“I don’t think I can wait,” I murmured.

Ryder’s entire body tensed. “It’s your call.”

Yeah, it is.

“Now,” I breathed. “I want to feel you. All of you.”

“Fuck. Yes.”

He kissed me then, and a few moments passed by before many throats were cleared.

“Uh, guys?” Alec mumbled. “I’m all for you both bumping uglies after such a long drought, but we’re still here. Jax, too.”

At the mentioned of Jax, Ryder and I broke apart in an instant.

“Sorry,” I squeaked.

“What’re you sorry for?”

I looked over my shoulder when my sister spoke, and smiled because she looked beautiful. She would disagree because she was convinced she was an undiscovered species of whale. Being a day shy of forty-two weeks pregnant was apparently no excuse either.

“Nothin’,” I replied. “We’re just talkin’.”

“Is that what you call it?” Keela snickered.

I looked at her grinning face and narrowed my eyes before grinning right back at her.

“Keela said Dominic is sexy!” I quickly stated.

Keela gasped. “You agreed with me!”

Bronagh groaned. “Don’t use any word around me that has sex in it. Sex does this to you”—she pointed at her large round stomach—“and gives you stretch marks!”

“Did you get many?” Keela asked, apprehension to her voice.

She and Alec were trying to get pregnant.

“Yes!” Bronagh almost cried. “On me stomach, boobs and even on me arse. Me fuckin’ arse!”

Dominic opened his mouth to speak, but Bronagh pointed her finger dangerously at him. “Not now,” she warned. “I don’t want to hear it. I’m fat, I have stretch marks, I haven’t seen me feet in weeks, and I forget what regular sex feels like. Don’t annoy me more than I already am.”

Alec looked like he was about to pass out.

“Pregnancy stops you from having sex?” he asked wide-eyed before looking to Keela and saying, “We’re adopting.”

We all laughed.

“It’s only the last few weeks that it’s stopped,” Dominic grumbled. “It hurts her a little so we don’t do it.”

“Why would it hurt?” Kane questioned.

I’ve learned this about the brothers over the last few years—they have no limit on what we converse about, they don’t mind talking about a lot stuff lads normally turn away from.

Everyone looked at me when Kane spoke, and I cleared my throat.

“Lots of different reasons, but there doesn’t have to be a specific one. When a woman is pregnant, there is more blood flow to ‘er entire pelvic region, and that engorgement is sometimes just too uncomfortable durin’ sex. It goes away when the baby is born.”

“Praise Jesus for that at least,” Dominic said. “And for anal.”

The women cringed while the lads snickered.

“Bronagh,” I said. “Chill on the sofa.”

“I can’t, me body is currently experiencin’ some technical difficulties.”

With a raised brow I asked, “What does that mean?”

“It means her ass is sore and she can’t sit down.”

“Dominic!” my sister screeched, horrified.

Alec high-fived his younger brother and said, “My man.”


“You might as well do all the kinky shit now,” Kane mumbled. “After she has the baby all that stuff only happens on rare occasions… like when you get a babysitter.”

I snorted. “Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll find a way.”

“Damn right we will,” Dominic grinned and winked at Bronagh who was shaking her head good-naturedly.

“Change the subject,” my sister said as she eased down onto the sofa next to Dominic who absentmindedly slung his arm over her shoulder.

“Oh,” Keela chirped. “The let’s play ‘Ask Me Anythin’. It’s a game for adults where all questions are appropriate. I’ll start off simple, Alec, who is your celeb crush?”

“Mila Kunis,” he replied almost instantly.

“Mine is Chris Evans,” Keela chirped.

“I know which male celeb Alec fancies. It’s Matt Bomer,” Aideen grinned as she entered the room and sat down next to Kane with a sleeping Jax lying on her chest. “I asked him that ages ago.”

Alec nodded. “It’s true, my lust for him was strong.”

Bronagh burst into sudden laughter.

“What’s so funny?” I asked, amused by her outburst.

“When I first met Ryder,” she laughed, placing a hand on her side, “I thought he looked just like Matt Bomer only he was heavily tattooed and now I learn Alec wants to have his dirty way with the lad. He wants to give it to someone who looks like his big brother!”

I laughed and so did everyone else.

“The joke’s on you, Bronagh, because Keela already ruined Matt Bomer for me when she said the exact same thing in the Bahamas. So fuck you very much!”

I doubled over with laughter, while the other girls wheezed for air when their laughter amplified.

“Let’s get off the topic of celeb crushes,” Alec then grumbled.

“Branna,” Keela rasped, calming herself. “Ask one of us a question.”

I thought about it, and since I had a feeling all the questions would be related to sex, I made mine related to it, too.

“Bronagh,” I said, grinning at my sister. “What is your favourite position in bed?”

Dominic looked at his lady, a smirk playing on his lips. Bronagh mulled my question over in her mind then after some serious consideration she said, “Near the wall, so I’m closest to me phone when it’s chargin’.”

I tittered at her answer, then looked to Dominic and burst into laughter. The look of hurt and betrayal was plastered all over his sculpted face.

“Kicking me in the nuts would have been less painful, Bronagh,” he muttered as he stood up and practically dragged himself, and his wounded ego, out of the room.

Bronagh looked at his back then looked to me and frowned before she widened her eyes and asked, “You meant sexual position, didn’t you?”

I nodded, still laughing.

She sighed and shouted, “Doggy style!”

Things were silent for a moment then there was a loud shout.

“I fucking knew it!”

My shoulders shook as I laughed.

“Why do you bait him like that?” Bronagh asked, a smile twitching at her lips.

I shrugged. “It amuses me.”

“You’re a sick woman,” she growled. “Being on morphine when you were in the hospital has messed with your mind, it’s wiped away all your niceness.”

I continued to laugh.

“Dominic, come back,” she called out, groaning. “Me back is still sore.”

He re-entered the room as quickly as he left and fell back down next to Bronagh who leaned forward enough for Dominic to slip his hand back behind her so he could rub the base of her spine.