Her red hair, a particularly vibrant shade like none he had ever seen, along with her red feet, had made her doubly appealing last season, and she was an artist, too. He was impressed with the quality of her work. Her baskets were exquisite, and the exceptional mat on his floor came from her hands. But she took her offering to the Mother so seriously she would not even consider an experienced man at first. Her resistance only inflamed his desire for her.