“That’s deep.”

“I can’t quite believe it’s real, though. Like, I can kiss ’im whenever I want.”

“Have you kissed ’im?”

I looked away from my friend, and she reached over and slapped my hand, resulting in me hissing at her like a cat and cradling my now stinging hand against my chest.

“What was that for?”

“Don’t you dare get embarrassed,” she warned. “We talk about my sex life all the time. I wanna hear about yours.”

“You talk about your sex life. I just listen.”

Bronagh narrowed her eyes at me, so I held my hands up in surrender.

“Okay, okay. Down girl.”

I was about to launch into a play by play of what went down between Damien and me when Bronagh raised a finger.

“Before you say anythin’, I want to ask you a question that has been botherin’ me.”


“Do you remember when we all took pregnancy tests before we found out Aideen was pregnant with Jax? We weren’t sure who it was that could be up the duff. You said, and I quote, ‘there’s been no tick in me clock for six months, so it’s not me who’s pregnant’ … was that a lie?”

“Obviously.” I snorted. “I didn’t want you to know how pathetic I was for only havin’ sex that one time with Damien.”

“I’d have never thought that, and ye’know it.”

“I know.” I sighed. “I was just embarrassed. I mean, apart from sex a few times with Dante and that one time with Damien, I’ve no experience. Not like you or the girls, anyway.”

“Alannah, that doesn’t mean anythin’,” Bronagh said with a frown. “It took me at least a year of sex with Dominic before I became confident enough to know what I was doin’. He had to teach me everythin’. He literally had to tell me how to give ’im a blowjob because I was worried I’d mess it up.”

“You see, that freaks me out, because I’m inexperienced like that right now, and Damien has boatloads of experience.”

“Damien also hasn’t had sex in six years, so your lad is bound to be rusty.”

My cheeks heat. “Not accordin’ to what he did to me last night.”

Bronagh leaned in, her eyes gleaming.

“What’d he do?”

“He … went down on me.”

Bronagh rested her palms under her chin. “And?”

“And what?”

“Ye’know bloody well what, how was it?”

I gnawed on my inner cheek before I said, “I think mind-blowin’ is the perfect word.”

Bronagh grinned. “Continue.”

I relaxed into the conversation.

“He just seems to know exactly what to do to make me lose me mind,” I said with a shake of my head. “I mean, he teased me. God in Heaven, he teased me to the point where I wanted to scream, then bam, an abundance of attention went to me clit, and I just about died right there on the bed.”

Bronagh laughed joyfully. “Sounds to me like he can give a hell of an orgasm.”

“You can say that again.”

“Did you have sex afterward?”

I shook my head. “No, the oral itself was a surprise because I was clear about us goin’ slow, but Damien asked me if I trusted ’im to make me feel good, and I did, so he did.”

“Did you reciprocate?”

I cleared my throat.

“Yeah,” I said, my voice low, “but not last night because I knocked out when he got me off.”

Bronagh snorted.

“I gave ’im a nice wake-up call,” I said, feeling proud when I thought of him waking up and seeing my mouth on him. “I was so nervous I’d do it wrong, but I wanted to pleasure ’im, and I did.”

“Did he wake up with you suckin’ on ’im, or did you just surprise ’im?”

“Woke ’im up,” I answered. “You should have seen his face. He looked like he was about to die.”

Bronagh laughed.

“How did he work his way into your bed?”

“He didn’t,” I answered. “I asked ’im to sleep with me. I wanted to sleep next to ’im and wake up with ’im by me side.”

Bronagh sighed. “That’s so cute.”

“I think I’m in a state of shock whenever I sit and think about it because yesterday I was plannin’ on just talkin’ to ’im, and today, we’re in an exclusive relationship. I never believed somethin’ like this could happen, let alone happen so rapidly.”

“Anythin’ can happen at the drop of a hat.” Bronagh shrugged. “There are no rules when it comes to bein’ with someone. Though I know there are people out there who enjoy forcin’ their opinion down people’s throats. All that matters is that it feels right to you and Damien. If anyone else has a problem or thinks it’s ‘too fast’, they can take a seat and shut the fuck up because what works for you won’t work for everyone.”

“Well, feck me, you’ve gotten your point across.”

Bronagh grinned. “Good.”

“I think it’s funny that we are goin’ out with twins. I’d have never thought this was possible when we were kids.”