I joyfully laughed, the sound surprising both me, and others around me. I looked forward when I felt many sets of eyes on me, but only one set that caused me to tense up.

His eyes.

We had grown apart, but I could never seem to shake the sensation that came over me when he looked at me. The moment his eyes locked onto my body, I became hyper aware of every movement I made.

“Branna?” Ash’s voice called out. “You there, Angel?”

I playfully rolled my eyes.

Ash decided to label me with the nickname ‘Angel’ when the grandfather of one of our patients a few weeks back kept calling me it when he addressed me. I asked him to drop it, but he refused and called me it as often as possible, and it had seemed to stick.

“I’m here,” I replied. “Sorry, just zoned out for a second.”

“No worries,” Ash chirped then lowered his voice. “You won’t believe what happened on the ward today after you went home.”

Ash worked the delivery ward with me, and bar a few extra hours here and there, we had an identical roster. Since he started, I hadn’t been on a shift where he wasn’t there with me. It was like the Health Board knew we would make a good team and lumped us together indefinitely.

“If you tell me the patient in room four that screamed feckin’ murder all day randomly stopped when I walked off the ward, then I’m goin’ to bloody curse her.”

Ash’s deep laughter filled my ear, and it warmed my hurt heart.

“No, she was still screaming when I left... even though she got her epidural and was numb from the waist down.”

I giggled. “There’s always one who goes way overboard.”

Ash grunted. “You’re telling me.”

I chortled. “Go on, tell me what happened.”

“The lady in room one, you know, the hot redhead with the massive tits?”

Ash was brilliant, I silently sighed, but he was still such a man.

I good-naturedly shook my head. “Yeah, what about ‘er?”

“She shit herself as she pushed. Her husband freaked out not knowing what was happening and fainted. As he fell he knocked into the bed and caused shit to literally fly everywhere.”

I leaned onto the arm of the sofa as laughter erupted out of me.

“I swear,” Ash laughed with me. “It was both hilarious and disgusting.”

I wiped under my eyes with my free hand when tears of laughter gathered and threatened to spill over the brim.

“Did she deliver fine? Is the baby okay?” I asked, automatically switching to midwife mode. “And the husband, is he okay?”

“All three are fine. The mother did well, and she had a healthy little boy, but I doubt the husband will step foot on the delivery ward ever again. He made his wife swear to bring her mother with her in the future.”

I continued to laugh. “I bet you all had a right laugh about that.”

“We did,” Ash confirmed. “Sally almost wet herself from laughing after she got the baby cleaned up.”

Sally was the fifty-seven year old mother of the delivery ward. I wasn’t on shift with her very often, but when I was, she cracked me up with tales from her younger days.

I shook my head, smiling joyfully. “I can’t say I’m sorry I missed it. I’ve fifty-three deliveries runnin’ with nothin’ other than regular bodily fluids and a baby poppin’ out.” I blessed myself before I said, “Thank God.”

“You know your first patient on shift tomorrow will shit herself just for that comment?”

“Bite me!” I quipped.

Ash gleefully laughed. “I’ll see you in the morning, but remember I can’t pick you up, okay? I’ve to bring my sister to college on my way into work.”

He usually picked me up on our way to work since I sold my car last year and Ryder always needed his Jeep.

“Yep, no problem, I’ll see you at work.”

I pocketed my phone and yawned before looking to Ryder who was still busy with his phone.

“Do you plan on being here long?” I asked, not looking at his hands in fear I’d take his phone just to see what was so captivating that he couldn’t look away from it.

He glanced at me and shook his head. “You wanna leave now?”

I nodded. “I’m on shift at eight in the mornin’ and wanna go to sleep early.”

Ryder pocketed his phone. “I’ll see if Damien wants a ride back.”

I absentmindedly smiled as I thought about my boy. He helped bring some life back into me when he came home and moved back into the house. He made it—me—feel less empty.

I blinked when Ryder stood up from the chair. He offered me his hand and, for a moment, I was hesitant about putting my hand in his. I shook it off and slid my palm into his large calloused one. I licked my lips when he pulled me to my feet, but frowned when he immediately released my hand and moved past me, heading towards his brothers’. I tried not to let it get me down, but I couldn’t help it. I missed him. I missed being close to him. I missed sex with him. I couldn’t remember the last time we were intimate, and I hated it.

I said goodbye to the girls, the brothers, and winked at Kane as he brought Jax into his room to put him to bed. I congratulated my sister and Dominic on finding out the gender of their baby once more, and followed Ryder out of Aideen’s apartment, down the hallway and into the elevator.

“Dame will be home later,” Ryder said as he hit the button for the ground floor.

The doors closed shut, encasing us together. I felt him look at me, so I kept my eyes dead ahead, making sure my body was tense and non-moving, too.

“Who were you talking to on the phone?” he asked me, his voice so low I barely heard him.

I was a little annoyed that he asked me an invasive question when he never answered any of mine. I wanted to counter with multiple questions of my own, asking where he went every night when he thought I was asleep and why he was on his phone all the time, but I had no energy for a fight. He wouldn’t answer me if I asked anyway; he never did.