Page 32 of Frozen

He groaned and reached up and palmed my breasts in his hands, tweaking my nipples. I hissed and looked down at him and growled as he smirked up at me.

“You’re so fucking sexy, baby.”

I loved the compliments he gave – each one made me feel more confident than the last.

I bore down on him and contracted my inner muscles around him once more, and watched as his face lit up with pleasure. I loved that I was making him feel good, and I loved that he was making me feel this good.

“Neala Girl.” He groaned. “I’m not going to last long.”

I purred with pleasure that I was the cause of his being about to lose control.

I picked up my pace and rode him faster. He curled his hands around my arms and squeezed me each time I squeezed him with my internal muscles.

“Fuck!” he shouted.

Fuelled on by his shouts I slammed down on him harder and faster, until his body thrust up into me at lightning speed, seeking its release. When he came Darcy’s entire body tensed, while his hips bucked up against me in quick spurts.

My entire body was flushed with pleasure as I looked down at Darcy’s spent body. I wanted to repeat what we had just done again and again, but I wasn’t greedy. I hadn’t been expecting to orgasm at all during my first sexual experience, but I had, and that was enough for me. I wouldn’t have cared if I never came at all, because it was with Darcy. That made it even more perfect to me.

Darcy was right: it was an epic act of pleasure.

“Neala . . . Holy Christ,” he rasped after a few moments.

He opened his eyes and gazed up at me like I was a goddess, and it made me feel incredibly beautiful.

“That was amazing; you are amazing. Just . . . wow,” Darcy said as he licked his lips.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. “It was perfect,” I swallowed, then rolled off him, hissing a little when he slid out of me.

I lay next to Darcy’s panting body for a few minutes just revelling in what had just happened. I couldn’t believe I had had sex. I couldn’t believe I had had sex with Darcy.

“Oh, my God,” I whispered.

Darcy was busy removing the condom from himself. He leaned over and tossed it into the little bin next to his bed; then he turned on his side to face me. He placed his hand on my stomach and bent his elbow to rest his chin in his palm.

“You look stunning,” he said, and smiled down at me.

I smiled wide. “I feel amazing.”

Darcy glanced down then back up to me. “Any pain?” he asked.

I shook my head.

“That’s good.” He smiled. “There is some blood on the sheets under you, and a little on you and me, but it’s completely normal, so don’t worry. Okay?”

I nodded and looked down.

I was expecting a lot of blood, but there wasn’t much, so I didn’t worry about it. I should have felt mortified and wanted to do nothing except run to the bathroom and clean myself up, but I was content and happy.

I just didn’t care.

I turned to Darcy, pushed him onto his back, and straddled him.

His hands went to my hips, and he grinned. “Again?” he asked.

I nodded.

“You were right.” I smiled. “Once with you isn’t enough.”

I leaned down, covered Darcy’s mouth with mine, and got lost in him once more.


I woke up to banging.

Not that kind of banging. I mean banging as in something or someone knocking hard on my house – my front door, to be exact. That was impossible, though, because my doorway was blocked with snow.

When everything was silent, I put the noise down to my mind hearing things. But I quashed that idea when I heard my name being called by a familiar voice.

What the hell?

I opened my eyes and made a move to sit up, but the weight on my chest and torso made that difficult.


I looked down and blinked my eyes.


She was sprawled out over me . . . naked.

Extremely naked.

The events of last night came crashing into my mind, and caused me to widen my eyes. Neala and I had had some wine, made friends, and called a truce on our antics . . . Then we’d had sex.

Amazing sex.

“Fuck,” I whispered.

I was so screwed.

I couldn’t believe I’d had sex with her. Twice.

I’d wanted to – God, I’d really wanted to – but now that I was thinking with the head on my shoulders it didn’t seem like such a good idea. It actually seemed like the worst thing that could have ever happened to either of us, because when Neala woke up shit was going to hit the fan.

It had to have been the drinks that caused things to escalate between us so quickly.

There was no way in hell that she would willingly want to shag me right after becoming friends. We had hated each other for fifteen years, and we were both fools if we thought one night in the sack could make us forget about that.

I pressed my head back into my pillow and closed my eyes.

What the hell was I thinking?

I hadn’t meant for sex to happen between us. If anything, Neala was the one who’d pressed the idea, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want her. I hadn’t realised until last night that a lot of my hate for her was simply my wanting what I couldn’t have.

Well, I’d had her, and it just didn’t seem enough. I wanted her again, and again, and again.

I thought of all the times that I’d accidentally caught myself thinking of her in a sexual way, or dreaming of her in a sexual way, then of the times when I could have killed the men who looked in her direction a little too long.

Maybe it really was just a case of wanting the forbidden fruit – she was my friend’s sister and my archenemy, after all . . . But if that was the case, then why did I enjoy having her in my arms so much?

I looked down to her sleeping form and sighed.

I liked her, and not just in a sexual way either.

I liked her.


This was only going to end with my head, and heart, hurting.

Neala had probably been drunk after the few gulps of wine she’d had, even though she’d seemed fine, and just wanted sex, whereas I think I’d just wanted sex with her.

That was the difference – I didn’t want just anyone . . . I wanted her.

“Fuck . . . I want her,” I mumbled to myself, and lifted my free hand to my face and rubbed my eyes.


When the hell did all my hate suddenly turn into lust and like for Neala?

I was mad at myself.

I felt like my head, my entire body, had pulled a three-sixty and fucked me over.

What was I going to do?

Neala wouldn’t feel the same way. I knew she would explode into a fit of rage when she realised what had gone down between us. She would blame me for tricking her into giving me her virginity, and then she would convince herself this was me playing a sick game with her. It would hurt her. It would really hurt her that she had had sex with me if she thought those were my intentions.

Even if I explained myself and came clean with an explanation that what had happened between us was real, or real for me, she wouldn’t hear it. She would make up her own mind and pit it against me. She always did.

I was fucked.


I narrowed my eyes and looked down to Neala, but she was still sleeping, so she couldn’t have said my name.

Who the fuck was that?

I very carefully removed myself from Neala’s hold. I grabbed the pillow from behind my head and put it in her arms so she would still have something to hold on to. She mumbled my name in her sleep, and it caused me to freeze.

Was she dreaming of me?

I shook the thought from my head when I heard the banging noise from outside again, and more than one voice this time

. I carefully slipped out of my bed when I was sure Neala wasn’t disturbed. I grabbed a pair of boxers from the bottom drawer of my dresser and put them on. I tiptoed my way over to my bedroom door, gently opened it, then stepped out into my hallway, closing it behind me.

“Darcy? Mate, you in there?”

“Of course he’s in there, you bloody eejit; they’re trapped.”

I found myself smiling when Sean’s and Justin’s arguing voices could be heard plain as day. I walked over to my front door and banged on it twice.

“I’m here,” I called out.

I heard both my brother and Sean cheer, which made me laugh.

“Told you she wouldn’t kill him; pay up,” Justin’s voice happily stated.

They’d bet on my life?

“It could have gone either way, you prick. Here,” Sean grunted in response.

They were both pricks.

“You’re both something else, you know that?” I shouted.

“Yeah, we know,” they both replied in unison, then laughed.

I smiled and shook my head.

I placed my hand on the handle of my door and pressed down. With a little tug the door pulled open and a fair amount of snow spilled into my hallway. I stepped in it and yelped as I jumped backward.