Page 30 of Frozen

“Fuck,” he hissed.

His look of admiration spurred my moment of bravery onward.

I reached down and slipped my fingers under the band of the boxers I wore and teased him by pushing them down slowly, before pulling them back up. Darcy’s breathing had quickened and he sucked his lower lip into his mouth when I smirked and pushed the boxers all the way down, and kicked the fabric away from my feet. I dragged my feet against the floor until my socks slid off, and when the material had left my body I stood before Darcy naked as the day I was born.

“Oh, Christ,” Darcy swore.

Was that good or bad?

Fuck, maybe this was a terrible idea.

I opened my mouth to apologise, but Darcy silenced me with the heated look he shot my way. He dropped his eyes to my breasts, then lower and lower. I was mortified, and just barely refrained from covering myself with my hands. My breathing increased, and my heart kicked into overdrive when Darcy suddenly got up from the couch and stood before me.

He reached out with his hand and brushed his thumb over my left pebbled nipple and hissed to himself. I licked my lips and looked up at him when he slid his hand up my chest and onto my neck, then cupped my cheek.

“You’re beautiful,” he breathed.

All worry and doubt fled my body with that single sentence.

“You’re perfect, my Neala Girl.”

My Neala Girl.


I suddenly had the urge to cry, but I didn’t. I was happy, so happy, and I felt more comfortable being naked with Darcy than I ever have fully clothed with anyone else.

I wanted to tell Darcy to take his clothes off, but I couldn’t speak, so I reached out and tugged on the hem of his t-shirt. He looked down, then looked back up to me with a grin on his face.

“You have made it impossible for me to be a gentleman and leave you with your virtue intact.”

I felt a spike of sassiness shoot through me.

“In that case you’ll just have to tear it to shreds.”

He growled. “Don’t tempt me. I want to be gentle with you.”


Not a chance.

“Fine, you be gentle with me, and I’ll be rough with you.”

I gripped the hem of his t-shirt and pulled the material up his body. I left it at the point where Darcy raised his arms, but couldn’t see because the shirt was bunched up in his face. I reached out and ran my hands down his chest and over the six-pack I’d drooled over two days before.

His abs were as hard as I thought they might be.

I dipped my fingers down the tempting V line, but pulled away when Darcy growled and began to remove the shirt over his head. Before he could stop me, I dipped my head to his chest, snaked my tongue out, and circled his left nipple.

“Fuck!” He hissed in time with the soft plop if his shirt hitting the floor.

I placed my hands on his hips and squeezed in warning for him not to touch or stop me. I trailed my tongue from one nipple to the other and licked and sucked until Darcy’s breathing picked up to an even faster pace. I bent my knees as I trailed my tongue down from his chest and onto his abs.

“Don’t do this to me, please,” Darcy begged.

I sank to my knees before him and smiled when he started to recite the Hail Mary and Our Father.

“Jesus himself couldn’t get you out of this, Darcy, so take it like a man.”

He looked down at me with hooded eyes. “I don’t want you to do anything you will regret . . . I don’t want you to wake up in the morning and realise you made a mistake and hate me again.”

My heart hurt with Darcy’s words.

I stood up and placed my hands on his cheeks. “I won’t . . . Hey, I won’t regret being with you. The only thing I regret is all the lost time we could have had together.”

Darcy’s eyebrows jumped. “You want us to be . . . together.”

Should I have said that?

I swallowed. “I don’t know. Maybe? I know we’re jumping in headfirst here, pun intended, but I need you. I think once I have you it will get this unceasing need for you out of me system and we can start to get to know one another on a romantic level. I mean, if you want to, that is.”

Darcy lifted his hand to my face and caressed it gently before he snaked his hand back into my hair and pulled.

“Once I have you, no amount of time together will get me out of your system. You will crave me, Neala Girl.”

Oh, fuck.

“I hope you have the skills to back up that big mouth of yours, Hart.”

He smirked and released his grip on my hair. “You’ll soon find out, Clarke.”

I backed up and Darcy grinned. “Go ahead. I’ll give you a five-second head start.”

Five seconds?

To what? Run?

“Four, three—”

I squealed then turned and took off running out of the living room and down the hallway in the direction of Darcy’s bedroom. Suddenly I stopped, the danger of falling dawning on me. There were no lit candles in the hallway and I couldn’t see a thing.

“I can’t see!” I called out.

I screamed with fright when I felt a hand touch my hip.

“I won’t let you fall,” he murmured in my ear as he pressed his front to my back.

My insides quaked and I started to sweat with anticipation.

Darcy nudged me forward until I started to walk. I don’t know how he could see – everything was black – but he could, because he was guiding my steps. I swallowed when Darcy reached around me and opened the door to his bedroom on my left. Dim light from the candles inside lit the rest of the way, and seeing his bed halted my steps.

“What’s wrong?” Darcy asked as he tenderly kissed my neck.

I swallowed. “I’m about to lose my virginity . . . I’m kind of scared.”

His lips froze on my neck.

I was momentarily worried I’d said the wrong thing, but he turned me to face him and leaned down and pressed his forehead to mine. “I’m going to take care of you. You know I will . . . don’t you?”

I did; I knew he wouldn’t purposely hurt me.

“I do . . . It’s still a little scary, though. I know the first time hurts, and I’m a wuss when it comes to pain. What if I cry and ruin the entire process?”

Darcy roared with laughter. “Process? Sex isn’t a process – it’s an act of epic pleasure between two people. You’re thinking about this way too much.”

I placed my hands on his chest and playfully shoved him before I leaned into him and rested my head against his chest.

“I’m afraid it won’t be epic,” I admitted.

He tensed. “You think I can’t make it great for you?”

Oh, shite.

“I wasn’t doubting your abilities; I was doubting mine. What if I’m crap at it and you would rather die than continue?”

Darcy vibrated with silent laughter, so I shoved him hard.

“I’m deadly serious here!”

He continued to laugh and it ticked me off, so I turned and walked away from him. I crawled onto the end of his bed, and just as I made my way up the mattress Darcy placed his hands on my back and applied pressure. I flattened onto my stomach as his hand slid down my back and over my arse, where he squeezed.

“Darcy!” I gasped.

He chuckled and slid his hands down my thighs all the way to my ankles and back up again. When he came to my hips he gripped me tightly and turned me over. I was now on my back, staring up at the ceiling. I widened my eyes when Darcy placed his hands on my knees and spread my legs apart.

“You have such a pretty pussy, baby . . . and you’re so wet,” Darcy growled.

Oh. My. God.

My body flooded with mortification, and I slammed my legs closed with a loud clap.

“I cannot believe you just said that!” I screeched, and covered my face with my hands.

I didn’t want to be embarrassed – I wanted to relish Darcy’s words, but

I couldn’t.

It was just so . . . dirty.

He groaned and lightly bit my outer thigh before he said, “Neala Girl, your innocence is killing me.”

I kept my hands over my face. “Don’t say stuff like that to me and I won’t turn into a tomato then. God!”

He cackled. “You’re brilliant.”

I wanted to sock him one for laughing at me, but I refused to move my hands from my face.

“Are you going to look at me while I taste you for the first time?” Darcy asked, his voice low and husky.