I didn’t need to be told twice.

I hugged all my friends and ventured out of the sitting room and down the hallway to my bedroom. I didn’t even change for a nap, I just kicked off my shoes and climbed into bed. I closed my eyes and let my exhaustion take over.

I was out in seconds.

I woke up some time later and found it was dark outside. I pushed myself up as I swung my legs over the side of my bed and just sat there for a few seconds. I groaned when my bladder demanded to be emptied. I rubbed my eyes then stood up and walked out of my room to my bathroom.

After I had relieved myself, I washed my hands in the bathroom sink and dried them with one of the new, soft hand towels I purchased. I left the bathroom and walked back out into the hallway. I listened for any noises—usually Kane would be watching the television or something while I napped, but it didn’t sound like he was here.

He was still mad at me.

I shook my head and walked down to my kitchen. I stepped inside the room and quickly jumped back into the hallway. The cold of the tile floor in the kitchen was a little too much for me so I walked back down to my bedroom and switched the light on so I could find my slippers. I couldn’t see them lying around so I walked over to my wardrobe and pushed open the door then stood back as the rest automatically folded open.

I looked inside for my slippers and spotted them next to a bag.

I glanced at Kane’s gym bag. He brought it with him when he stopped by a few nights ago, but he forgot to take it with him when he left the next day, so I put it into my wardrobe for safe keeping. I forgot all about it because he never mentioned it. But as soon as I saw it, I realised he has worked out in his house and had gone running with Nico and his other brothers plenty since then.

Wouldn’t he have needed his stuff from inside the bag? His runners and such?

Curiosity got the best of me, so I kneeled down on the floor and pulled the bag towards me. I gripped onto the zip and pulled it open. I puffed the sides of the bag out so I could look inside and see the contents. I leaned back a little expecting a foul smell—it was a gym bag after all—but there was no stench. There was no smell at all.

That was weird.

I leaned forward and looked into the bag, but I couldn’t see anything thanks to the shadows from my wardrobe. I scooted back a little and slid the bag along the floor with me. I leaned forward again, and this time when I looked into the bag, I clearly saw the contents. I gasped when saw bundles of money with elastic bands wrapped around them. Not small bills either, it was bundles of five-hundred euro notes. Hundreds of them.

“Oh, my God,” I whispered.

I didn’t flinch when I heard my front door open and close. Nor did I flinch when I heard him call out my name.


I continued to stare down at the money and called out, “In me bedroom.”

I heard his footsteps then—each one brought him closer to me and my discovery.

“Hey, baby. I just wanted to say I’m-” Kane cut himself off when he entered my room, and I knew it was because of what he saw.

He was silent for a few moments then he said, “I have an explanation for that.”

I looked up at him, my eyes burning into his.

“Really? Because I can’t wait to hear it.”

“Well?” I prompted Kane after a minute of silent staring.

He swallowed. “I’m trying to think of the right way to word what I’m going to say.”

“Please, take your time,” I sarcastically hissed.

Kane narrowed his eyes. “I want to explain myself correctly. Just give me a second to figure out how.”

“You mean you want a second to figure out a way to weasel your way out of tellin’ me where the fuck you got all this money from?”

Kane set his jaw. “I’m not going to lie to you, so don’t insinuate that I will.”

Was there a silent ‘or else’ at the end of that sentence?

I ignored Kane’s brewing temper.

“I’m waitin’ on your explanation as to why thousands of euros are sittin’ in me fuckin’ wardrobe like it’s nothin’ more than a pair of cheap shoes.”

“And I’ll give you the explanation if you would give me a fucking second to speak.”

I struggled to my feet and slapped Kane’s hand when he came to my aid.

“I can do it meself,” I snapped and pushed myself upright. “You just talk.”

The muscles in Kane’s jaw rolled back and forth.

“It’s my money. I earned it. End of story.”

Like fuck it was.

“Don’t you fuckin’ dare try to brush this off. Do you see how much money is in that bag?” I bellowed.

Kane’s hands balled into fists. “It’s my money, I know how much is there.”

“Why’re you actin’ like this is normal? It’s not fuckin’ normal!”

He placed his face in his hands. “I don’t want to argue, please.”


“If there was ever a reason to argue it’s because of this, Kane!”

He turned and punched my bedroom door, instantly denting the wood.

“What the fuck do you want from me?”

I didn’t hesitate.

“The truth,” I demanded. “For once just tell me the fuckin’ truth!”

“Why?” Kane screamed causing me to stumble backwards away from him. “Why do you have to know everything about me? Why can’t I have some secrets left that are just for me?”

I pushed the wardrobe door closed and pressed my hand against it. I just needed something to hold onto. “Because I just found a bag of cash in the back of me wardrobe and I want to know where the hell you got it from.”

Kane lifted his hands to his head and ran his fingers through his hair. “It’s my money, okay? Apart from the income from my apartments, I don’t do bank accounts with my money. I never have. I don’t like paper trails. I only deal in cash.”