She blinked up at him, unable to believe what had just happened. Her entire body ached with a sweet longing. She buried her hands in his hair and drew his face close.

‘Thank you,’ she whispered.

He returned to her mouth and she tasted a faint salty sweetness that had not been there before.

‘See how good you taste to me?’ he murmured against her ear. ‘Why I wanted to feast on you?’

She tugged at the waistband of his trousers. His arousal sprang free. Far larger than she considered possible. She put out her hand and wrapped it around him. Hot, silken and heavy. Infinitely exciting.

‘Will you allow me to feast?’ She barely recognised her voice. ‘To do to you what you did to me?’

A moan came from the back of his throat. ‘I can’t. I want you. I need you too much. Next time.’

He positioned himself between her thighs and this time, he entered her. Her body welcomed him in and she wrapped her legs about his to pull him deeper inside.

They rocked together. Faster and faster, each finding the rhythm from the other. Until the waves crashed over her and a great shuddering engulfed them both. For a second time in a matter of heartbeats, the sweet longing filled her.

She knew in that instant as she teetered on the brink that she had never felt more alive or more satisfied. He completed her in a way she had never even dared to dream about. And she knew that the tales people told were not all lies. Sometimes dreams did come true.

* * *

An insistent rain began to fall, cooling Valdar’s fevered skin as he lay spent, breathing in the sweet scent of her. Never had anyone given him so much of themselves, so freely and without hesitation. She’d been one with him, matching him.

As he slowly returned to earth, Valdar raised himself up on his elbow and stared down at Alwynn. Her lashes made dark smudges against her rosy cheeks as her soft breath fanned his cheek.

He doubted he’d ever seen anyone as lovely. She had unstintingly given her all to him. He doubted if he had ever had such a responsive partner. They had seemed to move instinctively in time with each other and yet he knew he could spend a lifetime exploring her body and not tire of her. The depth of the feeling nearly overwhelmed him.

But there could be no lifetime for them. She couldn’t be his for ever, no matter how much he might wish it. He didn’t need any witch’s curse to tell him that. He knew the facts. Sooner or later he’d have to tell her where Raumerike was and who he was.

He ran his hand along her flank and felt her soft skin ripple under his fingertips. He should have told her the truth about where he was from before this had happened. Gode had been right.

There was no way he could tell Alwynn now without losing her and right now he didn’t want to lose her. He didn’t want to see the fear and hatred in her eyes. He wanted the passion and the desire. He wanted to keep that closeness between them. He would tell her later, when he was leaving. It would make the parting easier.

He had not intended for this to happen, but it did not change anything. He had a summer and that was all. Because he knew that, because he was prepared for it, he would cheat the curse.

After he had gone, she would be on her own. She would have to face everyone, but at least she would be able to say that she had been fooled and that she hadn’t betrayed anyone.

He hated being a coward, but he wanted to experience this paradise for a little while longer. Nearly drowning, being given a second chance by the gods had given him a new sense of purpose.

‘We have the summer, Alwynn.’

She murmured in the back of her throat and snuggled closer, looping her arm about his neck.

He wanted her again. He could feel himself stirring already. He ran his hand down her thigh.

The huge great hollow, which had been such a part of his life ever since Kara had vanished, healed like new.

Somewhere he heard a shout and knew there were people about. He had no right to lie with her like this. No right at all. And yet she fitted so well in his arms.

With great reluctance, he rolled off her and stared up at the darkening sky. He had to keep her safe.

‘We need to go, Alwynn.’

‘Valdar?’ she asked in a sleep-laced voice which promised much. ‘Tell me it was more than a dream.’

‘We should go back,’ he murmured. ‘Someone will come looking for us. The storm will break soon.’

‘Do we have to go? We’re dry under this tree.’

He dropped a kiss on her mouth. Arousal had turned it to the colour of ripe apples.

‘This needs to be kept between us. I won’t have people whispering about you. Come the autumn, I will be gone.’ His heart tugged inside his chest. As he said the words, he wondered if they were more for him than her. Reassurance. He felt he had gone far too fast, too soon. What had happened between them transcended a physical act. He wondered if she realised that yet.