‘What is this for?’ he asked.
‘A steward needs to command respect. You should wear your own sword.’
Its hilt gleamed in the bright sunshine. Something deep within him twisted. She trusted him with a weapon and it meant more than he thought it would.
He took it and fastened it around his middle. Its familiar weight gave him comfort, but it also reminded him of his duty towards Horik and the others. He would avenge their deaths.
‘Thank you.’
Her lips turned up into a heart-stopping smile. Alwynn was the loveliest woman he had ever seen. Had he truly kissed them? Had she kissed him back or was it a drug-induced fantasy like his dream about Horik rising from the grave had been?
He fought against the urge to pull her into his arms and sample them, just to see if it had been a dream or not. He wanted it to have been real. And he did not want to think about how she’d look when she discovered his true identity. It made no difference now. Girmir and the rest were long gone. They would not have time to return and raid. Alwynn was safe.
‘I trust you will only use it when necessary. The people around here are simple folk and they have good hearts.’
‘For defensive purposes only,’ he promised.
Her mouth parted as if she wanted to say more. ‘How long before you are fit enough to take up your duties?’
‘A day or two.’ He tested his sides. His ribs pained him, but he’d suffered worse. He tried a practised swipe with his sword and nearly dropped it. Hopefully he wouldn’t encounter this Lord Edwin any time soon. ‘Now, shall we go and introduce me properly to your old nurse? Or do you wish her to think ill of me?’
‘Gode is a law unto herself.’
‘She reminds me of her previous charge.’
Her green eyes met his. It would be possible to drown in them. ‘She has a far sharper tongue than me. And her outlook on life is unconventional. It becomes worse the older she gets.’
He nodded. ‘I will bear that in mind.’
Alwynn held out her hands and her eyes became huge pools. ‘Valdar...she doesn’t need to know how I found you. Keep it from her.’
‘And my bruises? I suspect the only reason Oswy didn’t comment was because I remained in the shadows.’
‘She won’t ask. She is like that. Gode is precious to me. I won’t have anyone else lying for me...and risking their lives for me.’
‘Why don’t you believe you are worth it?’
‘What I believe is that Lord Edwin is a dangerous enemy.’
Giving in to an impulse, Valdar reached out and straightened her head covering. She didn’t flinch or recoil from his touch. And he knew he wanted to do more than his duty to his dead comrades. He wanted to make everything right for the woman who had saved him. ‘That is your responsibility, but I’ve no intention of lying. If she asks a direct question, I will answer, but if she doesn’t, there is no need to trouble her. Do you understand?’
Chapter Five
When Alwynn arrived back at the hall, everywhere she went, the servants forgot their tasks, fell silent and stared at her. Then they started to work harder than she had seen them work for many a month.
Her stomach knotted. How far had the rumour about her impending marriage reached? Merri had played her last trick. A man’s life was at stake.
She looked neither left nor right, but continued on until she reached the stables, where she discovered Merri grooming Purebright.
‘Why did you tell Oswald such a wicked lie?’ Alwynn asked Merri before the young girl had the chance to open her mouth.
‘About what?’ Her cheeks coloured as Alwynn continued to stare at her. ‘What have I done this time? I swear, Al, I’ve only been here with Purebright.’ She laid a hand on Purebright’s now-gleaming white flank. ‘He takes for ever to get clean.’
‘About Valdar. Why have you spread such gossip? We had agreed to keep his presence a secret until...until I decided what to do with him.’ Alwynn winced. ‘Anyway, it is not a subject for idle chit-chat and telling your friends.’
‘Is that my warrior’s name?’ Merri’s eyes gleamed. ‘It sounds lovely. Is he about to leave? Is there any way we can get him to stay? This estate needs a warrior. Everyone says so.’
‘Merri! You promised to keep silent!’
‘I never said anything to anyone,’ Merri protested. Her cheeks turned bright pink, the way they always did when Alwynn caught her doing something that she wasn’t supposed to. ‘Not about how we found him or anything!’
‘Then why did Oswy think I was about to marry a warrior? How did he know where to find me? Why did all the servants stare at me when I arrived back? I swear...’