Dante rolled his eyes at his brothers before looking back at me.

“I needed to see you, to talk to you ... but since you made that impossible before our phone call, I had to go to extreme lengths.”

I scowled. “You’re lucky the owner of the buildin’ didn’t press charges.”

“The owner of the buildin’ is me future—”

“Your future reason for goin’ to prison if you try to break into his buildin’ again,” JJ all but shouted.

Dante cringed as he looked at his brother over my shoulder, before switching his gaze back to me. “What JJ said.”

“I don’t even want to know what you’re both talkin’ about,” I scowled, rubbing my temple with my fingers.

“Hey,” he said, stepping closer. “Everythin’ is okay. There’s no problem.”

I scoffed.

“Sex with you has caused me nothin’ but problems.”

Dante grinned devilishly. “It was worth it, though, right?”

I hated that I tried and failed to hide a smile.

“Are you here to see me?”

I shook my head. “To collect me car.”

“I finished replacin’ that diesel pump this mornin’ but give me five more minutes. I want to check the oil level on your car. I think it’s runnin’ low.”

Dante jogged over to my car and popped the bonnet. I stared at him and placed my hands on my hips. I scanned my eyes around the shop, keeping watch for Damien, but there were several cars and equipment that blocked my view. The garage’s extension meant the place was huge, but more space meant it had to be filled with something.

“Your body language is screamin’ how uncomfortable you are,” Harley murmured as he came to my side. “Relax.”

“How relaxed would you be if the lad you have history with worked with the lad you were sleepin’ with?”

Harley folded his arms over his chest. “Very uncomfortable, considerin’ I’m straight.”

I shoved a now laughing Harley away from me.

“You’re bloody hilarious.”

He came back to my side, slung his arm over my shoulder, and said, “Damien’s in the back room sortin’ new tools into the trolley drawers.”

Harley went over to Dante then and began doing God knows what with my car engine. I looked over at the doorway that led to the back of the shop, and before I could rationally think otherwise, I walked towards it. When I entered the room, I had to walk around large tool trolleys, but when I saw Damien’s white hair, my feet and my heart stopped. My eyes roamed over him. He had on black work trousers, the ones that had a million different pockets and hugged a man’s arse deliciously. He was wearing thick soled boots, and a fleece jumper with the shop logo on it. It was the only matching uniform item of clothing that the men in the shop wore.

I took a breath and said, “Damien?”

Instantly, he tensed and kept his back to me.

“Can I talk to you, please?”

He remained silent, tense and unmoving.

“I know I’m probably the last person you want to see right now, but I’d be really grateful if we could talk. Please.”


“It’s okay,” I said, my shoulders sagging. “I get it.”

I turned around and began walking towards the exit of the back room but came to an abrupt halt when a hand gripped my forearm. In one swift motion, I was spun around and pulled against a rock-hard chest.


A split second later, his mouth came crashing down on mine. Absolute bewilderment overcame my mind, but not my body. My lips acted of their own accord, and so did my hands. I ran my hands up Damien’s arms, up his neck, and grabbed his thick hair tightly.

He hissed into my mouth and kissed me with the hunger of a man starving. His tongue plunged between my parted lips and danced with my own. His hands had somehow made their way to my behind, and he wasted promptly zero seconds in palming and squeezing it to the point of pain.

He didn’t stop there; he ran his hands up my back, neck, and buried them in my hair. When he pulled it, as I had done to his, my mouth opened on a gasp, and he used that moment to snag my lower lip with his teeth. I groaned when he sucked my lip into his mouth and hummed.

His hands slid back down to my arse, and then, suddenly, my back was pressed against a tool trolley. I moaned, and upon hearing that sound, Damien broke our kiss, placed his lips by my ear, and growled, “Now, I can talk to you.”

He stepped back away from me, and it was only then I realised I was trembling, and my body ached with need. My chest, like Damien’s, was rising and falling rapidly. I lifted my hands to my thoroughly kiss-swollen lips, and my fingers lingered for a moment before I dropped my arm to my side. I stared at his bruised eye, and I couldn’t believe how sexy he looked with it.