“You can rub me back because it’s hurtin’ a lot lately.”

“Okay, turn on your side,” Kane murmured.

I did as he asked, but stilled when he moved very close to me. I quickly relaxed and groaned when he pressed his fingers into the base of my spine and rotated them in a circle. “Here?” he asked.

It felt nice, but not nice enough.

I gnawed on my lower lip. “Pull up me top, the material is botherin’ me when you rub.”

Kane mutely pulled up my top and exposed my skin. I felt a little insecure with what I knew he was looking at so I cleared my throat and said, “Sorry about the stretch marks. I tried a few different creams to keep them at bay, but they don’t seem to work on me.”

Kane stilled. “Don’t apologise for what your body is going through because you’re growing my baby. Not ever.”

I flushed when he placed his palm on my soft hip and slid it around to my front where he rubbed over my belly in lazy circles. “Your body is perfect, babydoll, even more so now that you’re swollen with my baby. I love that you look like this because of me.”


I needed to break the sudden rise in temperature in the room.

“Come back to me in a few months when me body is enormous, and I have stretch marks so purple they look like a roadmap to Hell.”

Kane vibrated with laughter then placed a kiss on my still covered shoulder. “Relax, be quiet, and let me rub your pain away.”

The growing, aching pain between my thighs or the one in my back?

I grinned to myself as I exhaled and snuggled deeper into the pillow under my head. I licked my lips when Kane brought his hand back to the base of my spine and rubbed.

“Harder,” I groaned.

Kane brought his head to my shoulder and growled. He dug his fingers into my back and I felt myself go cross-eyed as an amazing but unexpected sensation crashed into my body.

“Yes,” I breathed. “Right there. Harder.”

Kane moved he fingers faster against my skin, and I gasped when hot heat spread throughout my body. I closed my eyes and hummed in delight at the relaxation that spread throughout my body in hot tingles. I was silent and dazed for a few moments until I opened my eyes, and then widened them to the point of pain when I realised what just happened.

Did I just... Did I just?

“Omigod,” I breathed and flung hand over my face. “Oh, my God. I’m so sorry.”

Kane was silent for a moment then he said, “For what?”

Like he didn’t know.

“I’m mortified right now. I didn’t realise I would be able to... to...”

“Come from a back rub?” Kane finished my sentence for me. “Your body is super sensitive, I’m not surprised. Besides I am the man, so you shouldn’t be surprised either.”

Well, I bloody was. I had an orgasm and all he did was knead my back, for Christ’s sake. I was never going to live this down.

“Babydoll, don’t be embarrassed. Not about this. Not with me.”

I huffed, “How can I not? You just rubbed me back and I had an orgasm. A really good one, too.”

Kane nipped my shoulder with his teeth. “This is a pretty proud moment for me. I feel like the king of the world for making you come from just rubbing your back. I took your back pain away and made you feel drunk on an orgasm. Pat on the back for me,” he teased.

I groaned as he rolled me onto my back and froze when he nuzzled his face against the side of mine. “Besides,” he murmured, “it was sexy.”

It was?

“Really?” I whispered.

“Oh, yeah,” he purred. “I felt the moment you let go, babydoll.”

Oh damn, the ache from before was back, and it was pulsing hard between my thighs.

“Stop talkin’ like this,” I pleaded, my voice low.

Kane looked down at my legs and saw the moment I clenched my thighs together. A devilish smirk curved his lips as he looked back to me.

“Why?” he asked, licking his lips. “I can make you feel so good, babydoll. I can rub, and thrust, your pain away. You know I can.”

Oh, God.

“I wanna fuck you during the daylight. I want to see you. Every single inch.”

“Stop it.”

“I’d bet you’d look adorable grasping the sheets of my bed.”

He did not.


“Oh, a preview.” He beamed.

That bastard.

I was going to beg him to touch me if he didn’t stop.

“Kane,” I whispered. “Please.”

“Say yes,” he murmured and brought his lips down to mine, brushing a kiss over them. “Say yes, and I’ll love your body until you can’t see straight. Let me fuck you good, babydoll.”

Oh, damn.

“Yes,” I breathed. “Yes, please.”

Kane growled and took my mouth in his. The kiss was slow, seductive, and perfect. So perfect. I lifted my hands up so I could slide them around his neck, but Kane reached up and caught them both before I could touch him.

“No touching,” he breathed against my mouth.


“Kane, please,” I pleaded. “I need you.”

He smiled, and the action transformed his entire face.

“You have me, babydoll. All of me,” he said then disappeared from my sight.

He moved down the bed, gripped onto the band of my leggings and my underwear, slid them down my legs, and pulled them off my body in one fluid motion. I yelped with surprise and tried to close my legs, but Kane was already between them and stopped my hide-my-vagina reflex from kicking in.

I looked down, but could only see his hair.

It made me laugh.

“What’s funny?” Kane asked.

“Me belly. It’s blockin’ me view of you,” I cackled.

And Branna said I wasn’t that big yet. I called bullshit on that.

“You don’t need to see me, babydoll. Just feel me.”

And feel him, I did.

I fisted the bed sheets around me when he spread me with his fingers, put his tongue on my clit, and sucked. My hips bucked, so he gripped my hips with his strong hands and held me down as he danced around my clit with his talented tongue.