“No, I’m not,” Ash answered almost instantly. “I won’t lie to you, I thought about it when I found out how bad things were between you both. She is incredible and I see that, even if you don’t.”

“I do see it,” Ryder spat. “No one comes close to her, you think I’d ask this of you if I didn’t know how amazing she is? I fucking know!”

What was he asking of Ash?

“Are you confident she knows that you think that of her?” Ash quizzed. “Because I’m not sure.”

“She does know, things have changed between us, and if she doesn’t know, I’ll fucking remind her every damn day!” Ryder stated.

“Good,” Ash quipped. “Because I want to see her happy, and she won’t be unless she is with you. I don’t know why, but that woman loves you something fierce and I think you’re a fucking idiot for risking your relationship with her in the first place.”

“I was a fucking idiot,” Ryder agreed, “but that has changed, too. I love Branna, and that has never been a question for me, and I’ll make sure it will never be a question for her ever again.”

My lower lip wobbled.

“Look, Ash, you seem like a nice guy, and I respect your friendship with Branna, but if you ever over step the line I’ve drawn, I’ll break you. Okay?”

I peeked around the corner and saw Ash blink at least ten times before he said, “Okay.”

Ryder smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. “Great, happy we settled that.”

Ash looked at Ryder with a what-the-fuck-is-happening look, and it made me want to burst into laughter.

“What’s goin’ on here?” I asked when I rounded the corner.

Both men turned their attention to me.

“Nothing,” Ryder smiled and stepped away from my friend. “I was just introducing myself to Ash while I waited for you to finish up.”


“Oh, okay,” I said, staring at them warily. “I’ll get me stuff.”

“Hey,” Ryder said and caught my arm.

I smiled. “Hi.”

“I love you,” he said then kissed my cheek.

My heart did a summersault.

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

He winked and let me go as I walked into the break room and put on my coat. I buttoned it up then hooked my bag over my shoulder. Ash entered the room and grabbed his stuff too, but he was stiff.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“He just Rocky three’d me.”

I raised my brows. “Excuse me?”

“Ryder,” Ash clarified. “He said he’ll break me, and Ivan says that to Rocky in Rocky III.”

I tried and failed not to smile.

“He won’t break you—”

“I know that because from now on I’m standing at least five feet away from you at all times.”

With that said he took a few hefty steps backwards making me laugh.

“For the love of God it’s never, and will never, be like that between us and you know that. We’re friends.”

Ash nodded in agreement. “I know that, you know that, but everyone else seems to doubt it. I don’t know why though, I flirt with everyone. Sally has more chance of getting a seeing to by me than you do. You’re like my very hot sister.”

My laughter was loud, and joyous.

When we walked back out front, Sally and Jada walked down the hallway, greeted us then went and put their things in the break room before coming out and taking their seats behind the station. They had just come on shift, which meant Ash and I could leave and go home.

“Where is Ryder?” I asked Ash.

When he didn’t respond I looked at him and saw he held a cardboard box. I stared at it for a moment, then looked to his grinning face and eyed him.

“Is that what Ryder gave to you?” I asked Ash.

He instantly burst out laughing.

“You’re such a nosey git, I’m not even surprised you eavesdropped!”

I fought off a smile and said, “Spit it out. He is gone when he is supposed to bring me home and he asked you to take care of somethin’? What?”

Ash continued to smile. “I’ll tell you, and give this to you now to hold, but first I just want you to know that you’re right.”

I blinked. “About what?”

“When you told me you were giving Ryder another chance, I was hard on you. After you were attacked and put through your ordeal, I worried you were making a rash decision, but you haven’t. I see what you see. He is loyal to you, and knows your worth.”

“You really think so?”

“Of course,”Ash nodded. “You’re his Adrian.”

That was possibly the sweetest thing I have ever heard.

I shook my head. “I feel like your theme song should be Eye of the Tiger.”

“It is now!”

I chuckled, but my eyes suddenly welled up with tears, but I quickly wiped them away before they fell.

“You’re already a hormonal mess,” Ash teased.

“Bite me,” I quipped, but had a smile on my face when I said it.

Ash pushed the cardboard box towards me, and said, “Read the card that’s stuck to the box, but don’t open the box. If you try, I’ll take it back from you.”

“Uh, okay.”

I placed the box on the nurses station, pulled the card off, opened it and began reading.

Don’t cry.

I repeated the thought over and over as I read Ryder’s note. I was so happy that I could have let myself cry for days, but I didn’t want to do that. I didn’t want to cry anymore, not even if it was happy tears. It was hard though, because his message made me giddy with excitement. I scanned my eyes over the words he wrote one more time, and did a little happy dance.


I love you, and I’m going to prove it to you all over again. Ash is going to bring you to me so follow his every instruction. Don’t give him a hard time, okay? He’s helping me out.

All my love,

Ryder xxx

“What is goin’ on?” I asked my friend.”

Ash smiled as he said, “I have strict instructions for you to hold the box, but do not open it. You’re to come with me. No questions and no talking, just follow me.”